Does Your Brochure Pass the Test - Or is It Headed for the Trash?

The decision on whether or not someone will read your brochure is usually decided in the first 5 seconds they look at it. What kind of message are you communicating in that five seconds? Will you make a favorable impression with your prospect? Will you move your prospect closer to the sale?

There are really only two key elements that will determine how well your brochure is received by prospects. These two elements will ultimately make the difference in your brochure being a tool that makes you money, or just something else that costs you money.

What are those two all-important elements: 1. the Image or look 2. the Message

This is part 1 in a two-part article. In part 1 we will discuss what you need to ask for from your printer to make sure that your brochure looks top notch.

Here are 5 things you should keep in mind when you are evaluating your layout and your printer.

1. Choose Offset Printing. Offset printing is a type of printing that causes the ink to become a part of the paper. Offset printing creates a rich, vibrant look that digital printing can't touch. Offset printing isn't all that common because good Offset printing presses cost in the millions of dollars.

2. Choose Thick Paper - preferably 100# Glossy. If your brochure is too thin or too light-weight it might appear cheap. You don't want that impression to be transferred to your business. The most common paper weights are 70# and 80#. 100# is a little less common which makes it stick out. Plus, 100# feels heavy and high-quality. Glossy paper takes the look of quality up a notch.

3. Add Aqueous Coating. While this isn't the industry standard, aqueous coating adds a layer of style to your brochure. Plus it causes the colors to "jump" off the page so to speak. It makes the whites appear whiter, and so on. Ask your printer if they offer aqueous coating. If it doesn't cost very much to upgrade, it's worth it. There are a few printers out there that offer aqueous coating FREE.

4. Use Full Bleed. Full Bleed is a print term that simply means the colors run to the edge of the page. Some printers charge extra for full bleed, some don't. If your brochure is not full bleed it will leave a border of white around the edges that looks a little amateurish.

5. Ensure a Consistent Look. Your brochure should fit into a well designed marketing campaign. It should have a similar look and message as your postcards, flyers, reports, business cards, etc.

In part 2 of this article we will discuss the all important issue of the message.

Brett Curry is a Marketing Consultant and Marketing Director for is the home of top quality, full color brochures, business cards, postcards and more at up to 70% off of retail.

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