Weight Loss Information

Co-Dependency and Food: Trying to Fill the Void

Nice girls don't speak up. Nice girls take care of and support others.

Weight Loss Can Be Achieved In As Little As 5 Days By Increasing Your Metabolism

One-size-fits-all diets don't work..

Does Lipoxinol Really Work?

Lipoxinol Weight Loss Review: Does Lipoxinol Live Up To All Of The Hype?Lipoxinol is one of the most popular weight loss products to hit the market recently-probably due to the fact it was positively featured on a popular tv news magazine show.Is Lipoxinol really that good? Can it work for you? Let's try and get some answers to those questions by taking a close look at the Lipoxinol formula and it's base of ingredients.

Playing Games Does Not Help Your Weight Loss Efforts

Have you ever wondered why some fat people can be playing tennis, swimming and jogging often, yet they never lose weight?Many overweight people began playing tennis, walking, running or swimming because they were told that these activities are aerobic and therefore, beneficial to weight loss.So, is it really true that aerobic activities promote weight loss?Technically it is true that aerobic programmes do help.

Healthy Hydration

Water is an essential component of the human body and is critical to successful weight loss and exercising. Yet many people don't understand the importance of staying well-hydrated and what it takes to stay that way.

Buyer Beware: Purchasing Fat Burners and Other Supplements Online

Each month I receive hundreds of e-mails from consumers who have been bilked outof their hard earned dollars by unscrupulous supplement / fat burner manufacturers. Manufacturers who have added them to monthly recurring billingcycles without their permission.

Five Serious Dangers of Low Carbohydrate Diets

CancerCoronary heart diseaseStrokeOsteoporosisMajor Depression from Brain StarvationHeadlines.WASHINGTON, Jun 22, 2004 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- A coalition of nutrition, public health and consumer groups is calling on U.

Low Carb Beer: Not So Skinny

Low carb beer and lite beer are two different animals. Both feature lower calories and both are ostensibly for weight loss.

For All Walks of Life

Why Walking Could Be the Solution to Your Fitness Dilemma.Walk, don't run, to your local fitness store and try on a pair of walking shoes.

How To Measure Body Fat

When it all comes down to losing or gaining weight, most people turn to the scales to determine how much they should lose or gain to have the weight or the shape that they desire.However, health experts said weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because it does not distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body mass or muscle.

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Weighing The Risks of Obesity Weight Loss Surgery

RISING POPULARITYGastric bypass surgery has become a popular surgical procedure in the last 5 years as a radical option for clinically obese patients to manage weight loss. During this time several notable celebrities have undergone this procedure such as Carnie Wilson, Al Roker, ? and ?.

Best Weight Loss Strategy

If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. A recent national study was done using two groups of sedentary men, one group in their 20's and the other over age 65.

Burn Fat Not Sugar!

You are going to be pleasantly surprised! Most people think that in order to lose weight you have to do strenuous exercise, continuously, and lots of it! Well, Guess what? NOT TRUE!I know you are thinking? That's crazy! It doesn't make any sense! I thought the same thing, when I first heard this. But it all comes down to understanding how your body works.

How to Lose Belly Fat: Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 1

In this series of articles, you will learn exactly how to lose belly fat, using 10 proven techniques from medical studies and laboratories around the world.Abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, or belly fat, is not just a matter of vanity anymore.

Eat Healthy for Life

Let's not talk about diets. Diets are punishment - like being sent to bed without dinner.

Eating Healthy Diet Tips

Some (not so) Silly Diet Tips and Why They're NotAt first glance some of these diet tips may seem downright silly. You may find yourself thinking, "That's couldn't possibly make enough of a difference.

Sweet Low Carb Foods - How Do They Do That?

If you're a low carb diet enthusiast, you've probably tried some of those tasty low carbohydrate bars, candies or maybe even broke down and baked a loaf of that really easy to make and great tasting low carb banana bread.And after getting your head around the concept of 'net carbs', you may still be wondering what are those sweeteners listed on the labels, such as mannitol, maltitol, sorbitol and others, and how they fit into your Atkins, Protein Power, South Beach or other diets.

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

Healthy eating has become part of your life, but you're still 10 or less pounds short of your goal weight. Don't worry.

