The Ultimate, "Must-Have" Home-Based Business for YOU

The Ultimate, "Must-Have" Home-Based Business for YOU aUnderemployed, Unemployed, or Industrial Age Individual

Allow me to educate you on the issue of job security andpaint you a picture of what the aftermath can be if youremain comfortable at your regular job. Job security is anold-fashioned term that claims the longer an employeeworked for a particular company, the more precious thatperson became. The employee was once valuable to thecompany because they graduated from college, got a degree,and/or had determination for hard labor.

In the past, itwas all right to become comfortable with your position. Intoday's society, being comfortable is the wrong thing to doand actually, it's a trap. This trap is the reason whypeople with college degrees are without jobs and the goodworkers are always the first ones released from aprofessional setting. I am a Housekeeper for the Home atHearthstone, a nursing home in Cincinnati, Ohio. I workfrom 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. for $8.40 per hour. The wages thatI make alone, tells you that I am working at a dead-end joband receiving paychecks that don't reflect a thoroughperformance. I am an underemployed 19 year old-male whoattends college and makes good grades. Graduating fromcollege might raise my income level slightly, but it willnot secure me a job.

I am among millions of individuals wholike their jobs and work very hard at their occupations. Iam also among many Americans who believe that in order tomaintain my job; I must show up to work everyday on time,listen to my supervisor and do a complete and thorough job.These three things combined will not keep you your job. Ifyou continue to hold that belief, you'll find yourself indebt, have bad credit, and lose your house and otherfinancial obscurities. Losing what you have worked hard forall your life is not a great feeling! What I am about totell you is very important and will save you time orotherwise, reality will slap you in the face! Job Securityhas departed from this world permanently.

Knowing that jobsecurity is dead, what can YOU do to create a substantialincome? YOU need to do two things:

First, decide that youwant to work for yourself. Second, take the initiative tostart your own business. Either you can work for someoneelse or you can work for yourself.

The second choice isbetter than the first one. At 16, I thought that I can dowhatever I want on the job as long is my work is done. Inother words, I like to do things my way. I continue to feellike that today in the workforce. When working for acorporate employer, you must follow job policy at alltimes. Conflict will arise when your rules don't matchpolicy rules and you're in jeopardy of losing your quickerthan you expected. If you hold similar beliefs such asmine, then a home-based business if for YOU, which leads tothe biggest hurdle of the two steps, taking the initiative.

If you don't take the initiative to start your ownbusiness, then you're making a foolish decision. Millionsof people are without jobs or working for awful wages. Thisis due to a bad economy. The government will continue toshow their lack of sympathy by taking many taxes out of thechecks of lower and middle class citizens, while the richcontinue to get tax breaks. (There is a solution to thatproblem if you click on the link in the resource box andclick on the Taxwayz link inside my website.) On August 25,2004, I joined the Moneywayz program because my goal is tomake more money with a home-based business within a fewmonths than I make with my regular job in an entire year.Within minutes of reading the brochure, I decided to put myskepticism to the side and take a chance because if you donot take chances, your income will become stagnant and youwill still be a subordinate to your supervisor. Can youafford to live without money?

If you plan to start ahome-based business, but don't have an idea on exactly whatyou want to do, then the following may be the mostimportant. Would you like to become a part of a businessthat provides you with power-packed tools to become abusiness success on the Internet? Would you like to join abusiness who believes, "The Greatest Music Is Money"? Wouldyou like to end financial depression? If this is correct,then read on further to the resource box. Educate yourselfand develop your skills so you can be a demand forfinancial success!

