Advertising: 10 Powerful Secrets To Help You Sell Your Ad Space Like Crazy

If you want to sell more ad spaces, you must read and use the secrets I am revealing here:

1. Give your customers a discount when they spendover a certain dollar amount for ad space. You can also apply this tip to the amount of ads they buy.

2. Offer your customers a free bonus for renewingtheir ad order. It could be an ebook, special report,online utility, etc.

3. Sell advertising space between your content. Youjust break an article in half and insert the banner orclassified ad between it.

4. Write content that's tailor made to mention andrelate to the product your customers are advertising.This is more work but, you'll sell a lot of ads.

5. Tell your customers when they buy an ad you'llalso add it to your free ebook and message boardfor free.

6. Offer to endorse the product your customers areadvertising before or after their ad. In all honesty,you would have try out the product first.

7. Write a review for your customer's product toplace under their ad. This is similar to a testimonialor endorsement but more in-depth.

8. Offer a buy 2 ads and get 1 free deal. With theslow economy and advertising sales, most businessesare bound to be looking for a good ad deal.

9. Give your customers a ton of free bonuses whenthey buy ad space. It can be submission software,an ebook full of advertising or copywriting tips, etc.

10. Guarantee your customer's advertising results.If they don't like the traffic they receive, give thema refund or another ad for free.

May these advertising secrets help you to makea lot of money and succeed.


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