Supersizing America

For some of us, food is warmth and love. We associate it with home and childhood: tempting smells that greeted us after school on a cold December afternoon.

Winter Weight Loss Magic

If winter hibernation tends to pack on the pounds, take heart. There are some simple steps you can take this winter to prevent yourself from gaining weight.

Lasting Weight Loss: No Discipline Required

"I'd love to lose weight, but I don't have the discipline."If I had to lose weight the way the diet mongers say we need to, I'd never lose an ounce.

No Low Carb Diet Progress? Sleep In To Get Thin!

If your low carb diet is going nowhere, maybe its time to get more sleep. In a paper presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, researchers found that people, who got little sleep, got fat.

Getting Enough Sleep at Night May Just Help You Lose Weight

Eating the right foods and exercising regularly have been the hallmark of most weight management programs for the last 50 years. We are learning more and more about how other lifestyle factors affect weight such as stress, hormones, and other emotional triggers.

The 4 Secrets to Weight Loss Success the Diet Books Don't Tell You

Weight loss plans come in all shapes and sizes. Some are fad diets that are too restrictive to follow more than a couple of weeks, while others are provided by professionals that make customized plans for us.

How To Indulge and Win The Battle of The Bulge During The Holidays: Get Yourself a Buddy

If you are trying to lose weight, the holidays literally are the heaviest time of the year.So how do you eat, drink and be merry while you're counting every single calorie? By getting a buddy who will help you make the right choices bite by bite.

Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat?

Do you know what the words really mean on food labels?In this article, you'll discover everything you need to know about how to interpret food labels and make the right food choices. So what does "fat free" really mean?To be labeled "Fat Free", the food must contain less than ½ gram of fat per serving.

Weight Loss Pills: Miracle Drugs or Money Wasters?

Losing weight is a lifelong commitment. It takes patience and self-discipline to stick with a weight loss program and wait for the end results.

Will I get faster results with a Personal Trainer?

If you pick the right personal trainer?you'll most definitely see faster results. If the personal trainer is registered with a governing body, it's likely the personal trainer would have gone through the proper training and education process.

Simple Plans for Social Eating and Travel

It's one thing to stick with your diet regimen when you're at home, in control of the contents of your refrigerator and your portion sizes. But what about going out to dinner with friends? Worse, how do you stay on track when your dream vacation has you seated by the dessert cart at every meal?Eating right when you're out of your comfort zone can actually be easier than when you are at home, so long as you think smart and plan ahead.

The Diet Debate Ended

Which diet is the best? ALL of them and NONE of them.I am going to let you in on a little secret.

The Big FAT Lie

Over two thirds of Americans are over weight, and half of them are considered obese. Most of the remaining third of Americans are concerned about becoming overweight! While we are obsessed with avoiding food that is high in fat, America has the dubious distinction of its population having the highest percentage of overweight people of any nation in the world! England is number two!One of the most common and harmful misunderstandings is the misinformation (lie) that we are fat because we eat too much fat.

The Low Carb Diet F.A.Q.

When most people think of low carb diets they automatically think Atkins. For obvious reasons.

The Great 8 Eating Tips for Fast Weight Loss @ Body Perfect Fitness

Low Carb, Low Fat, More protein, Eat all the fat you want..

Is Your Goal Really Weight Loss?

Are you ashamed of your weight? Do you have a goal weight that you want to reach through weight loss? I'd say so, it's been pushed into our brains many times over and over again that "weight loss" is what we want to accomplish. There are weight loss guides, weight loss supplements, and many other things that push "weight loss".

The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work

Let's face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account.First, dieting is a huge industry.

Overweight? - 5 Tips to Enhance Your Sex Drive

You could try one of the many sexual enhancement drugs available today. You could sign up for very expensive workshops and retreats.

Six Super Easy Weight Loss Tips

If you have been trying to lose weight permanently, then these six weight loss tips may be just what you need to kick start your weight loss program. You may have heard some of them before, but if you make them a part of your core goal, you will not have as much difficulty achieving your weight loss goals.

Are Fiber Supplements Fat Burning Food?

If you're taking a fiber supplement or eating a high fiber diet, you may inadvertently be consuming fat burning food.Everyone knows that fiber is something you need in your diet to be healthy, and that primarily it relieves constipation by increasing the bulk in stool to allow easier bowel movements.

