How To Choose the Best Weight Loss Plan for Your 2023 Goals

(StatePoint) It’s that time of year again when many Americans make the resolution to lose weight and start a healthier routine. This year in particular, with the pandemic largely behind us, many Americans will once again focus on their health.

In fact, 64% of Americans are motivated to lose weight because they know it has an impact on their immunity, according to a recent poll of 2,000 U.S. adults aged 30 and above. And 61% also now realize that a healthy diet and lifestyle can better protect their long-term health.

So what should you look for when it comes to a weight loss plan? Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, corporate dietitian at Nutrisystem, offers these tips to help you choose a program that’s right for you.

Keep it Simple: Let’s face it, in our crazy busy world, we have to make hundreds of decisions a day, often at lightning speed. You shouldn’t have to worry about counting points or measuring foods. Look for a plan that’s easy and convenient, and does the work for you.

Focus on Protein: Protein is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and a key to weight loss. Protein helps with satiety, so it’s important to include some in each meal and snack. Look for plans with high-protein options, like Nutrisystem’s new premium meals, which include up to 30 grams in each meal and keep you full for up to five hours.

Look for Value: As prices continue to rise at grocery stores nationwide, many people are struggling to find affordable options that can help them eat healthier and lose weight. However, those options do exist. Look for plans that are cost-effective and deliver the majority of meals right to your door.

Don’t Give Up Your Favorite Meals: Look for a plan that lets you eat your favorite foods. Losing weight doesn’t have to mean giving up the things you love. Weight loss plans like Nutrisystem offer comfort foods made healthier that are perfectly portioned so you can enjoy them without any guilt. Plus, the plan also offers dessert for those who have a sweet tooth.

Seek Support: Achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself is so much easier when you have a support system. The best people to have on your team when you’re trying to lose excess weight are those who sit down at daily meals with you. Even better, your chances of reaching and maintaining your weight loss goal increase dramatically if another person in your household joins you on the journey. Look for plans that offer options for both you and your partner to get healthier together.

For more great information and other ideas to help fuel your success this year, visit

Remember, your weight loss goals will be more than achievable this year if you follow the right plan for you. Look for a program designed to help you succeed.

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