What Was It You Wanted?

When browsing classified ads, the first task is to choose the best periodicals or websites. This can be trickier than it sounds because there are thousands of 'sources' on the market today. Browsers need to weigh the potential value of each source against the associated time and monetary costs. In so doing, they need to be aware of any editions aimed at special interests or locations, and their issue dates. Then browsers need to buy the latest correct editions, or find the best websites and join any membership schemes they impose.

Having selected their sources, browsers should begin with the index, if one exists. Often, only the larger and more sophisticated sources have sufficient adverts to justify indexes. If they don't justify one, it's usually necessary to read long lists of adverts arranged in alphabetical order. If the source is large and the indexing is good, it's possible to go straight to the main class or sub-class for the adverts of interest. Browsers need to be wary of all the other interesting classes though, which may tempt the unwary off-task, towards the dark, dark world of impulse purchasing. Static classes labelled 'Computers & Internet' are tempting enough for the author. Dynamic classes like 'Hot ads' on websites are irresistible.

Staying in the light and firmly on-task, it's now possible to focus on the main advert class or sub-class of interest. Browsing, at least initially, should be broad and shallow, to ensure that all of the purchasing options are considered on merit. From this research, it should be possible to generate a list of buying criteria, ranging from essential 'must have', to desirable 'could have' points. This, in turn, could lead to the best make and model. The beauty of browsing is its very 'weightlessness', for want of a better word. Effective browsers scan classified ad captions quickly, skim their descriptions, and only dally when a criterion or interesting product warrants notation. Adverts classified wrongly are skipped easily.

Browsers' weightlessness is handicapped though when there is insufficient colour contrast between the paper (background) and text (foreground). Light grey text on lighter grey paper, for example. Other grave handicaps include inappropriate font, and font size, selections; right text justification in columns and display boxes; and other awkward spacing arrangements to do with 'leading'. Classified ads written solely in italic or emboldened text, and/or with every word underlined, are similarly difficult to read. Those classifieds composed with capitals letters seem intimidating. Whilst those composed with tiny, or extremely tiny, fonts seem too timid to be worthy of much attention.

Whatever happened to short sentences or phrases? Whatever became of correct spelling in classified ads? These qualities complement browsing and illustrate that advertisers care about customers. This said, it appears acceptable to forego some points of grammar and punctuation. To some extent, they seem less important than clear typography, brief sentences and accurate spelling.

Let's turn now to page layout. What's needed for effective and efficient browsing is 'white space' in which to make notes, or give the eyes some respite. What sources often present are adverts crammed into every square centimetre, especially amongst their 'free' ads. Even when advertisers opt for display box upgrades to their freebies, the results aren't much better. Browsers need to be aware that many of these 'free' and cheap ads are constrained artificially by their sources. Hence, browsers may not find many nearly new BMW cars advertised in low-cost adverts. Perhaps this is because cramped ads, sometimes known as 'wallpaper ads', seem to merge into one grey blur, if browsers stare at them for too long. Browsing free and cheap ads for inexpensive commodities may require several short sessions.

When browsing classified ads generally, it's necessary to be aware of the sophisticated tactics that frequent advertisers employ, often the chaps with big budgets to spend. What they're offering may be inferior to the occasional advertisers with low budgets, in terms of value for money. Browsers need to look past the gaudy colours and expensive photographs therefore, that are deployed skilfully to divert them along predetermined paths.

Browsers need to be aware too that 'trade', 'paid-for' ads are likely to monopolise the best page positions. Moreover, several versions of more expensive adverts may appear on different pages, in different positions, at different times, to weaken browsers' defences. Sometimes it's hard to see past all the window dressing, to find out what's really on offer and judge whether professionally presented offers really meet browsers' needs, time scales and budgets.

Some advertisers - occasional and frequent alike - make boastful claims containing superlatives, subjectivity and exclamation marks. Such posturing may also monopolise unwary browsers' attention. Instead, browsers should be attracted by, and interested in, unpretentious presentations of fact; presentations that explain the benefits of goods or services; presentations that satisfy the emotions underpinning browsers' need to browse.

Whilst listing buying criteria and deciding which product to buy, the coarse and fine filtration of classified ads is important. So is the ability to sort and re-sort adverts, perhaps in reverse order. Fixed, alphabetical listings are okay but not always the best. Browsers need to compare like offers and this is easier if important information is provided in consistent formats, and in close proximity. Standardisation on metric measurements for example, would be useful.

The reverse engineering of browse results is important in other regards. For example, browsers might want to see adverts from particular locations only. Classified ad websites with database technology are increasingly allowing browsers to create unusual classes: user-determined classes like 'UK Postcode NN8 2ZH', not just source-determined classes like 'Motors'.

With their brains in gear, browsers should be able to note down essential and desirable properties; maybe a specific product's make and model number. At this point, they can switch to Search mode, to find the best price, availability and supplier.

For the sources of classified ads, this article suggests a number of presentational qualities that support worthwhile browsing, some of which only apply to printed sources, some only to websites:

* Make edition information clear, especially if editions cover special interests.

* If sources are large in volume, provide page indexes to all classifications.

* Enforce high typography, page format and English standards that support text scanning and skimming.

* Provide sufficient 'white space', even amongst 'free' and cheap ads.

* Allow the small guys to compete with the big guys; strive for fair and open competition.

* Curb boastful ads; ask for evidence that pretentious statements are honest and truthful.

* Provide tools to filter, sort and reverse engineer browse results.

© Steve Hawker 2005. All rights reserved. Steve is a partner at http://www.ehawker.co.uk, the small ads search engine. E-mail him at: info at ehawker.co.uk<

More Resources

Secrets of Getting Free Advertising
The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are limited only by your own imagination and energies. There are so many proven ways of promoting your own objectives without cost that it literally boggles the mind just to think of listing them.
Outdoor Sign
Many business organizations that needs to disseminate late-breaking information to a large number of people. Out door sign boards are the perfect solution for them that command the attention of all who pass underneath.
Information Gathering & Delivery May Never Be The Same!
Give Us The Bottom Line!If you are like most people, you may have skipped down to the bottom to see how much we charge. Well we don't! That's right, the free customized information product we give away is totally free.
Humor in Advertising
Many of the most memorable ad campaigns around tend to be funny. Advertisers use this strategy to attract customers to their product.
10 Simple Techniques To Make Your Ad Get Powerful Attention
1. Make your ad's keywords and phrases standoutby enlarging the text.
Driving Customers to You - Your Car as a Marketing Vehicle
You can turn your vehicle into a rolling advertisement. Costs start at just a few dollars, and you can put your business name, slogan, phone number and web site URL in front of thousands of potential customers while you are driving along the freeway, stuck in traffic or even while you are parked.
Create A Killer Brochure: 9 Steps to the Perfect Piece
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5 Newspaper Advertising Myths Revealed
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Tips for Using Paid Advertising
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Small Business Image
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More Advertising Information:

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