7 Power Packed Tips to Help You Lose Weight & Gain Optimal Health

Did you know that what you're eating could be making your body toxic? I mean so toxic to point that your body is unable to metabolize food. These little critters, called parasites, feed off of foods that have sugar and yeast.

I Think I Have an Eating Disorder and Want to Stop

An eating disorder is a life threatening condition that often requires professional assistance and support to overcome. If you think you have an eating disorder it is critical that you seek out the help and support you need to overcome your condition.

Volumetrics Adverse Events - Two Potential Outcomes

Adverse Events with VolumetricsDr. Barbara Rolls is a well respected nutritionist in the United States.

Tips to Help Control Food Cravings

Food cravings can be triggered by various things including low blood sugar, stress, and other emotional triggers. The best way to take control is to understand how to balance your meals and snacks to avoid the traps that trigger food cravings.

Empowerment and Self-Control - What it Really Takes to get Control of your Weight

Chant the following each day, several times. They are mantras that will save your life -- The choice to do nothing is still a choice and yields nothing.

How Music Can Help You Burn More Fat

Browsing one of the Russian websites I have recently found a little article claiming that music can affect our health both improving and worsening it. That sounded very interesting and I decided to research how can music actually affect our well-being.

Getting Through a Weight Loss Plateau

If you are traveling on the path towards wellness you will occasionally hit road blocks in self motivation. There will be times that you will be filled with self doubt and will undoubtedly ponder the question that has left even the most motivated dieter reeling, "How do I get through a weight loss plateau?" Dealing with slow weight loss and plateaus are very frustrating, especially when you have stepped on the scale after a week of doing everything "right"! The best way to surge past a weight loss plateau and avoid any future blocks in self motivation is to use the power of your mind.

Body Composition And Weight Loss: They Are Related!

The world today has more obese and overweight people than any other time in history. The reasons are simple - too much bad foods and not enough exercise and weight training.

Your Metabolism and Fat Loss

If you know someone that has been trying to lose weight and get into shape, you have probably heard words such as, "I just eat one meal a day to lose weight" or "I'm afraid if I eat, I'll gain weight" but sadly, this misnomer is why so many people are in the "battle of the bulge". People all over the world still believe that eating breakfast, or even three meals a day will cause them to gain weight.

5 Easy Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Right Now

Sometimes, just the thought of starting on a diet and fitness regimencan be so overwhelming, we stop before we even give it a shot. Let'snot be overwhelmed then, OK? Instead, let's look at 5 easy ways youcan start down the path to a slimmer, lighter you.

5 Natural Weight Loss Tips For A More Beautiful You

Living a powerful, healthy, fit and trim life is a true goal formany of us. Despite the easy cures in the form of weightloss drugsand dangerous fad diets, there are still plenty of natural, safehabits we can make a part of our daily routine to start us on thispath.

5 Amazing Diet Tips for Powerful Weightloss

Before you try starving yourself or turning to diet drugs in orderto lose weight, take some time to research and discover more naturaland safer methods of reaching your weightloss goals. Here are fivefood and excercise tips that you can get started with today.

5 Diet Pill Free Weightloss Tips For Powerful Living

Before you even think of taking diet pills to lose weight,carefully consider all of your options. There are plenty ofchanges you can make in your daily eating and excercise habitsthat may help you shed the pounds without turning to diet pills.

Revolutionary, Safe, and Clinically Proven Natural Weight Loss

America is in a health care crisis. More than 60 percent of US adults are overweight and 25% are considered obese.

Tighter Tummy and Thinner Thighs

As a Master swimmer I am made painfully aware, each time I compete, of the importance of a strong core, and by that I mean stomach strength. I come away from each competition vowing to do more leg work, lots of legs-only with the kickboard, and for fitness there is really nothing to beat it.

How To Get Slim With Healthy Eating Habits

Many women want to be slim. Maybe you're one of them.

Are Weight Loss Supplements Worth It?

What do you think of the hundreds of weight loss supplements out there on the shelves today? Are they worth the money? Will they actually help you lose weight? How do you know which ones are going to work for you? Is there any proof that these products work?I've taken some time and researched some of the most popular product to try to find the answers for you. The truth is, most products won't help you lose anything but money.

