What is the Universal Law of Attraction?

Most of the time, we attract by 'default' rather than by deliberate choice. We just sort of go through our day, focusing on problems that need to be solved or on things that did not feel good nor seem right. In so doing, we are actually creating more problems, more of what does not feel good and more of what does not seem right.

Think of yourself as a huge magnet. The kind that pulls metal to itself from afar off. It doesn't "try" to attract, it simply does attract. It is the same way for us. Whether or not we are trying to attract, we ARE doing so all the time. (Except when we are asleep.) And we attract the likeness of what we think about. If we are thinking about a lack of something, we are attracting more lack (scarcity). If we are thinking about something we love, we are attracting more of what we love and enjoy. I know it sounds incredibly simple, and it is.

We humans are actually very powerful attractors and we can use this wonderful, god-given power to attract more of what we want in life-simply by paying attention to where we place our thoughts and desires.

An old proverb just came to my mind: "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7 It's interesting that the writer of this proverb says "thinks in his heart" because most of the time, we think that we think with our mind. However, it is truly from the heart where we do our thinking, our believing, our ' vibrating.'

It is from the heart that we attract. Picture your heart as a powerful magnet. The heart is the ' vibrator' of all signals that attract.

Think of a radio. It has many different stations. To tune into a station you dial a specific frequency. As soon as we turn our attention to something (dialed it's frequency) it begins its journey to us.

To be rid of something you do not want in your life, simply tune in to a different vibration (frequency or radio station)--to something that you do want.

I see the art of Deliberate Attraction as consisting of three parts:

1. Getting very clear about what it is I am wanting

2. Raising my vibration until it matches what I want

3. Allowing what I want to come to me

We have the opportunity to gain clarity in knowing precisely what we want, through the many 'contrasts' that life offers us. The key to successfully using contrast is to observe it briefly and use it to help you decided what you do want. This takes a little practice, since our habit is to talk about, tell others about and focus on what we did not like.

It is usually part three that trips me up. I have held onto some self-limiting beliefs for a very long time-so long that I no longer recognize them, yet they are still vibrating below the surface, canceling out what I am wanting.

My work is to let go of all resistance and believe that what I am wanting will come to me--simply because I want it.

Do you have a secret dream, desire or hope? Contact Rebecca to learn how YOU can live your dream!

Rebecca is leading a training course for Coaches, Therapists, Nurses and other Professionals who are ready to make a paradigm shift within themselves (a change from one way of thinking to another) to better serve their clients or patients.


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More Attraction Information:

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