The Wealth-Receiving Mindset

Here is an exercise for you that will develop what I call the wealth-receiving mindset:

I want you to think about the time in your life when you had the most money you have ever had.

I don't care if the most money you've ever had was ten bucks, I want you to think about it right now.

Maybe the most money you've ever had in your life was a thousand dollars.

Maybe it was ten thousand dollars.

Whatever it was, I want you to think back at that time when you possessed that amount of money.

Are you thinking about it and picturing it?

Okay, now, I want you to take it a step further.

I want you to think about how you FELT having that money.

This is very important.

Remember exactly how it felt to have that money in your possession or in the bank.

Now, imagine that you had that money right now.

How does it feel?

Does it make you feel happy?

Does it make you feel good?

Does it make you feel relaxed?

Does it make you feel carefree?

Does it make you feel more generous?

Does it make you feel more clear-minded and focused?

Does it make you feel stronger?

Does it make you feel more powerful?

Feel those feelings right now.

Feel them strongly just as if you had the most money you've ever had right now.

Those feelings are the key to receiving your wealth.

I'll say it again..

Those feelings are the key to receiving your wealth.

Perhaps you never knew this secret.

You most likely thought you had to get the money first and then you would feel this way.

But, the truth is, you can feel this way ANYTIME you want to.

You see, you must FEEL yourself HAVING the money you need and the money you desire.

You must FEEL the money coming to you.

You must FEEL it as real as you know your paycheck is coming to you if you have a job right now.

This is what faith is.

It is believing something so strongly you can FEEL IT!

You can TASTE IT!

You can TOUCH IT!

You can HEAR IT!

Don't you realize this is why God gave you your imagination! So you can apply this principle in your life and receive EVERYTHING God wants you to have.

Here is a Bible scripture for you to prove this:

"Which of you being evil if your child should ask you for a fish give him a serpent or a loaf of bread and give him a rock? If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him?"

Now, I want you to do one more thing:

Okay, a moment ago I asked you to remember how you felt when you possessed the most amount of money you've ever had in your life.

Now, I want you to increase that.

In other words, if the most money you've ever had was $1,000, I want you to imagine you have $2,000.

Feel it.

See it.

Touch it.

I want you to continue to increase the amount of money you possess until you can no longer believe it is possible.

Whatever amount you have actually possessed I want you to increase the amount to the point of just barely believing it can happen.

In other words, I'm asking you to stretch your faith.

Your faith can be stretched and exercised exactly like your physical body can be!

I want you to truly believe it is possible and I want you to FEEL it.

I want you to hold onto that feeling for as long as you can.

And when you lose the feeling, go back and do this exercise again.

Do this exercise again and again again until you possess in the real world the wealth you are seeking!

Remember, that is the true key!

Congratulations on your soon coming success!

Rick Katz has been marketing products and services online since 1997. Rick's Internet marketing philosophy can be summed up with the following three concepts: Be creative. Be daring. Be willing to fail your way to success.

Visit his website:

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