Weight Loss Surgery: Benefits and Risks

You may be considering weight loss surgery if you are overweight or obese. For many people, surgical weight reduction is one of the only viable ways to lose a significant amount of weight and enjoy better health.

Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution

Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution in Your Kitchen ©2003 Marilyn DiamondIf you're like me, you want to see some serious rejuvenation when you look in the mirror. But you're not interested in Botox, chemical peels, micro-dermabrasion, lypo-suction, jaw and cheek implants and all the other pricey, temporary, somewhat invasive "solutions.

The Truth About Losing Fat On Your Stomach

Do you know anybody who does not wish to get rid of the fat on one particular area of their body? I have not met anybody like that!"If I could only get rid of my big belly"! "Oh, I wish my thighs were slimmer"! Does it sound familiar?Even skinny people are often unhappy with the excess fat in some areas of their body. We've all seen those skinny men with huge bellies!This common problem is accompanied by a widespread belief that you can lose the fat on a "problem area" by exercising that particular area.

Forget All About That Calorie Counting Crap And Learn How To Lose Some Weight!

That's a pretty "in your face" statement, but really it's frustrating for me to see and hear all the different admonitions coming at me from sources I am not absolutely convinced have this whole thing nailed down tight.For example, when I'm in the dressing room at the pool, I'll hear discussed all kinds of complicated systems involving a myriad of vitamins and health foods.

Take Control of Your Metabolism:Quick Tips for Increased Muscle Tone, Faster Fat Burning, and Energy

So many people are talking about how slow their metabolism is and why they need to start taking the latest diet supplement scam yet they don't even understand how the human metabolism works. So before I even go into how to speed yours up, I want to first go over some of the basics.

Is Your Ability to Buy Dietary Supplements, Herbal Preparations, and Tonics in Jeopardy in the USA?

When the DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health Education Act) was passed by the USA Congress in 1994 it was a boon to all of us consumers. Finally, we all could buy herbals that had long histories of safe and effective use throughout the world.

Is Low-Carb Really The Way To Go?

The latest trend in the area of weight loss is low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet. With so much conflicting information out there on nutrition and weight loss, it's difficult for the average person to not only find out what works, but also understand how to apply it.

Determine Your Stage and Plot Your Weight Loss Course

We all know that losing weight and improving your overall fitness are things that don't happen overnight. But, did you know in order to be truly successful that important steps need to be taken before you even start a diet or exercise program? The first thing you should do is identify where you fall on the behavioral change spectrum.

Whats Wrong With Dr. Phils Food Plan?

I really like Dr. Phil, so I wanted to like his new book on weight loss.

Walking for Fat Loss?

With obesity and disease increasing dramatically, many fitness experts are recommending walking for weight loss and fitness. Some are even going so far as saying that walking is the best way to burn fat and lose weight.

Eat Fat to Burn Fat

For about 50 years now, Americans have been eating low fat (some no fat) diets and the funny thing is we have gotten progressively fatter and less healthy. Who ever said low fat diets were healthy, and more importantly, why does eating less fat mean you'll be less fat?In attempt to keep this easy to understand, as most of what you read and hear is complicated, confusing, and contradictory, I'm going to be direct, to the point, and explain things in a way that most people can understand.

5 Ways To Make Protein Benefit You

Imagine this ..

Do You Make These South Beach Diet Mistakes?

The South Beach Diet works, for most people. Its low fat, low carb approach helps you lose weight quickly and easily.

How You Can Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight

When I decided to lose weight I of course decided to do as much planning as possible. It seems the older I get the harder it is to do anything without completely planning it out.

Can You Attain Weight Loss While Fasting?

Fasting, when done properly, can be a basic part of a solid weight loss plan. If done correctly it can be a great start to your new way of living.

