Attraction Information

The Art of Perfecting the Life

First of all, you have to trust that you are perfect at the core of your original mind, at the centre of your heart. Pull out the energy from the thoughts of your own unworthiness which the personality has acquired through the unconscious identification of memory.

What Next?

When we are faced with making a change we often feel like we don't know what to do. The kicker is that USUALLY we do know what to do - it just happens to scare us a little bit.

Can You Change a Man?

Recently, at a public function where I was the Toastmaster, an elegant lady in her early 30s walked up to me and asked: 'Can a woman change a man?' Instead of giving her a direct answer, I asked her: 'can anybody change you from being you?' She said: 'No'. The truth is that no woman can change any man except the man himself decides to change.

The Magic of Mike

The woman stood over the stove stirring a pot of hot soup.She prepared it to ward off the bitter Minnesota cold, a cover-every-inch-of-your-skin cold, the kind that bites you and never lets go, the kind that makes auto engines demand heaters or they refuse to start.

The Edge of the Moon

Hello, Moon. There you hang, a thin white sliver that cradles a large dark ball.

What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

'Image & Professionalism' we hear these words being thrown around in conversation like cheap tokens, almost as frequently as their counterparts 'quality', 'service', and 'value'. So what does 'Image & Professionalism' really mean, and what do you see when you look in the mirror?A funny thing happens when you overuse a word.

Achieving Your Highest Potential: The Journey Begins With Self Awareness

We live in a world filled with beliefs, values, and negative paradigms. We all grew up with defined set of family and cultural values; where we were raised to believe that what our parents and relatives said about us and our capabilities was "truth".

How to Play to Your Strengths

Are you clear on your unique qualities, talents and personal strengths? And what's more do you centre your life around these gifts?You're busy, trying to be a good worker, colleague, partner, parent, friend and neighbour; you've been brought up with parents and peers ideals, educated well, maybe have a religious background, and perhaps a little of your past behaviour might been influenced by something you saw on TV or in a movie.In fact, maybe? just maybe? and you're not alone here? some of your thinking and behaviour belongs to what others have told you to think or feel in any given situation.

10 Keys to Prosperity

1. Everyday, in everyway, bless the universe in as much ways as possible.

Attracting Opportunity -- 10 Tips

You get what you attract - with your thoughts, words, beliefs, actions and inactions. Here are 10 tips for attracting opportunity:? Decide what you want, what you must do to get it, and then map out a plan to do what you must.

The Power Of Charisma

You have seen them on television your entire life: the world leaders, the movie stars, and yes, even the infomercial darlings! These people almost seem incapable of self-doubt as their undeniable confidence exudes from their every pore, almost mesmerizing their audience. They are literally capable of convincing listeners to buy products they don't really need, support causes without question, and follow when one would rather lead.

Do You Choose to Believe in Choice? (Not for the Faint of Heart)

What role if any, does 'choice' play in the shape and direction our lives take? Is there a choice in what can and will happen in our lives?The predetermined 'body/mind'First of all, what possibly can happen to an individual (i.e.

Creating Your Own Destiny

If you don't know where you are going, you won't know how to get there. How can you get a sense of purpose or meaning in life unless you have dreams or visions of what you want to achieve? Goals are dreams with deadlines, which propel you on your journey of self-discovery and self-achievement.

Unexpected Wisdom

If you have ever traveled across country by train, you know that meals are served with community seating. That means you can meet new people with every meal.

Make Money by Making a Life as Mother Teresa Did

Many people forget business is a way of service. When you serve others, you make a life instead of making a living.

How To Get Lucky

Would you like to get lucky? There are at least a dozen ways. The simplest one is to just start looking for good luck.

Antagonists And Fear

It is important to have your own values, beliefs and understanding of the world around you and not let fear take hold of you.The quote, "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened.

Are You a Sheep in People Clothing?

Many people, who feel that they are independent and communicate well, are actually sheep in disguise. Are you one of them, how do you tell and how do you go about changing if you are?When you are able to confidently stand on your own two feet, you become in control of your own life.

What Did I Do? Will Someone Tell me?

There are many systems, psychology analyzes and personality typing in order to help people understand one another.One of the areas that causes a lot of grief in business and especially in relationships, is that no matter what category you fall into you are either a:SayShowFeelDiscovering what the other person is in this area, can take you a long way in building relations, credibility, confidence and the ability to make the other person happy.

Opportunity Knocks 1000 Times

You've heard people say that opportunity only knocks once. I say it knocks a thousand times, or at least it can.

How to Get Rich

Got your attention, didn't I? I figured that title would get you to sit up in your chair and take notice. How to get rich? Hmmmm, let's take a second and think about how nice and wonderful it would feel to "be rich.

Telling Your Story of Success

We are often asked to tell our life-story. I wasn't aware of it when it happened to me.

To Be A Cut Above The Rest!

Mannerisms and personality traits go a long way in making impressions on other people. Some people unknowingly have mannerisms, which humor others.

You, Your Dream, Your Destination, and Your Life

Introduction"Where you find yourself tomorrow is a function of the decisions and actions you take today" -Akin A. AwolajaLike the song by Linda Ronstadt, "a dream is a wish that your heart makes.

Living a Values-Based Life

What is a values-based life? A values-based life is a self-capable life free of doubt or fear; a life that allows you to take risks, fulfill dreams, capture goals and live to your fullest capacity. Sound wonderful? It certainly is.


Blushing can be a curse. Blushers experience a range of effects, including loss of confidence and fear of meeting new people.

Why and How You are Caught Up?

