5 Ways To Turn Off Your Customers And Earn A Bad Reputation
A business' reputation is also its lifeline. The more you do things that go against good customer service, the lower your lifeline becomes. So it's only right that you take care of your reputation by providing excellent products or services and customer service. Customer service is one of the keys to the success of your business. But if you fail in this department, expect to see the downfall of your business anytime soon. Here are 5 ways to turn off your customers and earn a bad reputation.
1. Communicate — if delays or something unexpected happened, inform your customers as soon as possible. If they have problems or concerns about the products or services that you are selling, keep them posted about the progress of their requests. If you hate waiting, don't think that your customers love it. The more you keep them waiting and wondering, the more they'll say or do something to hurt the reputation of your business. But can you blame them? I don't think so.
2. Lame excuses — this is the best way to insult your customers' intelligence; they were not born yesterday for sure they know the difference between an honest and a lame excuse. Come clean and admit your shortcomings. People appreciate honesty.
3. Address your customers' needs before it happens — think 2 steps ahead and provide your customers' needs before they ask for help. Imagine being treated like a princess or prince! Wouldn't love to keep coming back and do business with this company? People with great customer service thrive merely because of this. They don't need to spend so much on advertisements; word of mouth brings in more paying and loyal customers.
4. Not having or using social media accounts — in this era where social media websites thrive, it would be a sin not to have one when you're in business. When you're in business, you should embrace social media as a great customer service tool. Ignoring it can spell disaster for your business. People go online, ask questions and voice their concerns through your social media account. This is the fastest way of addressing their problems so why not take this opportunity to establish and promote your brand?
5. Not offering solutions — always...always...always be prepared to offer solutions to their problems. Skipping this step is the best way to getting irate customers hurling insults to your business. If you want to be known as "The best company" out there, do your part. Remember that respect cannot be bought—you have to work hard to attain it.
If you have to refer the customer to another company, a competitor even, just so he or she won't be inconvenienced, do so.
About the AuthorLearn how to deal with customers or clients through customer service training. Work with business role play actors and understand yourself and your customers more. This is one of the fastest ways to improve and hone your skills. If you're interested to go through this type of training, check UK Training Company.