Weight Loss Information

Weight Loss Problems at Their Worst -America is on the Path of Delusion, Depression, and Destruction

Am I missing something here? If I am, someone please email me and tell me. But, the shape of you and every person in America tells me I am not missing the boat at all.

Weight Loss Problems? Are You on the Path of Delusion, Depression, and Destruction?

Are you weighted down with delusion, depression and on the verge of destruction because of your weight?Am I missing something here? If I am someone please email me and tell me. But, the shape of you and America tells me I am not missing the boat at all.

How To Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

"I eat like a bird, why do I gain weight?" When someone says that, I ask them "What kind or a bird a sparrow or a vulture"? Studies showed that there is a direct correlation between a person being inactive and weight gain. Experts say that it is inactivity, not excess eating that can add excess body fat.

Struggling with Weight? - Get a Dog

Just about every one of us struggles with our weight on some sort of level. There are usually two basic factors in weight control.

Weight Loss Forums: Top 5 Reasons To Join An Online Weight Loss Support Group

You and I know that getting plenty of support from friends and family is a key to losing weight successfully. It's just plain fact that if nobody takes notice of your efforts, it is much harder to reach your goals and feel good about yourself.

A Look at Bariatric Surgery Patients

Individuals who are interested in bariatric surgery need to be aware of the ramifications. Although significant weight loss can be achieved with the procedure, patients need to have realistic weight loss expectations.

Carnitine Weight Loss Revealed: Why L-Carnitine Should Be The #1 Weight Loss Drug

Carnitine is simply the safest and healthiest supplement you can use to boost weight loss and energy. So then why isn't it touted by drug companies as a miracle weight loss drug? First of all, it is not a drug, but a natural compound found in meats and all throughout your body.

Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips - Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 6 of 10

Do you know that while you work out the muscles are being torn down verses being built up? This sounds illogical doesn't it? You would think that you are doing the opposite? Well, over time this is true, yet in the short term it is different. This is why I encourage you to eat a balanced diet to replace all the fuel used in the workouts.

I Lost the Weight So Why Am I So Miserable?

I was overweight at my age. It's not a pretty sight, but it's also not the center of my universe, either.

Diet Tips for Weight Loss: Free Diet Tips Which You Cant Afford to Miss! (Part 2)

Obesity is a disease that is not caused by a bacteria or virus but a person's own eating habits. It is a disease which is very easy to get rid off just by changing your food habits.

Diet Tips for Weight Loss: Free Diet Tips Which You Cant Afford to Miss!

Obesity is a disease that is not caused by a bacteria or virus but a person's own eating habits. It is a disease which is very easy to get rid of just by changing your food habits.

Bodybuilding Weightloss Trouble-Shooter

"Help, none of this mainstream stuff works!"There is a specific reason you are not making progress with your bodybuilding weightloss and we're going to find it.Take a look below and see if any of these bodybuilding weightloss blunders look familiar?Snacking?no problem here if its nuts or fruit during the day or around workout time - but if its getting late and you are still looking high and low for some tasty snacks it means you are taking in extra calories just at the wrong time.

Bodybuilding Weightloss Diet Tips And Strategies

Just the facts on bodybuilding weightloss strategies that work. No fluff or filler here.

Bodybuilding Weightloss Exercise Tips and Strategies

Welcome to bodybuilding weightloss exercise tips!This is the engine room of your assault on fat?making a few easy changes to your routine is going to make all the difference to your bodyfat levels in less time than you might think.In the past you may have tried to lose weight? This time is going to be different.

Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips - Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 5 of 10

Have you ever seen an overweight rock climber or yoga instructor? Why? Single out some one in the gym who is lean and healthy and there's a good chance they have good circulation throughout their body. People who have good circulation tend to have good stretchablity.

How Much Will A Tummy Tuck Really Cost?

The cost of a tummy tuck is something to consider when making your ultimate decision. The fees vary and depend on the type of surgery performed, geographic location, hospital and anesthesia fees and other costs.

The History of Tumescent Liposuction

Liposuction is also referred to as lipoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy and liposculpture. It is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery today.

Lose the Weight for GOOD - Nothing to Lose or EVERYTHING to Lose?

Some of you will not like what I'm going to say, even though it is the truth. That may be where the issue of America's health problems lies.

Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips - Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 4 of 10

Which is easier to do - turn a car's steering wheel while sitting still in the driveway or when it is speeding down the highway? Sure, the answer is simple..

Weight Loss for Good - The 80/20 Rule!

Have you ever thought, "I just can not seem to get motivated anymore to workout. I just don't understand why I have not lost a pound in two months.

