Double the Effectiveness of Your Company Brochure

Let's face it - most brochures go straight into the bin. But if you know the big mistake to avoid, as well as the secret to make people keep your brochure - and read it, over and over again - you're laughing.

The big mistake I'm talking about is that brochures too often focus on the company itself. They describe, in great detail, the company's commitment to excellence, how pro-active the company is, how many awards the company's products or services have won and how innovative they are.

Prospective clients, of course, couldn't care less.

Prospective clients want to know what's in it for them. They want to improve their bottom line. They want to make their lives easier. That's what's important to your clients. To get their business you must fulfill their needs. And that's what your marketing materials must communicate - how you can help them. And don't just tell your clients about the benefits of your services - show them. Nothing is more convincing than a good demonstration of how you can help. So use your company brochure to do just that.

By offering information your client can use, you'll demonstrate the benefits of your services and create a "value added" brochure. The more useful the information, the stronger your demonstration will be. For example, if you're a web design company, include a section: "Top 7 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Web Designer". Then outline problems bad web design can create. Explain how your client can spot inferior service. If you're a printer, give some advice on "How to Get The Best Results From Your Printer", possibly with tips on formatting text and graphics.

A "value added" brochure accomplishes several goals:

1. Your prospective clients will keep your brochure. Your name will be in front of them every day of the week.

2. By providing free, useful advice, you start building a relationship based on trust.

3. You establish yourself as an expert in your field. If your prospective clients have questions, chances are they'll get in touch with you to ask.

About The Author

Frauke Nonnenmacher is a copywriter who specialises in clear, easy-to-understand technical copy and educational materials.

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