Faith Creates Ideas That Create Wealth

For years it seems as though the secrets to obtaining wealth were only for a selected few. Yet the truth of the matter is that these "few" have chosen to apply the principles of prosperity (at least most of the principles) in order to obtain their status, while many chose to ignore them.

Most of us will never reach the full potential of our prosperity because of many reasons. However, at the center of those reasons, is one subject - FAITH, or rather the lack of. To reach the point of our subject matter, we must first define our key words in order to reach our desired goal of being truly wealthy.

But first let me ask you, what is WEALTH to you?

To most people it is reaching a place of being rich. But this does not define WEALTH in itself because it is much more than just being rich or well to do according to material value. It is a combination of exercising our freedom with the security of having ALL of our needs met AND an inter-dependent independent sufficiency, thus giving us self-value and sound direction, or what is commonly known as purpose.

Now to get a full understanding of obtaining wealth, we must first realize WHAT it is that we are free to do. We are free to believe in what is not yet seen, free to pursue a beneficial and worthwhile cause or goal, and free to live what we have not yet lived.

Secondly, we need to realize the importance of working together. The "inter-dependent" part of the equation refers to a kingdom setting in which everyone works together for the common good and survival of the whole nation. "Independent" on the other hand, refers to our individual gifts and abilities that we bring to the kingdom in order to enhance its operations and efficiency.

Thus we are free to pursue our God-given desires, secure in the fact that we will continue to survive while we strive and that we're in an environment in which everyone works together so that no one is without. These are the true Kingdom values.

Let us now define the key words, FAITH, IDEA, and CREATE.

FAITH is a mixture of anticipation with assurance. It is something that cannot be seen with the naked eye. If we could imagine how we were as a child, we would see that we were anxious about our soon coming birthday. The closer it got, the more excited we became. As a matter of fact, maybe we even had a good idea of what we were going to get, none-the-less we knew we were getting something.

FAITH operates the same way. We believe we're going to receive something (incidentally, that believing is in reality a "knowing") and at its appointed time, if we continue to believe (without doubt as it is the total opposite) and working towards it, it will come. Once it is materialized it is no longer faith, but a result of that faith. So now it becomes clear that the unseen belief is now a seen or materialized evidence of our belief. In other words, that which I believed has come true. I believed I was going to get it and I finally have it!

Have you ever had a GREAT IDEA?

One you just knew would work if it were given the opportunity? An IDEA is simply a thought and runs parallel with faith IF we decide to act on it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of entrepreneurial minds that fail to "ACT" or follow through on their IDEAS, thus their leading a life of just settling for working a job, rather than working for themselves and creating jobs like they are purposed to do. Procrastination and fear are two major means of destruction that kill our desire to pursue and act on an IDEA. Instead of moving on it immediately, we wait until it is no longer a GREAT IDEA to us any longer.

Finally we come to the word CREATE. To CREATE really means to make something from nothing. The invention of a new way of accomplishing or doing things might also be construed as a way of explaining the word "CREATE" as well. Today we use the term quite often and loosely, but in reality what we really mean to say is that we "MADE" something. CREATED and MAKING then, as far as the human capacity is concerned, is still making something from something that was already created. The process of creation begins in the mind.

So you ask, what does this have to do with wealth?

If we were to possess the FAITH that we could find a way to obtain WEALTH, then that FAITH would in turn give us an IDEA. Not just any idea, but one that is able to accomplish its purpose. Our next step would then be to take that idea, once again applying this same faith, that that idea WILL WORK in our favor (it CANNOT fail).

Then that faith would motivate us to bring to life or CREATE a plan of action, that will provide us with the necessary vehicle of bringing together the needed supplies, that will propel us towards the WEALTH that is rightfully ours.

The only thing left after materializing THAT belief, is to believe in bigger dreams and a larger purpose for our lives. When we reach this point, we'll want to continue to apply the principles of obtaining over and over again so that we can help our neighbors.

The final rule in applying the principles of prosperity (again, even the select few have chosen to leave this part out of the equation) is helping our neighbors, which in turn brings us true wealth and prosperity.

Now that you have the solution, what's the problem? The Wealth, Security and Kingdom Group (a.k.a. WSK Group) is aspiring to reach and bring together entrepreneurial minds for the benefit of all. They can be visited at

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