A Good Logo vs. a FABULOUS Logo

If you had a choice, which one would you choose, a good logo or a fabulous logo? Think about it for a second here, although I know the answer is crystal clear. Because many of us settle for a good logo created by a credible logo designer just because he or she is a credible logo designer who charges low prices. For example, I had a client who paid $500 for a normal-looking logo which looked like something anyone else can come up with. A couple of color changes to the logo, alteration of the logo text is inevitable and then maybe changing the alignment of the logo here and there. THAT'S IT! $500 per pop!!??

There are lots of reasons why we settle for a normal-looking or good looking logo apart from price. One, it's easy to change. Two, it's uncomplicated. Three, the logo is simple enough. But let me tell you something about logos. You need a FABULOUS logo - an OUT OF THIS WORLD logo, not just any logo, ok?

The size, the precision, the text, the symbol, the color, the font, etc all counts towards bringing the attention of your potential customers towards your company, your image and your branding. Granted, most of the large International companies have pretty simple logos and you're thinking to yourself - that's VERDANA font sent at size 12 and that logo is set at Myriad set at size 14, but every single one of those Internationally renowned brands and logos have their own specific fonts and size, specific and exclusive color combinations and every single symbol and icons that are is used together with the logo has a meaning.

Whether you're in a competitive industry or not, it doesn't matter. Whether your market is small or big, it doesn't matter! The fact of the matter is that your customers DO remember you when they see your logo, regardless of how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise. They won't remember your logo now, but if they see it compared to others, they will be able to pick your logo out among the lot! Trust me on this one because there has been many researches and studies that has been done in the past to back this logo fact up.

So, my advice is this - don't skimp on your logo. Don't pay for something that is below par and don't pay below par for something recognizable. It's a very fine balance, mind you, I know.

But if you want your logo to be recognized, here are some basic rules:-
a.cheap logos are not everything
b.template logos rarely work
c.don't go for conventional text
d.create a unique and special icon together with your logo
e.include your website or company name in your logo
f.create a colorful and yet peaceful combination of colors with your logo
g.don't use more than 2 or 3 colors in one logo
h.have different logos for different brands
i.hire a logo designer with loads of experience, not paper qualifications
j.before you decide on the logo, test it out
k.have a tagline to go with the logo

Your logo says a lot about you so, don't skimp!

Marsha Maung is a freelance graphic designer and copy writer who works from her home in Selangor, Malaysia. She loves nothing more than blowing bubbles in the park with her 2 kids, Joshua and Jared. She designs apparel and premium items at http://www.creativejooz.com and is the author of "Raising little magicians", and the popular "The Lance in freelancing". More information can be found at http://www.marshamaung.com.

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