How To Write Ads That Get Response

Your print ads should do more than just get noticed. Their job is to bring you business, and if all they do is lay around and attract attention, they're no different from the lazy employee who does nothing all day but look busy.

You wouldn't give him more hours in the hopes that one day something productive will happen. And you shouldn't keep running those "name recognition" ads in the hopes that one day sales will happen, either. You should fire those non-responsive ads and get some that pull their own weight. Here's how:

1. Grab prospects with your headline. The single most important part of your ad is the headline. If yours is the name of your business, you are wasting your time and money by running it. Make it shout about the biggest benefit if buying your product or service, and you could increase response by as much as 300%.

2. Don't talk about yourself. Talk about the benefits your prospect will enjoy by using your product or service. Focus entirely on your customer, not yourself, your history, your anything. It's all about what's in it for them.

3. Include a photo. Don't make the photo the entire ad with only minimal copy, but do include one that supports what your ad says. Pictures in ads are like body language: they convey your tone and intention, and if done right add to your credibility. But they do not persuade by themselves. Only words can do that.

4. Ask for response. People won't call if you don't ask them to. Tell your prospect what it is you want her to do. Call for a free quote. Visit our web site. Come in today and stock up. Send in this coupon. You get the point.

Changing your ads from "name recognition" to "direct response" can not only increase your business, they can lower your advertising bill. Because they don't have to be run over and over and over to be effective.

So "fire" your old ads today, and "hire" new ones that really produce!

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