Emotional Alchemy

See if this scenario sounds familiar. You're under a lot ofstress. You feel irritable, angry, or depressed, and youwish with all your heart that you could "snap out of it" butyou just seem to be attracting more of the same. Everyattempt to jolly yourself out of the blues just seems tofrustrate you more. Nothing changes, your emotional stateis like a snowball rolling downhill and everyone is walkingon eggshells around you.

If that scenario rings a bell, then you might need someemotional alchemy. Originally, alchemy was the art andscience of transforming base metals like lead into theprecious metal gold. Today in magic, alchemy is the art oftransforming anything from a lower to a higher state. So ifyour emotions are hanging out in the lower tones and youcan't get any relief, try some alchemy.

Surprisingly, emotional alchemy doesn't require candles,sage, wands, or firebowls. It's much simpler than that. Allyou have to do is reprogram one single part of yourself. Oneof my good friends has a saying, "What wires together firestogether." In terms of magic, this means that your body,mind, and Spirit are wired together in certain ways, andunder stress these three parts tend to respond in the sameway all the time.

To see how this works just look for a stress indicator. Thiscould be a fidget, a facial expression, the need to eat,fast talking, waving your hands, smoking a cigarette, ordrinking a Coke. These are all responses that occur whenyou're under stress. Let's take one example - drinking aCoke - and see how mind, body, and Spirit wire together. Ifyou tend to drink Coke when you're under stress, here's thesequence of what might be happening:

* Mind: Has the thought "I can't do this."
* Body: Automatically reaches for a Coke with the right hand and takes a drink.
* Spirit: Checks out and leaves body.
* Result: Feelings of anger, depression, irritability

Mind's thought automatically causes the body to grab theCoke with the right hand and causes Spirit to leave. Everytime you are under stress the same sequence "fires together"over and over again - and Spirit, the part of you thatguides you through life toward your birth vision, isconstantly absent. Since Mind is like a computer, it can'tchange its program. Only Spirit can do that. You end up witha broken record, with mind repeating "I can't do this" andbody drinking lots of Coke. It's becomes a cycle that isalmost impossible to snap out of unless you bring Spiritback into the equation.

So how do you rewire this strange sequence so you cantransform your emotional responses? Just change one smallpart of the wiring. In the example above, you might noticewhen body reaches for the Coke with the right hand. Stop.Switch hands. Reach for the Coke with your left hand. Thisautomatically causes Spirit to stay in body and be present -it forces you, Spirit, to be present. Only Spirit can makethose kinds of changes. And when Spirit is present, you areable to handle the stressful situation differently.

In fact, just bringing Spirit into a stressful situationchanges things - automatically. This is the alchemy at work.Suddenly, even if just for a moment, you feel lighter, lessburdened, and even happy. Now if you pause in that momentand notice the difference, the change will become morepermanent. You, all three parts, will develop a memory aboutthis new feeling and a new set of wiring will be created.Now when you find yourself in a stressful situation, you'llhave a choice. You can do the same old response of feelingdepressed or angry (right hand reaching for the Coke) or youcan change the game plan and reach for the Coke with theleft hand.

Emotional alchemy doesn't mean you'll choose the happierpath every time. It just gives you a choice. So if you wantto expand the number of choices you have in your life, lookat the situations where you get in trouble and figure outwhat's wiring and firing together. Then unwire and rewirejust one piece of that equation and you'll have a newchoice. Imagine what would happen if you did this in everyarea of your life. Hmmm . enjoy!

*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*More Ways to Rewire

For more magical and alchemical guidance, join us in sunnyCancun, Mexico. We're hosting our brand new PsychicDevelopment workshop in Cancun on November 18 and togetherwe're going to rewire a lot more than stress in our lives.Learn how to dowse, read people, read the Universe, andmore. Details and a special time-limited offer at:


Stephanie Yeh is co-founder of the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic (http://www.shamanschool.com). Through this online school she helps clients use magical and shamanic techniques to manifest their desires. Stephanie has created several online and video classes in conjunction with the telecourse format the school utilizes in her attempt to make this valuable information accessible to as many people as possible. Her current project, a free teleconference series on a variety of magickal and shamanic topics with guest speakers, is designed to share information and promote interaction between people of varying spiritual practices.

Through her site, Prosperity Abounds (http://www.prosperity-abounds.com), she helps others learn to create abundant health and wealth with spiritual and practical resources.

More Resources

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