Weight Loss for Life - How to Overcome Speed Bumps!

Yesterday evening my computer hard drive crashed. Resulting in the loss of at least six months worth of hard work.

Fat Burning Secrets For Cardio Workouts

Lets face it, most of us live pretty busy lives and the amount of time spent exercising does eat up what little free time a lot of us have. I don't like to waste my free time anymore than anyone else so if I am going to use it up on an activity, I feel the rewards of the activity should out way the cost.

Weight Loss/Control Glossary of Terms

A Little Help With Some Difficult terms------------------------------------------ Aerobic Exercise. Any activity involving large muscles, done for an extended period of time.

Weight Loss and Water: The Unknown Secret

Weight Loss and Water: A Way to Make Your Body Shed Pounds Fast and Keep Them Off!Almost everyone reading this -- even the skinniest -- think they should lose weight. And Americans are almost obsessed with weight loss.

The Cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery

The cost of gastric bypass surgery and other bariatric surgical procedures are high averaging between $20,000 and $35,000. Many insurance companies are beginning to see obesity as a serious health disorder, however, and have begun to cover some of the cost of gastric bypass surgery.

A Look at Bariatric Surgery Complications

Although many patients have few problems after bariatric surgery, there is the potential for complications, both small and large, just as there is with any surgical procedure. Minor complications can include dietary intolerance, hair loss, dry skin, menstrual irregularities, or pain.

What Diet Plan Is Best For Losing Weight?

The answer to the title of this article is "none." That's right, no diet plan on its own is very effective for permanent weight loss.

Setting Morning Intentions For Success

Ever heard of the expression, "Getting up on the wrong side of the bed?" Many people have less than idealistic starts to their day. The alarm goes off, the snooze button gets thwacked several times and something gets grumbled about it being too early.

Healthy and Fast Weight Loss: Ephedra - Why the FDA Couldnt Keep Their Ban On It?

Why was the FDA trying to hide the facts about Ephedra from YOU?In April 2004 the FDA removed ephedra from the market claiming that it was responsible for dozens of deaths. The legal battle between the FDA and health officials began when the health officials became unhappy with the FDA's decision to ban ephedra.

Ancient Secret for Weight Loss

"THE SECRET REMEDY OF THE ANCIENT WARRIORS"Since what would seem to be the beginning to most, there has excised an all natural elixir that warrior tribes and armies have used in healing throughout the ages. What's now being called mother nature's perfect food? Apple cider vinegar has proven the test of time.

Conventional Dieting Wisdom That Works for WLS Patients

In many cases conventional dieting wisdom simply doesn't work for gastric bypass weight loss surgery patients. Surgery changes the rules.

After WLS: How To Avoid Mourning The Loss of Food

A frequent question brand-new gastric bypass patients ask is "How do you deal with the loss of food?"In the first few weeks out of surgery when patients can only eat is Jell-O or protein shakes or broth patients frequently report grieving for food. After all, food is a beloved friend of the morbidly obese.

Lost Weight with Gastric Bypass? Hints for Great After Pictures

I clearly remember how much I loathed having my picture taken when I was morbidly obese. Actually, I didn't mind having the picture taken, it was seeing the picture of the sad fat lady that bothered me.

Weight Loss Surgery May Add Years to Life

Stomach-Stapling Surgery------------There's no doubt that stomach-stapling surgery leads to dramatic weight loss. But new research shows that the procedure might also add years to life.

Walk Your Way to Weight Loss

"The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises walking is the best." Thomas JeffersonThe problem of obesity is growing (pardon the pun) in America and it doesn't appear that dieting alone is helping people with their weight loss goals.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #9

WAHOO!!! for YOU!! You are the most AWESOME person alive!! Stand up and repeat after me. Come on, get up and feel the presence of God all around you.

A Before and After Look at Tummy Tucks

If you have a protruding abdomen, loose skin as a result of weight loss or childbirth, if despite your best efforts at diet and exercise, you just can't seem to tighten those abs, a tummy tuck may be a good option for you. What can you expect from a tummy tuck, before and after? The process will vary depending on the health of the patient and the type of procedure performed.

Dieting Effects - Diet Pills

When it comes to our weight and the appearance of our bodies, most of us are concerned about one thing or another. We have a hard time fitting into our clothes and we want to do something about it.

Fat Loss Exercise Strategies

How many calories you consume has a big impact on fat loss or gain. If you eat more calories than your body is able to burn will result in weight gain.

Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Live Longer

If all we have to do is exercise to live a fuller and healthier life then why isn't everybody doing it? Not enough time? Too expensive? Unmotivated? Well the fact is everybody wants to be healthier but it is time consuming and expensive. Or is it? The problem is that an individual's health is not given a high priority until it's gone.

Lose Fats - Gain Confidence when You Lose Weight

"How do I lose 5 kg or 30 kg?""How do I gain some muscles and tone up sexily?"It is simple. Yes, you heard it right, it is simple.

Lose Fat and Retain Muscle By Getting In Touch With Hunger

"Unless that apple tastes like the best apple you've ever tasted in your life, unless that treat or slight deviation in your diet tastes like a dish prepared by a professional chef - you ain't doing it right?unless you are always on the brink of hunger - hunger so deep and intense that eating a single piece of fruit or having a bagel with a hint of jelly is a transcendental taste experience, than you need to redouble your diet effort. There comes a point in deep dieting where the slightest stray from your day to day eating routine results in what I'd call, amplified taste.

Whole Grains Prevent Weight Gain

Research from Harvard, recently published in the highly respected peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has now proven that women who eat the most whole grains lose more weight and maintain that weight loss better than women who eat the least amount of whole grains.In a twelve year study of over 74,000 nurses, ages 38 to 63, the researchers discovered that women who ate the most whole grain foods weighed less than those who ate the least.

Reduce And Lose Your Weight With Fats

REDUCE YOUR WEIGHTNow you are not very far from losing your excess fats and unwanted weight. You know to get something you usually have to lose anything and in this case to get success you are going to lose your weight and I hope you would like to lose it.

The #1 Key to Weight Loss - What You DON'T Want to Know and Most Won't Tell You!

You may not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American's health problems lies.

Coris Creations - Salmon Burger Atop Veggies

There's nothing more fun then being creative with food and eating healthy at the same time. I had bought frozen salmon burgers to just keep in the freezer for a quick, easy meal.

Dieting Effects - Alcohol

Dieting presents many complications if you are not fully committed to changing your lifestyle. Many people are more than willing to pick the parts of the diet that they are comfortable with, only to hang onto the bad habits that got them there in the first place.

LA Weight Loss Secrets - High Profile Personal Trainer Shares the Magic Formula!

In the early nineties I had the opportunity to work with some of the most famous movie stars in the world. As a manager and personal trainer for Kathy Smith and her health club, I experienced first hand the secrets to the stars.

Weight Loss Advice - What Makes a GREAT Personal Trainer?

If you are trying to lose weight you may find from time to time you need some encouragement, guidance and accountability. You can find this in friends, but on occasion you will need some extra help by seeking the advice of a personal trainer.

The Folly of Diet Recipes

Have you ever wondered why diet books always seem to have a section of recipes?Apart from the desire to make the book look larger and therefore more worthwhile, why should we be so interested in studying foods and ways to serve it when we are trying to avoid it as much as possible?It is inconceivable that we have reached adulthood without the basic skills to boil, bake, steam, or roast our food.We all know that these are the only low fat methods we should be using on any diet.

Results Not Typical

I had 14 weight/health-oriented newsletters in my inbox this morning. (Subscribe to one or two lists and they will multiply -- the rabbits of the Internet!)Several contained testimonials from rabid fans of their particular diet program.

Look On Aisle 5

Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time you spend in each section of the supermarket?Apart from the non-food areas of drug store supplies, rubber goods, and diapers, most stores have about 10 distinct food areas: produce, dairy, meat, ethnic foods and pasta, canned foods, prepared foods, drinks, frozen foods, snacks, and deli.The areas where most of our intake should focus, if we are watching our weight and our health, are always on the edges, against the wall: produce, meat, dairy.

Emotional Eating

Yesterday, out of the blue, without any foreboding gossip or rumor, the company I work for was taken over by a competitor. All afternoon we sat stunned and unnaturally quiet, trying to absorb what had happened and what it might mean to our future.

Bye-Bye Bread

I don't know about you, but I absolutely love bread - not the soft, fluffy, rubber stuff sold as an edible napkin, but the scrunchy, chewy, whole grain staff of life bread. I can pass by decorated cakes without a twinge and eyeball ice cream as if were something alien and unappealing.

Is There a New Fat Loss Miracle on the Horizon?

For the past several years one subject has been coming up quite often and has really started to be quite a hot topic. The subject is a fat known as CLA which stands for Conjugated Linoleic Acid.

Ephedra - 101

What is ephedra? Ephedra, which is also known as Ma Huang, is a 5000 years old natural remedy. It grows mainly in Mongolia and the bordering regions of China.

