Isn't It Time to Give Yourself Permission?

Remember back in school days when you needed a permission slip to do almost anything outside of the classroom? Things like simply being able to visit the washroom, attend a sports meeting or going on a field trip? As adults we don't need someone to give us a permission slip. We already have a whole supply at our disposal.

Now the trick here is to remember to use them.

Sounds simple right? Well, I have to tell you it's not always that simple. Actually I'm quite sure most of you haven't even thought about giving yourself permission to do much of anything lately, let alone permission to have some fun. Am I right?

Remember that there are some old beliefs that probably crop up when you are tempted to give yourself permission to do something, change something about yourself or ask for something.

Here's a list of some of those beliefs that show up and cause us to deny ourselves permission.

What will people think?

I'm sure I can't afford to do that

I don't really deserve this

I'm afriad

I'll be considered selfish

What if I fail?

What if I'm successful?

That's way outside my comfort zone

Let me share with you an example from my own life experience.

About 8 months ago I was attending a womens networking seminar and while I was there, I met up with Carol, a Personal Fitness Trainer. She was so interesting to chat with and I was really enjoying our conversation until she suggested that I come out to the gym and experience working out.

Oh boy, that was definitely something I never gave myself permission to do. Actually, that was one area that I was way out of my comfort zone because physical fitness has always been a big challenge for me. I just knew that I would feel uncomfortable working out in a gym.

But I have to tell you, I decided to put myself out there and took her up on her offer. And after three weeks of consistent training, I started to feel very comfortable. In fact, I felt extremely comfortable, energetic and especially proud of myself. It was great!

Now after 8 months of working out I am really seeing the benefits and am so happy that I took the chance and gave myself permission to step outside my comfort zone.

Here's some permission slip ideas you might want to incorporate into your own life.

Permission to do something that pleases YOU. (Yes, that's right, something that pleases you, how wicked!)

Permission to say no. (Not always easy to do but WOW, the benefits are tremendous.)

Premission to take an occasional day off from whatever it is you do. (And remember, stop checking those emails.)

Premission to check your emails. (Ok, ok, I'm guilty of this one too.)

Premission to become that fearless person you have always wanted to be. (This is BIG but so worth developing.)

So the moral of this information is that YOU are the only one who can sign your own permission slips.

What will they be? Will you give yourself permission to have some fun days, take a day off and enjoy it with a friend, give yourself permission to have a day with no interruptions, a day to kick back and just read?

All of these are possible, you just need to develop the skill and use it!

Lois Galloway is a Professional Coach and founder of Discover Yourself Coaching. Lois acknowledges that each person is extraordinary in their own right and having a personal coach will encourage and empower individuals to gain clairty and move forward to become their very best! To learn more about Discover Yourself Coaching please follow the link to Lois's web site and remember to sign up for the monthly newsletters.

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