What Do You Want Out of Life?

What are you willing to give up in order to achieve that?

We have all heard the old saying that there are no free lunches, right? Well, that is so true that it could have been one of the Ten Commandments. In order to receive anything we must be willing to give something and the amount that we receive is directly proportionate to that which we are willing to give - be it material things or time.

For most of us, the most affordable thing to give up is some of our time. Now, I know, I hear you saying, "But I don't have any free time to give up." Well, we all find time for the things we really want to do, don't we? Most of us spend at least a couple of hours a day watching television. If we cut out our television watching for one year and then went back to watching again, the same things will still be going on. The only changes will probably be dates and names. It's usually too depressing to do us any good anyway.

So go ahead, let's dream a little.

If money and time were no object what would you change about your life? I mean, really, what would you do different from what you do now on a daily basis?

Where would you live? Have you ever dreamed of living in some exotic place where everything is plentiful? Where you can come and go as you please? Where you don't have to want for anything?

What kind of house would you live in? Imagine living in the most beautiful house you can think of. Don't just think of it, build it in your mind. Draw plans on paper. Look at model homes in that category. Feel the lush, green carpet of grass under your feet as you stroll around the landscape. Man! Doesn't that beautiful swimming pool look inviting?

What kind of car would you drive? Can't you just feel the luxurious upholstery of the limo you are riding around in? Or the raw power of that sleek, mean sports car you are tooling around in?

Where would you vacation? A couple of months my wife and I went on one of our dream vacations. We had never been on a cruise. It was our 31st wedding anniversary so we decided we would do something different. We booked ourselves on a cruise ship and enjoyed the Caribbean for a few days. Imagine being able to just drop everything, call up the travel agent, and just go. Anywhere - everywhere!

What kind of charities would you support? This goes back to what I said earlier: " In order to receive anything we must be willing to give something and the amount that we receive is directly proportionate to that which we are willing to give - be it material things or time." So be prepared to give. You will want to give when you experience the riches that can be yours when you set your mind to receiving it.

Really, go ahead...dream a little, for a person without a dream is dead -- physically, and spiritually.

Now that you have your dream list, how does your present income stack up against the possibility of accomplishing those dreams?

Most people, if they made a list of their 10 closest friends, added up all their salaries, then divided by 10 it would come pretty close to their own salary. Do you fit in with that crowd? Are you ready to do something about it?

Harry Culpepper can help YOUstart your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours! To learn more, visit:http://www.HarryCu.com/

More Resources

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