More Resources

Get Fit By Getting Fat
Getting enough of the good fats will help you lose fat, build muscle, and recover faster from your workouts. In addition, it has myriad health benefits, including being good for your heart.
I Lost the Weight So Why Am I So Miserable?
I was overweight at my age. It's not a pretty sight, but it's also not the center of my universe, either.
A Revolutionary Product Called Hoodia Part 2
The rediscovery of the wealth of the wonder drug Hoodia was a chance occurrence. While scientists were busy searching a cure for HIV/AIDS they found it and the test conducted revealed that the expedition turned out worthwhile.
Are you Making these Weight Loss Mistakes?
There are all kinds of fad diets and quick fixes to weight loss out there. In reality, if you want to lose weight (besides liposuction) there is only one way to do it - that is to burn more calories than you consume.
How We Rescued Our Child from Anorexia, Effecting a Complete Recovery in Just Six Months
In March 2003 our then 13 year old daughter, Helen, was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, at which point she was on the verge of being emaciated. Her BMI was approximately 15.
Is Pain Stopping You From Losing Weight?
If you are overweight and suffer from pain in your feet that radiates from your heel, you are not alone. Almost one quarter of overweight people suffer from plantar fasciitis, a debilitating condition that causes heel pain and can limit a person's ability to walk or exercise.
Atkins Diet Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL) Carbohydrate Ladder
The Atkins low-carb diet consists of four phases: Induction, Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance, and Maintenance. This article focuses on phase II of the Atkins diet, ongoing weight loss, or OWL.
Healing Food Addiction
Hannah was distressed that, with all the inner work she had done on herself, she still found herself binge eating."There are times when I just can't stop eating.
Weight Loss: N Y Millionaire Weight Loss "Secret" Revealed
It is a fact that about 70% Americans are overweight. There may be genetic, social and psychological factors involved in this problem.
Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes that Last - A New Look at New Years Resolutions
Would you run out of fingers, and maybe even toes, if you used them to count your tries at adopting a healthy lifestyle? Many of us would. The reason? Often it's that we need to change how we try to make changes.
Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #6
I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You're embarking on your own journey and you astound me because you want something more, something that surpasses what you currently know.
New Weight Loss Plan -- Resistance Training
My last article, Make Diets Work, concluded that dieting the old way (eating fewer calories) doesn't work. Diet shock, slower metabolism, and eventually, weight regain are inevitable consequences of dieting to lose weight.
How Does Phentermine Work? Learn How To Stop Neurotransmitter Depletion
Why has Phentermine stopped helping me lose weight?Many people are experiencing the same problem you face right now. We're all in the same boat when it comes to being frustrated about Phentermine tolerance.
I Can, I Cant
One common question I receive is, "What do you do for maintenance?" It always takes me by surprise because the concept is alien to me. Maintenance? Granted, when I started this lifestyle, I would have loved to have some "vacation" waiting for me at the end, and I was certainly thinking about how I would "relax things" when I achieved my peak physique.
Obesity, Whats The Big Deal
Nowadays, so much of the public is obese (fat) that it is the"norm". So much so, that we are starting to ignore thisepidemic.
Top 10 Weight Loss and Fitness Myths
WARNING: Don't weight train until after you've lost weight! No, no, no, no, pleeeeease don't believe that headline! That's one of the many myths associated with weight loss and fitness. If you're interested in losing weight and getting fit as quickly as possible, don't let these myths throw you off track;
Gastric Bypass Surgery - How Fast Will I Lose The Weight?
The gastric bypass procedure isn't for everyone, but those who've had it - an you will of heard of the success stories tooted by the marketing wizards and infomercials, the gastric bypass achieves maximum results and starts 'working' right away after surgery. Well it would, since patients are unable to eat more then a few spoon fulls of food per serving!For those that endure this mental torture (I'm kidding, I just can't imagine eating so little with my personal love of food!) weight is lost extremely rapidly.
Pediatric Obesity and Vitamin Deficiency - Developments to Fight Future Disease
Obesity, especially in children, is a matter of rapidly growing concern in the United States. For the first time in decades, we are projecting a decline in life expectancy for the current generation of pre-teens and children! This crisis has attracted the attention of everyone from former president Bill Clinton to the Surgeon General to pediatricians and parents everywhere.
A Soda a Day: How is it Affecting Your Weight?
Many people limit themselves to one soda a day especially those looking for a quick sugar or caffeine boost. However, new research shows that daily soda may be affecting your weight more than you think.
Weigh Loss and your Self Image - Are You Worthy to Feel Better?
Maybe you losing weight comes down to the simple question, "Do you think you are worthy to?"My name is Greg Ryan. For twenty years I have counseled thousands of people on weight loss.

