Maximizing Your Potential - How To Optimize Your Off-Peak Performance?

We human beings naturally have two kinds of state that exist in us at any given time: peak state and off-peak state. Peak performance can be defined as "performing at your most optimal best at this time". An off-peak state would mean that we are not performing at the optimal level.

So "optimizing your off-peak performance" simply means to convert your non-peak performance to a peak performance state.

Suppose you hold a full-time job and you do Internet Marketing part-time. By the time you got home, you would quite likely be too tired to work on your online venture. At this moment, you are in an off-peak state because you cannot perform at an optimal level as compared to your work rate in your primary job. By using an "off-peak performance optimization" technique, you would be able to perform at your optimal level even though you are tired. In this scenario, a peak state would mean that you would be able to work just as effectively during 'off-hours'.

Regardless of any state that you are in, whether you procrastinate or you don't have the mood to write a special report just because you have a bad hair day, you will be ready, set and GO using this technique!

Now, let's imagine. If we could achieve X amounts of result during our peak state, what would it be like if we can double or even triple our results just by converting our non-peak state into a peak state? The effect is mind-blowing!

This technique is called "anchoring". An anchor is a stimulus that enables you to fire off any state that you want in an instant. A stimulus is anything you see, hear or feel.

There are 3 kinds of anchors: visual anchor, auditory anchor and kinesthetic anchor.

1) Visual anchors are visual sights that are neurologically linked to a particular state. Does your nasty supervisor's face makes you feel lousy when you go to work? At the sight of your girlfriend, do you have a wonderful feeling? Do you feel sleepy when you start reading your textbook?

2) Auditory anchors are sounds that are neurologically linked to a particular state. When someone shouts "FIRE" or "FIRE SALE!", does the sound of "FIRE" make you panicky? Does hearing beautiful sounds leave you a romantic feeling?

3) Kinesthetic anchor is when someone touches you in a certain way or you move in a certain way that fires off a particular state. Do you feel loved when you are hug by your loved ones? Do you feel like laughing when a clown moves in a funny way?

Whenever you are in an intense associated state, the state will be neurologically linked to the anchor. When this happens, all you have to do is to apply the same anchor repeatedly and you will immediately experience the same state consistently.

Here are 4 steps to creating a powerful anchor for any resourceful state:

1) Get into an intense, fully associated state. Think back to a time in the past when you felt a particular intense, fully associated state. Adopt the same physiology you were in. Assuming you wanted to anchor the state of motivation to work in front of your PC (or MAC!). Think of the time you felt totally motivated and adopt the same physiology, e.g. the same kind of sitting posture and breathing pattern when you felt totally motivated.

2) Apply the anchor at the peak of the state! A combination of an auditory and kinesthetic anchor would yield the best results, e.g. you could snap your fingers and shout "YES!"

3) Break the state, then repeat steps 1 & 2 at least five to ten times. Think of something else to break an unwanted state. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for five to ten times until the new anchor is successfully installed.

4) Test the anchor. Test the anchor to see whether it works. Get into the normal state and apply the anchor e.g. snap finger and shout "YES!" If it works, the anchor is installed successfully. The best way to test the anchor would be the time when you are not feeling motivated.

In short, "optimizing your off-peak performance" would enable you to access the resourceful state that you want instantly.

Write down 5 resourceful states that you would like to have and the 5 anchors associated with it.

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Justin Koh & Nelson Tan are the architects behind Internet Mastery Center ( and Fresh Resources (

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