More Resources

Get Better Results from Your Advertising with a Disruptor
When you spend money on an advertisement you want to get the best return possible. To do that you need to get people to STOP and LOOK at your ad.
Three Keys to Crafting Successful Print Ads
Want to create print ads that get results? Below are three keys to get you started.1.
Hiring an Amateur Could Mean a Potential Lawsuit for Your Business
These days, everyone's looking to save a buck. But if you plan to cut corners by using a fledgling copywriter or marketer, expect to put the money you just saved towards a really good lawyer.
Why Radio Advertising Could Be The Best Thing You Ever Did For Your Business
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Make Your Business Cards Work
What's the cheapest, most under-used marketing tool you have?The answer's no secret ..
3 Simple But Powerful Off-Line Advertising Strategies
There are several ways to advertise and get the word out about your business online and the best of them include f-ree search engines, pay per click search engines, writing articles, utilizing press releases, doing joint ventures/ad co-ops, and posting to message boards and forums related to your target market.But one advertising method that's neglected by most online marketers is off-line advertising.
Offline Advertising Tips
Since most of us are always online and our business is online, we often forget the importance of advertising our business offline. Print advertising can be one of the best forms of advertising for your buck.
Why Your Ads Aren't Working
The president of a manufacturing company recently asked me, "Why isn't my advertising working?" Have you ever been asked this question? Have you ever asked it yourself?Like most marketing communications questions there are no simple answers. After all, communication is a high level activity.
Electronic Display Boards
Electronic display boards signify high priority messaging, allowing you to communicate critical, and time-sensitive information.Electronic display boards are present at many fast food restaurants today, aiding, and restaurants to increase sales, publicity and improve their service to you.
How To Track Your Advertising Like A Hawk
Tired of pouring endless money into advertising? Do you wonder which ads are "REALLY" working for the business you manage? Would you like a bullet-proof system for capturing the results from your advertising and marketing? Below are three concepts that will enable you to track your advertising and marketing like a hawk! Really, it's that simple!Developing a tracking system: As a business owner/executive/manager, you need an efficient way to record and evaluate the results from your advertising and marketing programs. To get started, you will need a "prospect card" which includes a list of ALL the places you advertise and market your company.
How to Advertise with Flyers
When you first start out on your business venture, money is usually tight but you still need to advertise. One of the most affordable, yet very effective, ways to begin your advertising campaign is with flyers.
When Times Get Tough... or When to Really Advertise
The Pundits say the economy is slowly, but surely, recovering. Maybe not at the rate of the mid-90s stock boom, but recovering nonetheless.
6 Ways To Get More Sales From Your Advertisement
To bring great sales success, a great advertising technique is not the only parameter. You must know what it is that your customers are actually buying.
Media Savvy - Treat Them As You Would Your Best Customer
The ability to lead, persuade and influence are integral skills for effective managers. The capability of telling a story that inspires, motivates and informs is an essential part of this process.
How To Write Really Good Ads
All sales begin with some form of advertising. To build sales,this advertising must be seen or heard by potential buyers, andcause them to react to the advertising in some way.
The ONLY Type Of Advertising People LOVE!!
Can it be???Is there advertising that people actually love?You bet there is! And you are already very aware of it. The type of advertising I'm referring to is promotional items, also known as advertising specialties.
Finding Your Target Market
Achieving sales is probably the biggest challenge a web business owner has. It requiresa balanced mix of the right products, competitive pricing, optimal web design, aggressive advertising and attracting the right online visitors.
Radio Interview 101
Different Types of Station ContactReaching radio hosts (for the purpose of trying to get booked foran interview) can take on various forms, depending on the typeof station the show is done at. What's best? All of them at thesame time, of course.
Attention-Grabbing Fixes that Make Your Yellow Page Ad Leap Off the Page
Stand Out in Ways that Matter to Directory UsersA Yellow Page directory presents a difficult challenge foradvertisers. All the competitors are packed together, withinthe space of a few pages.
How to Write Great Headlines
According to experts, just changing the headline of an ad or sales letter has been known to dramatically improve the effectiveness of an ad or sales letter by up to 1700 percent! Yes, headlines are that powerful--and that important!An effective headline will do many things at once. It will attract the readers attention, convey benefits by appealing to the readers self-interest and it will set the stage for what is to come.

More Advertising Information:

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