The SKINNY on Radio Advertising

From meager beginnings in 1920, radio has grownwith us to be a major player in advertising. Theradio industry says they get about 8 percent ofall advertising bucks. Not bad when you considerthe many ways to hawk your service or product

They get their fair share because radio works.With over twelve THOUSAND radio stations in thecountry, the music and news they broadcast iseverywhere.

Radio is the mobile medium. Few cars have TV's upfront, and few drivers can read the New York Timeswhile driving (safely). The advertising on radiotargets you passively. You don't have to belooking at it or reading it to get the message.

Radio's strength is drive time. The times of theday when most people are in their cars driving toand from work. You can sound like a pro when youcall 'em AMD and PMD.

AMD is morning (AM) drive time, typically 6 to10am. AMD is traditionally the most expensiveradio time because that's when more people listen.

PMD is afternoon (PM) drive and is considered tobe 4 to 7pm.

Other radio slots are DAY which represents 10a to4p period and EVE, 7 to midnight.

Most radio stations offer two ways to buy ads.Specific placement (I want to be in the RoscoeBilly Bob Show) and ROS (Run of Station) a formula that spreads your announcments into alldayparts, including late night and overnight. Ofcourse there are specials and sponsorships, too.

Here are my tips for buying radio ads

+ Always use 30 second ads. If you can say thewhole Lord's Prayer in 20 seconds, 30 is enoughfor your business (no matter what the media personsays)

+ Buy advertising on the stations that reach yourtarget customers, not the ones you like. Justbecause you listen doesn't mean everyone does(especially if you like Classical Music)

+ Buy ads on two or more stations if possible. Fewmarkets have one radio station so dominant that itreaches all the listeners.

+ Buy one week on one station, the next week onthe other, back and fourth. Limit your buy to 4weeks in any month, two on each station. 48 weeksper year gets thew same impact of 52 and saves 4.

+ Buy at least 12 ads a week (18 on each if youcan afford it) and advertise every other month.

+ Insist on no overnight or evening ads. Ask for apackage that puts you in AMD and PMD at adiscount. Like the newspaper inches committment,you are talking about over 400 ads per year perstation.

For more about radio get my article "Do Your RadioAds Work?" Send a blank eMail to

Remember the media salesperson is interested inselling ads, not improving your business. It is upto you to be the expert and make the informeddecisions.

©2005 BIG Mike McDaniel All Rights Reserved. BIG Mike is a Professional Speaker and SmallBusiness Consultant with over 30 years experience,

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