Live Your Own Life

Are you living your life, the way you want to live?

If your reply is in affirmative then you must be a very successful and powerful person in full command of your life and the circumstances. However, if your reply is in negative, then I am sorry to say that you are like millions of other people who are living the life being dictated by others. Is this life worth living?

Let me explain you. Our minds are being bombarded with missiles of "free information" through electronic and print media. Often without knowing, we are doing what others want us to do. Look what are you wearing, what are you eating and how are your behaving. Isn't it not what Miss. Fashions, Miss. Slims and Miss. Manners are telling you? Blindly following someone without using your own mind and common sense can be disastrous.

We the human beings, are no more than robots in the hands of those who are in full control of our lives and are commanding us through the remote control of so-called education, guidance and information. Is this the blessing or the curse of the "information age"? You are the best judge and you know very well how this "information" is affecting your feelings, thoughts and the life as a whole. Of course, you are not you. You have lost your individuality, your creative instinct, and the unique person within you.

Only a small number of people are strong enough to take control of their own lives without being influenced or forced by others, and they are, no doubt, the most powerful and authoritative people on earth. One needs a lot of courage, wisdom and inner strength to live the life in its full bloom, in its originality, in its entirety, and in a dignified and ambitious manner. That's the life worth living!

There is no harm in accepting guidance from others if it is meant for the improvement of life. But be cautious and remain guarded all the time so as not to trap yourself in such a situation where you become the slave of others intentions and find no way out.

No doubt, its your life and you have every right to spend it in your own individual way without any hurdles or barriers from others. Give yourself a chance to nurture your creative qualities in a fear-free and pressure-free climate.

About The Author

Hifzur Rehman, the owner and editor of is helping people in motivating them to reach their goals in life. This website provides free inspirational articles, useful tools, tutorials and other material for a better and more rewarding happy living.

More Resources

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