Do You Have the Skills to be a Secret Service Agent?

Do you have the necessary attributes to be a successful secret services agent? Do you melt into the background where no one can see you? Do you hide behind someone else? Would you describe yourself as having an incognito life? Are you capable of always putting yourself second? Do you constantly defer to another person? Do people see right through you and ignore you?

Then you have the skills.

You see, as John Reilly, states in the song he wrote for the musical Chicago; you are no more than Mr. Cellophane man.

Mister cellophane
Should have been my name !!!!
Mister cellophane
'cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there!

The question is:

Are these the skills you need to have an effective life?
Are these the skills that bring you fulfillment and happiness?
Are these the skills that show off your uniqueness and enable you to fulfill your role on this planet?

In our experience the answer is, no.

So how do you avoid being Mr. Cellophane man?


Start by changing your focus of yourself. Rather than look at what is wrong with you and what needs changing. Sit quietly with yourself for a moment and look at your qualities.

Ask yourself:

? What are my strengths?

If you are not sure, or cannot put your finger on your strengths

1. Take a LARGE sheet of paper and write down all the things you like about yourself. Go on write it anywhere on the paper. Make it as large or as small as you like. It doesn't have to be a list.

2. Ask a friend or friends what they like about you. What do they see as your strengths and add it to the paper. Be prepared for a shock because how others see you may not be how you see yourself. Remember don't edit. Add everything they say.3. Read the list before you go to sleep and add anything new that comes to you in the morning.

? When was I most successful?

Sit quietly in a private space and let your body relax and turn your thoughts inwards, to yourself. Look back into your past, look for all the times you were successful. Look for those times when you felt really confident and well. Don't let your "editor" distract you. Focus on those good times. The times when you were successful. Enjoy the feeling.

What strengths were you using at this time?

Don't forget to write them, your strengths, on your LARGE sheet of paper.

Keep this sheet of paper and read it before you go to sleep. The last thing you do before you sleep. Read YOUR strengths.

In a short time you will find that your focus does change. You are able to live your uniqueness. You are happy and more fulfilled. You no longer qualify for membership of the secret services. You are no longer Mr. Cellophane Man.

You are someone who has something to offer the world.

Good Luck

Graham and Julie

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More Resources

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More Attraction Information:

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