Latino Television Programs Fill a Void in Hispanic Advertising; While Advertisers Look to Attract

Advertisers that are beginning to focus on the young Hispanic market have been given a gift in the form of Latino television programming. Now mind you it's not your typical Latino television programming that you would find on Univsion, this programming is geared towards the large and most overlooked demographic, U.S. born Latinos.

Advertisers crave the buying power of the Hispanic market, the largest minority group in the United States today. But the problem is that they are limited in their knowledge of the Latino community. While they are looking for different types of media to use to hit this desirable market and have their agencies working overtime on the creative end, they are still missing the point.

They are not hitting their intended market, but that has been made much easier for them. They received a gift from the television world in the form of AIM Tell-A-Vision, a distributor of English language Latino television programming. Too often advertisers specially create an ad campaign in Spanish to hit the young U.S. Latino market and by doing that they are shortchanging their brand. As I have stated in various articles, the U.S. Latino market is not a mystery, but advertisers have to go beyond their ad agency and do their own homework.

AIM Tell-A-Vision has made it easier for an advertiser to hit this desirable market by developing various English language programs such as UrbanLatino Television, American Latino Television, Sonidos and Latination. This programming is developed especially to attract young U.S. born Latinos that speak English, which represents over two thirds of the Hispanic market here in the United States.

An advertiser can actually create an ad campaign in English and get their message in front of the intended audience and not the assumed audience. That's not to say that an advertiser doesn't have to gear the campaign towards the Latino market but this medium makes it easier for them to actually gauge their efforts.

Marketers have to disperse of the "Stereotype Marketing" that has engulfed the media dollars which are intended to build brand awareness within this demographic. They need to realize that the U.S. Latino market cannot be put in a cyclone, it is an evolving culture and of the over 65 million Latinos in the United States today, over 25 million are U.S. born.

So how does an advertiser looking to hit the young U.S. Latino market reach them?

Well they first need to bring in an advertising and marketing agency that understands this demographic, like New Age Media Concepts, then develop creative that is geared towards the English speaking U.S. Latino market and put together a comprehensive marketing plan that will get their message to the intended audience.

Of course this would encompass various types of media and not just television, but AIM Tell-A-Vision is an example of an overlooked medium that should be embraced if an advertiser wants to tap into the massive buying power of the U.S. born Latino market.

Louis Victor
New Age Media Concepts

Louis Victor is the Executive Vice President of New Age Media Concepts, a Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Firm.

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