Tips to Help You Reset From a Woman Who Lost 60 Pounds

(StatePoint) Being indoors makes it easy to pack on unwanted pounds and fall into less than healthy patterns. The warm weather months however are the perfect time to reset and take control of your health.

Even though she wanted to make a change, Melissa Caveness needed to figure out the right path to achieve her goals. "I needed help, and I was motivated, but it wasn't until Nutrisystem that I was successful," says Caveness, who on the program, lost 60 pounds and can now keep up with her active family. "I can now do all the fun activities and can even outrun my kids...sometimes!"

Using these three simple tips, you can be on your way to a happier, healthier you this season and beyond:

Change Up Your Routine

If you've fallen into bad habits, it's time to shake things up. There's no better time than right now to change your routine. Whether it's making time to eat breakfast or adding in a 15-minute walk at lunchtime, little changes can make a big difference. Committing to these changes for a month or season can increase the likelihood of them turning into long-term, natural habits.

"It takes work to live a healthy lifestyle. But if you get yourself in the right routine, it will become second nature," says Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, manager, Clinical Research & Nutrition at Nutrisystem.

Prioritize Sleep

When you don't get enough sleep, you are more likely to choose unhealthy foods and to overeat in general. Sleeping for the recommended seven to eight hours a night improves your overall health and supports your weight loss goals.

To get better sleep, cut out screen time one hour before heading to bed. The light from your phone or tablet suppresses your body's production of melatonin, a hormone that controls your body's sleep cycles. Taking time away for just one hour prior to hitting the hay can make a big difference in your sleep quality.

Use Portion Control

Many of us tend to overeat or rely on large portions of comfort foods. To get just what you need with no wasted food, consider a program like Nutrisystem that brings you meals and snacks that are nourishing and filling in just the right portions. Plus, if you're still craving some of those comfort foods on colder days, Nutrisystem has plenty of options like broccoli cheddar soup and Merlot Beef with Root Vegetables. You can also keep within your grocery budget by shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables that are in-season -- choices abound this time of year!

After sharing her story, Caveness was named one of last year's winners in the Nutrisystem Real $40K Giveaway. If you have a Nutrisystem weight loss success story, you can share your journey for a chance to win $40,000 by visiting And for more great tips and other inspiring stories, visit

To reset this season, take a cue from those who've met success by committing to smart strategies and healthy choices.

Photo Credit: Melissa Caveness, before and after. Courtesy © Nutrisystem

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