More Weight Loss Information:

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Six Super Easy Weight Loss Tips
If you have been trying to lose weight permanently, then these six weight loss tips may be just what you need to kick start your weight loss program. You may have heard some of them before, but if you make them a part of your core goal, you will not have as much difficulty achieving your weight loss goals.
How Safe Is the Atkins Diet?
The Atkins Diet Seems To Never Go AwayFad diets come and go, but The Atkins Diet, a high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight-loss plan, seems never to go away, no matter how many medical professionals denounce it."Low-carb diets have been linked to increased frequency of colon cancer, formation of kidney stones, kidney disease, and even osteoporosis," says Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Commission for Responsible Medicine, a nonprofit research group based in Washington.
Fat Burning Tips
These fat burning tips can help you discover a fat burning secret that works well. The fat burning process is a matter of proper dieting and the correct exercise and training techniques.
Your Words Affect Your Weight Loss - Stop the Struggle
Are you Telling Yourself It's Too Hard to Lose Weight?Telling yourself you have to "struggle with this weight issue for the rest of my life," is as good as telling yourself there's no point in trying. "Why bother? I'll just gain it right back.
If We Are Eating 99% Fat Free, Why Are We 99% Fat?!
Unfortunately, obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, with over 60% of our population now overweight. We need to take control of this problem NOW.
Heres A Diet That Wont Work
How's this for a diet: Take in fewer calories than you expend and you'll lose weight. I just read another article that suggested this as the sure-fire way to lose weight.
Weight Loss Doesnt Work
Your brain has this really interesting system that is kind of like a search engine on the internet. It is called your RAS for short.
Study Finds Healthy Mouth - Healthy Body Relationship
According to a new study appearing in the American Journal of Periodontology, researchers have found a significant correlation between healthy eating and healthy gums. Specifically, those people who were not overweight, consumed a nutritious diet, and regularly exercised with moderate intensity were 40% less likely to suffer from gum disease.
Dealing with Childhood Obesity
Experts tell us that overweight or obese children have reached epidemic proportions. If you spend your childhood being obese then there is a very good chance you will spend your adulthood being obese.
How Not To Lose Weight
Who really wants to lose weight? None of us, right? How much fun is it to be on a diet, deprived of all you really want and need when there is a McDonald's, Krispy Kreme or Baskin and Robbins right around the corner calling out your name? Learn to love what you've got, get more (and bigger portions) out of life and let all the skinny people fend for themselves! Following is our guide to not losing weight:1. Drive Everywhere You Go.
The Practical Way to Lose Fat
Today's society is about speed. We no longer have to wait for the oven to warm our food because we have microwaves ready to do the work in less time.
Top 10 Weight Loss and Fitness Myths
WARNING: Don't weight train until after you've lost weight! No, no, no, no, pleeeeease don't believe that headline! That's one of the many myths associated with weight loss and fitness. If you're interested in losing weight and getting fit as quickly as possible, don't let these myths throw you off track; Myth #1 - Some fancy exercise machine-of-the-month burns more calories than any other exercise.
Obesity and Weight Loss - Muscle and the Importance of Low Body Fat!
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4 Tips for Fast Fat Loss Part III
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Thirty Hints & Tips to Achievable Weight Loss
Here are some everyday, helpful hints to get you started, keep you going, and help you stick to your diet.1.
Is Pain Stopping You From Losing Weight?
If you are overweight and suffer from pain in your feet that radiates from your heel, you are not alone. Almost one quarter of overweight people suffer from plantar fasciitis, a debilitating condition that causes heel pain and can limit a person's ability to walk or exercise.
When Emotional Eating Becomes an Eating Disorder
More and more people are starting to recognize that they eat in response to emotions and moods. It makes perfect sense! We are subconsciously conditioned that food makes us feel good.
The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight
(But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) 10) No, you won't end up looking like the latest hot young model/singer/actress! Let's face it: your body is your body. It's the only one you've got.
How To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind!
Ah the ever present battle to lose those unwanted pounds. In today's society we are bombarded with weight loss products and programs.