Attraction Information
Freedom of Choice -- Learning to Make the Right Choices
Recognizing your gift of choice is liberating. This means acknowledging that you are where you are because of your choices.
Birthing Your Dream
Are you ready to birth a dream and not sure about the process, wondering if you are stepping out too far this time? Will God bless your dream, or is it His dream you're nurturing? Consider a pregnant woman. We've all had opportunity to observe the process, if not actually experience it.
My Eight Success Secrets
These eight success secrets apply to anything you do in life, not just to doing business offline or online.First: LOVE is the foundation of everything--love for whateveryou do and for others.
Four Disciplines To Getting What You Want
I bet you're like me - you want results now, without having to put in the effort and time to make things change. We want to pray a prayer and have instant results.
Vacation Longing: What You Can Learn From It
Every person's life journey is unique. Figuring out what you need along the way can be an adventure in itself.
Dont Take It Personally
Many of you already know that I've been divorced for 5 years now (Martinis for Everyone!), but I learned more than a few valuable lessons in those 5 years that I'm going to share with you.When my ex-husband first left, I was almost literally drowning in thoughts of "What's wrong with me?" I lay awake nights thinking of how I could have been different, and what I could have changed about myself to make the outcome different.
The Magic of Breathing
So, what is magic? Is it an illusion or is it real? The Webster's dictionary describes magic as "The art of producing affects by superhuman means; Any mysterious power, ex: the magic of love. Producing extraordinary results, as if by magic".
Your Authentic Self
Our journey through life can lead us to surprising and unexpected destinations. Life as in nature has no straight lines.
Some Straight Talk About Your Success And Happiness
I want to warn you: this article can cause some discomfort, indignation and sense of insult in minds of people who are not ready to be successful. If you are not ready to face the truth, please don't read this article, because I don't want to hurt your feelings for nothing.
Five Ways To Create On Purpose By Living In The Moment
What can you do to really immerse yourself into living more consciously every day? "We look backward too much and we look forward too much; thus we miss the only eternity of which we can be absolutely sure - the eternal present, for it is always now." - William Phelps1 - NOW is the only moment that matters.
How To Put An End To Rejection
Rejection is one of the most painful experiences in relationships. Not only rejection from our partner, but also rejection from ourselves.
I Like to be Unreasonable
"Progress is made by only unreasonable man" -- Gorge Bernard ShawUnusual is something people dislike to have in their life. It is a change design to alter all the circumstances and environment around you.
Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate Part 2
"The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusible chemical is considerably less than one centimeter per second." -Bruce LiptonAs electromagnetic spectrums of energy we have a unique energy signature.
Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate
In the past, I have touched on the connection of quantum physics and communication. One of my passions is to understand the connection that we create on a much higher level.
The Mind - What An Amazing Universe
You are what you think;The experts say we barely use 10% of our minds. I wouldn't be so sure about that or very proud of it either.
Emotional Alchemy
See if this scenario sounds familiar. You're under a lot ofstress.
The Journey to a State Called Authentic
Sometimes when I refer to the Authentic Self, I receive confused looks. Can you imagine? Authentic is a word which is commonly used to describe an article or concept as genuine.
What Do You Want Out of Life?
What are you willing to give up in order to achieve that?We have all heard the old saying that there are no free lunches, right? Well, that is so true that it could have been one of the Ten Commandments. In order to receive anything we must be willing to give something and the amount that we receive is directly proportionate to that which we are willing to give - be it material things or time.
How to Create a Thriving Prosperous Life
You only have to look around you at your friends, family and colleagues to see that there is an abundance of people who have talents, yet many are held back by a mortgage, a family, lack of confidence or some other reason.Deep inside us we all have a dream of living a thriving, prosperous life, but often we're unsure of how to navigate our way through the issues that come our way, and too many people, too often, give up and start making excuses to themselves about success being for others.
Abundance or Scarcity: What Belief Do You Choose to Engage?
For the last several years, I have included on my email signature the following salutation "Peace and Abundance." This is a daily reminder that my success begins with how I engage my beliefs.
Creating Relationship Synergy through Rapport Building
One of the great things about rapport is that it doesn't matter whether you have agreement or not with the other party. Remember some of the conversations you've had in the past with your best friend, partner or even children.
How to Develop the Genius within You
Inside each one of us there's a seed of greatness, a seed of genius. You are a special and complete human being and so is everyone else.
Finding Your Passion
Where does our motivation come from? What makes us want to strive for more?It comes from our PASSION, and with out it what are we left with? We are left with our lives in a seemingly endless spin of unhappiness. When we no longer have passion in our lives we no longer want to strive to make our lives thrive.
Great Things Cannot Happen Without Change
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.It's critical that we realize our lives can change at any moment.
Life Focus: What Does Your Life Say?
"Imagine a funeral. The preacher's giving the eulogy.
How to Interpret Your Dreams
As many different people there are on this planet, that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted.When I first started exploring the world of dreams I fell upon Edgar Cayce (1877 -1945).
Write Goals, Say Prayers, and See Your Successful Future
Would you like to have more success in your life?Yes, I'm sure that you do! That being the case, Ihave an invitation and a challenge for you. Areyou up for it? Okay, here we go?We are all multi-sensory beings, meaning that weall have the sensory connections through seeing,tasting, smelling, speaking, hearing and feeling.
The Power You Possess
What you need to understand is that there is no barrier to what is possible. It doesn't matter what it looks like.
Change Thorns into Flowers
If you had to write an annual appraisal on yourself how would you describe yourself?? Are you a mental sprinter who sees things quickly and easily? Do you react to things in a flash? Are you capable of making quick decisions?? Do you find yourself watching others and saying to yourself, I could do that so much quicker?? Do you find yourself taking on more work because you felt it was easier and quicker for you to do it? Do you feel that you waste so much time waiting for others to complete work?? Do you feel irritable inside? Do you get frustrated because others don't seem to understand what you are saying and where you are going?? Do you find you always want to hurry things up? Do you feel more comfortable when things are concluded rather than left waiting?? Do you find yourself running out of patience with partner, children, colleagues because they seem to take more time or appear to lack concentration and go off on 'stupid' tangents which have little or no relevance to the project?? Are you the alert, quick acting person who is known as the achiever?? Are you that person who is good at developing ideas and keeping them on track?If you own up to a couple or more of these traits and feel really irritable and impatient with yourself and those around you. If you feel that you are always clock watching.
Why These Berkeley Scientists Were Baffled!
Breakthrough Scientific Research on the Amoeba And Why You Must Know This!I know this sounds incredible but you must read this.It happened last night at about 1:00 AM EST.