What To Do With Your Business Cards

Without a plan to distribute your cards, there'sno need to print them in the first place.

Many fall into the trap of thinking all thethinking about business cards is over once theorder is placed. Wrong! The average person hasmore than half of business cards still in the boxatany given time.

Make a plan to empty your box of cards in 3 monthsor less, after all, those little cards are yourmost pwerful marekting tool.

Always carry cards with you. Always have themhandy. "Let's see, I've got one here somewhere,no, that's a card I got yesterday, no, that's mykid's picture, here it is, no, that's not iteither.."

Always keep them fresh and flat. If theylook worn or dirty, pitch 'em. You should be ableto quick draw your card faster than Gunsmoke'sMatt Dillon. If somebody gives you their businesscard, you should give them yours in return, faceup.

Think of your card as a print ad for you. Leave iteverywhere. More ad exposure leads to morebusiness. If you designed your card well, yourhome address is not on it so you can leave itanywhere without fear a burglar will comevisiting.

Many stores, banks and restaurants have bulletinboards. Keep a few push pins in your car.

Always drop your cardin the fishbowls offering a prize.

Enclose a cardwith every check you send to pay bills.

Leave oneon the table with your tip (as long as the tip isnot embarrassing).

Give one to friends"Do you have my new card?"

Keep a supply in a cardholderon your desk or at the front counter.

Ask your spouse to always carry your cards, readyto deliver should they meet someone who might beinterested in your product or service.

Keep spare cards everywhere so you never have togrope for one, or worse yet, not find one and endup scribbling your name on the back of someoneelse's card.

Put the info on your card in a sig file thatautomatically appears at the bottom of all youreMail. Get my article that show you how, step bystep. MailTo:SIGFile@BigIdeasgroup.com.

If anything on your card changes, bite the bullet,eat the expense, and pitch 'em.

Your business card is more than a reference tool.It can be your biggest marketing advantage forpeople to remember you and forget yourcompetition.

For more about buiness cards, get my article"What Does the BACK of Your Business Card Say?"MailTo:BizCardBack@BigIdeasGroup.com

©2005 BIG Mike McDaniel, Professional Speaker andFormer Major Market TV News Anchor. The BIG IdeasGroup helps small business grow with mastermindgroups, seminars and sales training.MailTo:Mike@BIGIdeasGroup.comhttp://BIGIdeasGroup.com

Subscribe to "BIG Mike's BIG Ideas" Newslettersubscribe-956603364@ezinedirector.net.

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