Speed Up the Evolution!1. Check the area where you are making greatest efforts.

Self Improvement and Self Growth

Nowadays the terms self-improvement, self-growth and self-help have become popular. We find many books about these subjects and many websites too.

Other Peoples Opinions

In a society where interaction is part of everyday life, and other people form a vital part of life, other people's opinions are actually important in where we fit into society. However, we often think we know what other people are thinking and base our actions around those 'apparent' opinions.

Business Intuition: Using the HeartMind

Many scientific studies have demonstrated the reality of intuition for getting information which is remote in space-time. Remote is a euphemism for "can't be explained using currently accepted physical laws.

More Resources

The Self Appreciation Enhancer
Very often when you are talking to people what you really want deep down is to feel significant, liked and important. Consequently you watch what you are saying and are careful not tosay the wrong thing.
The Centre of Creative Powers!
Evolution is nothing but seeking with clarity, demanding clarity at every moment. Every moment clarify to yourself the greater purpose of everything you do.
Sometimes Being Unfocused is the Risk You Need to Take
I was accused recently of being unfocused. This lady challenged me to decide whether I was a coach, a writer, or a TV personality.
The Power of Desire - Part 1
What is Desire? Let us see! Webster tells us that it is:"The natural longing to possess any seeming good; eager wish to obtain or enjoy," or in its abnormal or degenerate sense:"excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite. "Desire" is a much-abused term - the public mind has largely identified it with its abnormal or degenerate phase, just mentioned, ignoring its original and true sense.
The Mechanic
(Channelled)Roy? What value comes of a mechanic that fills his tool box with all the latest tools and never uses them?What value comes from a mechanic that fills his tool box with tools and does not know how to use them?If one has a box full of tools and has never used them, can he/she be called a mechanic and if one has the knowledge of a mechanic but has never used his tools to repair anything is he a mechanic?He is a mechanic in name only! A mechanic uses tools to create a desired result, the repair of a machine. By using his tools he goes through the motions of being a mechanic, he defines himself physically through the use of his tools and his skills, to aspire to what he already knows himself to be.
The Magnetic, Attracting Power of the Mind
The power of the mind draws certain events, circumstances and people into our lives and repels others. In this respect, it resembles a magnet.
3 Steps to Manifesting Your Ideal Life
Over the past several weeks I've received dozens of email solicitations for books, CDs and videos that promise to reveal newly discovered techniques to improve my life. These emails promise a wide variety of benefits: how to get rich, lose weight, meet the woman of my dreams and buy a million dollar mansion with no money down.
Theres No Glory In Being The Richest Man In The Graveyard!
What was your energy level like today? Did you wake up this morning like Tony the Tiger feeling Grrr---ate?.? Did you jump into all your activities today with enthusiasm? Were you rarin' to go at the first chance? Did your "get-up-and-go" rare up and roar, or, did it get up and went?Down For The Count!Well, if your get-up-and-go got up and went, let's see if we can do something about it.
The Power of Desire- Part 2
Let's continue where we left off in Part 1..
Prosperity on Purpose for a Purpose
Whilst everyone seems hell bent on becoming "wealthy" at all costs, the desire to become prosperous has seemed to fall to the background.I see building ones wealth as very one dimensional.
The Cliché of Balance
The world we are living in is changing at a fast pace. Never before in the history of mankind that change was so enormous and rapid.
Some Gals Have All the Luck: How to Create Your Own Good Luck
You probably know a few. These gals marry the millionaire.
Who Do You Want to Meet?
One of the goals that I encourage my clients to work on is to create a list of people they wish to meet.What kind of people?People who inspire them! (a religious leader)People who they admire! (a person who gives with all their heart!)People who they would love to interview! (a newsmaker)People whose books they've read! (who is YOUR favorite author?)People who they'd love to cook dinner for! (a famous chef maybe?)When I heard about this technique I wasn't really sure I believed it, but I thought it couldn't hurt to try - so I made my list.
Top 10 Keys to Attracting More Clients!
It's always easier to attract the things we want in life than to chase them down and catch them. My grandmother used to say, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
On Uniqueness
Is being special or unique a property of an object (let us say, a human being), independent of the existence or the actions of observers - or is this a product of a common judgement of a group of people?In the first case - every human being is "special", "one of a kind, sui generis, unique". This property of being unique is context-independent, a Ding am Sich.
Clarity of Vision
Imagine trying to drive at night in your car with windows covered in Vaseline - or try walking around for a day with prescription glasses that aren't your own. You might find it very difficult to function and get where you'd like to go - even when your ability to think is perfect.
What to Do When Your Spouse or Your Friends are Negative?
This year (2004), I've completed over 64 seminars. And one of the most common questions asked is, "What do I do when my spouse, partner or friend is being negative?"As you practice Law of Attraction in your life, you become more aware of what you are attracting and start to understand that you can control what you attract with deliberate use of Law of Attraction.
Business Intuition: Using the HeartMind
Many scientific studies have demonstrated the reality of intuition for getting information which is remote in space-time. Remote is a euphemism for "can't be explained using currently accepted physical laws.
The Metrosexual Male vs. The Cowboy - What Do Women Want?
He always looks perfectly put together. He can be in a t-shirt and jeans or heading out to a black-tie event.
Charm Is Good Business
What's most astounding is that the vast majority of business people don't automatically understand the concept of charm. You'd think it would be a reflex, a conditioned response in business to "turn on the charm" when dealing with customers, clients, associates, employees, competitors, or potential clients.

More Attraction Information:

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