B2B Marketing Health and Elder Care Services

Quality Care Options is an established company advocating for the right of all seniors to receive excellent service and product. The organization recommends Certified Senior Approved Services to its elderly clientele.

Through its highly visible web sites and monthly ezines, Quality Care Options (QCO) attracts both the senior and the businesses that serve the senior population.

Barbara Mascio, Founder of QCO, has been inundated with requests from healthcare businesses for recommendations towards resources that would further promote an elder or healthcare related business.

These requests include; 'Who should I call for the best liability insurance coverage?' 'Who do you recommend as a resource for market analysis?' 'How do I start an elder care business?' and even 'Who can handle our maintenance and lawn care?'

"Every business serving our senior population needs resources towards recruitment, security checks, lead generation and advice on marketing how-to's and so we've provided a very affordable method for businesses offering these products, services and resources to reach our web site visitors", states Barbara.

Not all advertising will be accepted. You must first submit your banner or text by following the guidelines found on http://www.qualityeldercare.com/advertising

Speakers and professional networking groups are offered special low rates of just $10 per month for an ad with a hyperlink to their web. Businesses to Business advertising can be purchased for as little as $20 a month. "We're not trying to make a living from advertising revenue, that's not what this is all about, states Barbara. We simply want to cover the administrative costs and provide our web visitors the resources they need to further grow their business."

For businesses marketing directly to the senior citizen, please see http://www.qualityeldercare.com/providers to review how to apply for Senior Approved Certification as no advertising is accepted for this segment of our business.

Advertising on the Internet can be a crapshoot. You should do your homework before spending any amount of money. Does the web site have enough unique visitors each day interested in the service you offer? One site to check traffic stats on line is http://www.alexa.com. Simply enter the url address of any web site to review certified traffic results. Obviously, you want a site to have higher web traffic than your own, or at the very least, equal to your traffic.

Barbara Mascio is the founder of http://www.qualityeldercare.com

More Resources

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More Advertising Information:

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