Lose Weight and Burn Fat with One Simple Eating Principle

Fifteen years ago the doctor's suggested that we eat pasta as a good healthy food. They also thought we would possibly lose some weight by doing so.

Movie Star Weight Loss Secrets - Kathy Smiths Former Personal Trainer Speaks Out!

In the early nineties I had the opportunity to work with some of the most famous movie stars in the world. As a manager and personal trainer for Kathy Smith and her health club, I experienced first hand the secrets to the stars.

Weight Loss Efficiency - 10 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Gym Workout!

My name is Greg Ryan. I am a high profile fitness expert, champion bodybuilder and best selling author.

Hypnotize the Pounds Away: Weight Loss Motivation Through Hypnosis

Many individuals these days, male or female, young or old, are struggling with weight management. Concerns with rising cases obesity are no longer based upon a Hollywood conception of what is the appropriate body size.

Reading Labels

Reading labels is an essential part of any weight loss program. Being able to clearly identify key components of a food item is vital to the success of your diet.

Smarter Eating

Dieting doesn't have to be a chore. Actually, you can eat what you like and still cut the pounds.

Six Steps to Weight Loss Success

What does it take to lose weight?When it comes to losing weight there is so much conflicting information out there that a lot of people just are not sure where to begin. There is an old saying that states "if you want learn how to get rich then hang out with rich people" Well, that old saying can also be applied if you want to lose weight.

98 Percent of Dieters Fail: A Sensible Lifestyle is the Answer

What the Diet Industry Does Not Want You To Know: 98 Percent of Dieters Fail. 98 Percent of dieters either quit the diet or are not able to keep the weight off permanently.

What are the Benefits of the Low-carb Diet?

Are you one of those who hate dieting? Well, you are not alone, almost all of us hate the deprivation from food that dieting brings to us. Aside from the fact that our parents raise us to believe that food intake is necessary to keep us energetic, especially carbohydrates.

More Resources

Diet Pills - Do They Work? Are They Safe? Which One Should I Use?
Diet Pills are the fastest growing segment of the dietary supplement industry. Sales of diet pills and related supplements have been increasing 10 to 20 percent annually to the point where last year they reached $2 billion.
To Lose Weight or Not to Lose Weight... A Guideline for Men!
To begin this article I must start with it's conclusion.The decision for a woman to lose her extra childbearing weight is between her doctor and herself.
The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work
Let's face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account.First, dieting is a huge industry.
Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips - Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 4 of 10
Which is easier to do - turn a car's steering wheel while sitting still in the driveway or when it is speeding down the highway? Sure, the answer is simple..
Half of our Nation is Overweight!
Experts say obesity will overtake smoking as the biggest health problem of the decade. They are predicting a quarter of the population will be suffering from weight related diabetes by 2013.
Coconut Oil Diets
Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier.
Plan Your Way to Weight Loss Success
Like millions of men and women, I started resolving to exercise more and lose the weight for good. Months later, I haven't been to the gym any more frequently than last time I resolved to lose weight and exercise.
Weight Loss Pills: Miracle Drugs or Money Wasters?
Losing weight is a lifelong commitment. It takes patience and self-discipline to stick with a weight loss program and wait for the end results.
How Dance Dance Revolution is Getting Kids Off the Couch
Are you concerned about the lack of exercise your child is getting?Would you like to see them up and moving instead of sitting around so much?Dance Dance revolution is the lastest dance craze that is a fun and addictive way to help your child get get up and move without realizes they are even exercising.Our kids health and fitness is more important today than ever before since video games, tv and computers are turning our kids into couch potatoes.
Childhood Obesity Is Everyones Problem
Reducing childhood obesity in the U.S.
The Diet Debate Ended
Which diet is the best? ALL of them and NONE of them.I am going to let you in on a little secret.
Holiday Wearing A Weight Loss Halo
You may have read the old stories about how much weight people put on during the holidays. Well, not surprisingly, those stories are at least partially true.
Health Secrets of Cayenne
For many years, herbalists believe that Cayenne is the most useful herb on the entire planet. It's especially significant in the health aid of the entire digestive and circulatory system.
Lose Weight - Diet Tips For Fast Weight Loss
Looking to lose weight quickly? The good news is that it's possible. The bad news is that fad diets and quick fixes have a tendency to not last.
Myth: Gastric Bypass Patients Can Never Be Nutritionally Healthy
A common claim from gastric bypass detractors is that after surgery patients can never be nutritionally healthy and they must take daily vitamin supplements just to survive.It is a mistaken notion that weight loss surgery patients cannot lead a nutritionally sound life.
Lose Weight the Healthy Way
It's definitely no fun to lose weight -- put it back on, lose weight, put it back on, and so on. Just as you learn the rules of a new diet, you find yourself trying to get around them.
Why Isnt My Diet Working?
Have you been on a new diet for a couple of weeks and found that you STILL can't lose weight? Have you actually GAINED a pound or two since you've been on it? Are you just about ready to throw this diet out the window and try something else? Well, hold on a minute. There might be something else going on that's preventing your diet from working.
Secrets Of Weight Loss
One thing's for sure, in this day & age, if you're wanting to lose weight you can be excited and discouraged before you even start down the path. You're excited because you've made the decision, which is the first step, and you know you're willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
7 Keys for Reducing Calories While Eating Out
Here are seven tips for getting the calories out of restaurant meals while still ordering your favorites.1.
Slowing Down Can Help You Lose Weight Faster
Running For Weight Loss??.Slow DownYou may be out running your fat burning hormonesSo you've loved running since your track days of high school.

