Books, Bibles and Fast-Talkers

Every community has 'em. Fast talkers who rollinto town with a clever idea to sell to people inbusiness.

Many times the ideas are clever and cute but youshould weigh the ups and downs of every offerbefore you dig out the checkbook. Most of thesein-town-for-a-day people want their cash upfront.

Some of the common flim-flams are:

Coupon Books

They offer to put you in a giant coupon book to besold for the needy charity or Lions Club. Booksare sold on the phone for $29 and delivered bythe Boy Scouts. Watch out for errors and missingexpirations once the operation has moved toanother town.

Telephone Book Covers

They wrap around the book and the callers see yourad every time they reach for the book. Might be OKif you own the wrecker service, locksmith orfuneral home, but run the other way if you have agrocery, Mickey Dees, or bank.

City Maps

Your ad goes somewhere around the edge of the map.You might get pitched by several companies. Somelook better than others, most are very pricey.Pick up maps like these when you see them anddecide if you'd do business with anyone on the mapbecause of the ad. Distribution is the sellingpoint. Placement is the bug-a-boo. What if your adis on the back and the reader only looks at thefront? Don't be fooled by the promise of radio adsproclaiming free maps and mentioning your name.

Bibles for Newlyweds

I wish I had thought of this one 30 years ago.I would be clipping coupons instead of writingabout it.

The fast talker promises to send a Bible to allnewlyweds in the county (the names and addressesof the happy couples are public record at thecourthouse). Four to six sales at about $500 eachand they mail a one dollar Bible 4th class, a peeland stick label stuck inside with the name of the"sponsors" in inkjet color.

They can easily sell a town a day at 3 large andmake one trip a quarter to visit the courthousefor names. Work it for two months on a route andeat cake the other 10. A great moneymaker for theBible people, a dud for advertising effectiveness.But like kids in school and American Flags, thisemotion sells well in every community.

There are hundreds of advertising "opportunities"out there. Your job as a business owner is toseparate the effective from the cute and clever.

For more about advertising, get my article"Your Billboard is Showing"

©2005 BIG Mike McDaniel All Rights Reserved. BIG Mike is a Professional Speaker and SmallBusiness Consultant with over 30 years experience,

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