Write Attention Getting Advertisements

The most important aspect of any business is selling the product or service. Without sales, you aren't generating any income and your business will die. All sales begin with advertisments. To build sales the ad must get the buyer to act. The ad writer must know what he or she wants the buyer to do.

All ads are written with a basic formula, which is:

1. Attract the attention of your prospect.

2. Interest your prospect in your product/service.

3. Cause your prospect to "desire" your product.

4. Demand "action" from the prospect.

Never forget the basic rules of copywriting.

If the ad isn't read, it won't generate a sale.

If the ad isn't seen it won't be read.

If the ad doesn't command the attention of the reader, it won't be seen!

Lastly, longer isn't always better. If you can say what you need to say with fewer words then do so. People are rushed these days and they don't have time to read a long and wordy advertisement.

DeAnna Spencer is the editor/publisher of Prospecting and Presents.

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More Advertising Information:

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