Placemat Ad Advertising

Starting a placemat ad business can create more business for you; free advertising and income all while helping other local small businesses advertise their business all at a reasonable price.

This is an idea not new by any means, but it can prove to be very profitable to you if done right. After you have your clients lined up, you will target small local diner's, many will jump at the chance especially when you explain it is "free" it is key to stay away from large establishments like McDonalds or Burger King since the franchise probably supplies the placemats they use.

We all have seen placemats with ads of business offers discounts, coupons or just an announcement that they are around. Many of these ads have games, pictures for kids to color, word find puzzles and more.

Placement ads can be the right vehicle that allows you to advertise your business without paying for all the cost to do it. Here is what you do; go around to local businesses like the pizza shop, new laundromat, auto body shops, new area businesses etc.

You can call around or visit these businesses offering ad space on the new Jonas Placemat Ads give them the best price, target 8-10 businessesthe first time around offer them an introductory price, one that will you costs for printing, and mileage and other related costs for getting the placemat ads made.

Try to get these businesses to offer a coupon like ad customers love these type of ads, plus it will get them reading the ads as they are waiting for their meals to be made don't forget to make it fun for the kids as well, remember many of these ads are targeted for kids, you can add a twist by adding the ads of local business as well.

Remember to leave at least two slots empty for your ad and one for the printer so that you can negotiate the price for the absolute lowest you can get.

It may be a good idea to offer the printer the free ad space on each printing as long as he is willing to give you the absolute lowest and best price. If this does not work with you on this shop around someone will be willing to take you up on this offer it can be a win-win situation for both of you.

You can start with 2,000-3,000 at first make sure you make it clear to your clients that the price they are buying the advertising at is only an introductory price of $59.95, so when you follow up with them in a few weeks or month or two later they are aware that the cost is up a little because it was the introductory price. Going up $10.00-$20.00 dollars may not seem so bad especially when you explain that they could not get such a wide audience at this low of a price elsewhere.

Try to keep the cost under $99, this is sure to be hit, also if you can fit somewhere on the ads that in order to get the discount offered you must bring in the ad. This will also show as proof the business owner or manager that it is in fact working. This may also be a key factor in getting them to re-new advertising with you in a month or two on follow-up.

The key here is you to get out of the deal 1) free advertising for your business and 2) the printing costs (at least a large part) paid for by your clients who have buy the ad in your new Jonas Placemat Ads service.

In conclusion, as you can see just from some of the ideas presented here this could be something that could be very profitable for you plus the possibility of a new side business for you. While creating a vehicle for you to advertise your business for free. It is key to keep it at a reasonable price (under $99) so that other business will be happy to give it a try.

Michelle Cobbs is the site administator of several sites ranging from home business ideas to building a real estate investing business.

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