Why You Should Put Your Restaurant On A Restaurant Directory.

Getting your restaurant out there is vitally important, we know that there is a lot of business to be made from regular returning customers but wouldn't it be great if someone came to your restaurant because they had just found it on the Internet.

I came across Independent Restaurants Newcastle's new website recently which takes this concept which also has reviews on restaurants in their local area which means it's from a perspective of people like you and not a food critic who dines out every night.

One of the things that always attract me to a restaurant is if someone has been there before and recommended it to me - that ultimately means they've been there and been happy with the service and more importantly the food.

Say a company social secretary was organising a big night out for a works celebration or for a big party outing and as the person who was organising it just did a quick search on a search engine, say "Restaurants in Newcastle" - if you don't have a website they are not going to find you.

Wait a second - what about if you had your restaurant on a good restaurant directory that was dedicated to your city. Now this is happening - with a new site called Independent Restaurants Newcastle which provides a directory to restaurants and you don't even need a website to join!

There are few cities left in the UK with such a range of fine restaurants and cafés that are owned and run by people who live and work in the area. The inspiration behind the independent restaurants Newcastle website is to celebrate and promote the fine tradition of independently owned Restaurants and Cafes that make Newcastle upon Tyne and surrounding areas vibrant with diversity, choice and innovation.

There is nothing like a restaurant which has a good local feel to it. Some place where you can go in and be greeted by someone as though you go there every day.

It is often said that in the North east that they are friendliest people in Britain; therefore all our restaurants in Newcastle and the North East should be friendly!

So my top tips for getting on a local directory is

1. Search on the Internet for restaurant directories in your local area

2. Submit it

3. Watch the customers flock in

4. Impress them and they will return

Independent restaurants Newcastle is just that, its a website that local restaurant owners can submit their restaurants to. For more information visit www.independentrestaurantsnewcastle.co.uk

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