Business Ideas: 5 Uncommon Ways To Generate More Online Business

Sometimes, it is not an obvious business idea that will makeyou more money.

It may be what is not so obvious, which most people never thinkof that may make you money.

I will now tell you a few of these business ideas.

Use them well and succeed.

1. Ask people to find a hidden link in your ad copy. If theyfind the hidden link tell them they will get a prize or freebieby clicking on it. This will increase the chance that they willbuy your product or service because they will read yourwhole ad copy.

2. Start a members only web site. Tell visitors what's in yourmembers only site and what it costs to get access. Offer thema free membership, if, in exchange they link to your web site,post your banner on their home page or agree to advertiseyour web site in their e-zine for a set period of time. Usuallythey will agree to the free advertising to save money. This isa powerful way to get free advertising.

3. Want a popular discussion board? This technique is based onthe number of postings made by any one person. You couldgive away a free product or service to any person that posts tenor more messages on your discussion in a month. It could be afree e-book, report, e-mail consulting etc. Just keep track ofeveryone's postings each month. This could also work for e-maildiscussion lists.

4. Give your visitors an instant article directory. Tell yourvisitors they can instantly add a free article directory totheir web site by linking to yours. Just place your ad or bannerad on top of the article directory for your main product orservice. All those links can add up to a large amount of trafficfor your web site.

5. There a millions of web sites on the internet. Instead ofmarketing your web site as a web site. Market it as a free webbook. Design your web site with a title page, table of contents,chapters, etc. Just place your ad or banner for your product orservice on the top of each web page.

May these business ideas help you to make a lotof money.


I-key Benney, CEO

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