More Weight Loss Information:

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Simply Weight Loss -- Losing Weight is Easy if You Stop Dieting
In theory, if you're starving, exercising less helps conserve energy. But obviously you're going to place finding food and eating at the top of your to do list.
Weight Loss Story -- What Did I Do Wrong?
Two basic approaches to losing weight; one approach is correct and the other is wrong. Which approach do you think we consistently choose? Yep.
How Dance Dance Revolution is Getting Kids Off the Couch
Are you concerned about the lack of exercise your child is getting?Would you like to see them up and moving instead of sitting around so much?Dance Dance revolution is the lastest dance craze that is a fun and addictive way to help your child get get up and move without realizes they are even exercising.Our kids health and fitness is more important today than ever before since video games, tv and computers are turning our kids into couch potatoes.
Six Steps to Weight Loss Success
What does it take to lose weight?When it comes to losing weight there is so much conflicting information out there that a lot of people just are not sure where to begin. There is an old saying that states "if you want learn how to get rich then hang out with rich people" Well, that old saying can also be applied if you want to lose weight.
The Low Carb Craze and Other Dieting Mistakes
Dear BMTers,Low carb this and low carb that?that's all you hear nowadays. Kinda reminds me of something that was the craze a few years ago?The Low or No Fat Craze?Can you remember where that got us? Still Fat!!!Well my friends this Low Carb Craze is going to bring us to the same exact place?Yep?Still Fat!Listen, anyone who tries Low carb dieting will experience some Short Term success?but it's only short term.
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Walk Your Way to Weight Loss
"The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises walking is the best." Thomas JeffersonThe problem of obesity is growing (pardon the pun) in America and it doesn't appear that dieting alone is helping people with their weight loss goals.
Confessions From A Fat Doctor
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How To Be A Big Fat Loser In 2005
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Dieting and Exercising - Results all the time!
Dieting and Exercising - Results all the time!To be successful in keeping to an exercise program, you going to have to define results. Results for most mean weight on a scale, a dress size, the number of pounds on a bench press, and your waist size.
A Warning of the Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery involves stapling the stomach to make it smaller and reattaching the small intestine to bypass a portion responsible for the majority of calorie and nutrient absorption.The procedure is only available to the morbidly obese (more than 100 pounds overweight) who have been obese for more than 5 years and shown a serious effort to lose their excess weight through not surgical methods such as diet and exercise.
Which is Better? Exercise or Dieting?
If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. A recent national study was done using two groups of sedentary men, one group in their 20's and the other over age 65.
Glycemic Index: A Magic Weight Loss Solution or a Soap Bubble Ready to Burst?
Glycemic index ranks different carbohydrate foods depending on their potential to raise blood glucose levels.The ranking is on a scale from 0 to 100.
High Carb & Low Carb Diets: How To Avoid The Dangers
There's a two hundred year history of people prescribing both high and low carb diets for weight loss. So how does one choose? One factor you should consider is the dangers associated with each diet.
Weight Loss Doesnt Work
Your brain has this really interesting system that is kind of like a search engine on the internet. It is called your RAS for short.
Weight Loss - Its in Your Head
When you truly consider the weight-loss process, the battle waged is mostly in your mind. "Should I eat the corn muffin with butter or would it be better for me to have margarine or better yet, have jelly? What am I doing eating this muffin anyway? It's so caloric and filled with saturated fat.
The Key To Successful Weight Loss - Balancing Blood Sugar Levels
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Abs: How to Get a Sexy Six Pack?
There are many factors responsible for abdominal fat like processed food, refined sugar, lack of exercise etc.But the following two invisible factors are mainly responsible for abdominal fat deposits.
What Obesity Debate?
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