Pheromones Myth or Fact. Do Pheromones Work?

I did a quick search on the Internet for pheromones.

Pheromones are chemicals released by an organism into its environment enabling it to communicate with other in its own species. There are many different types I soon learned.

Insect Pheromones

Alarm Pheromone.

When an ant is disturbed, it releases a pheromone that can be detected by other ants several inches away. They are attracted by low concentrations of the pheromone and begin to move toward the region of increasing concentration. As they get nearer to their disturbed ant releasing an alarm pheromone, their response changes to one of emergency and alarm. They run about to try to break up the disturbance that caused the alarm. Unless additional amounts of the alarm pheromone are released, it soon wears off. This ensures that once the emergency is over, the ants return to going about their business. Honey bees also have an alarm pheromone which is why if you get stung near a hive you can expect more bee stings really soon if you are not careful.

Leaving a Trail Pheromone

A trail pheromone is left by hands as they move about once they have found food. This trail attracts and tells other ants where to go to find the food. It is continually renewed as long as the food holds out. When the supply begins to dwindle, The trail Pheromone ceases to exist. The trail pheromone evaporates quickly so other ants stop coming to the site and are not confused by old trails when food is found elsewhere.

Sex Pheromones

Hundreds of pheromones are known with which one sex (usually the female) of an insect species attracts its mates. Many of these sex attractants - or their close chemical relatives - are available commercially. They have proved useful weapons against insect pests as they can be used to attract insects to a trap, and to confuse males so that they won't reproduce. There are spiders that produce a moth sex pheromone to help catch their prey. A lot of animals such as dogs will mark their territory by peeing. It is said that the scent of pheromones is one of the territory markers.

Pheromones for humans.

There are Claims such as Gain MASSIVE Sexual Chemistry on Demand!

Instantly Arouse, Attract, Excite, Intrigue and Seduce Gorgeous Women Whenever You Want, Wherever You Want, As Often As You Want ... Any Time YOU Are In the Mood.

If YOU would like to ?

? Become a lot more sexually attractive.

? Meet more beautiful women, MUCH more easily.

? Grab the attention and get approached by women far more often.

? Make a fantastic, memorable, compelling impression , every time.

? Increase your self-confidence and masculinity BIG-time? then this may be the most important news you will read all year.

And other claims that are just as outrageous all over the internet. Human beings do not produce large quantities of natural pheromones. It has been noted that women who live together for awhile tend to sync their cycles. It has been written this is to a primer pheromone that women release.

If you're looking for the man or woman of your dreams, unsuspecting pheromones in your body scent are most likely playing a large and very clever role in mate attraction. According to an article in "Psychology Today," how our body odors are perceived as pleasant and sexy to another person is a highly selective process. We usually smell best to a person whose genetically based immunity to disease differs most from our own. This could benefit you in the long run, making for stronger, healthier children. I watched a show on The Discovery Channel once about sexuality. They did a contest with a male and 5 females who so had very different types of immune systems. The females with similar immune systems to the male were more offensive in odor than the females with very different immune systems. I would imagine this is due to the different in pheromones. The pheromones though are naturally produced by our human bodies. There has been no research to pheromones produced in a lab.

Dating and Pheromones

What if we were to pretend women were a little bit attracted to pheromones produced in a lab. If you go into a club after bathing in these pheromones how is a woman going to be attracted to you ? You are emitting a scent that (supposedly) is turning any girl who smells it on. Well, what about the couple that is dancing next to you? In theory, that girl is getting turned on but who's to say she is getting turned on to you? She's getting turned on to the loser she is dancing with (Which this loser didn't pay anything for pheromones)

So, assuming that they do work they would only benefit you in one-on-one situations.

The fact is that no research mentions synthetic pheromones. The companies selling products are synthetic pheromones. Do these work? Who knows there are much more reliable ways to gain attraction that a scent. I want somebody to be attracted to me for me. Not some pheromone I'm wearing. How is she going to feel when I'm not wearing it. Also what is the effect of a women being exposed to the same pheromone all the time. Wouldn't it trigger her to get used to that scent and therefore no longer react to it?.

My suggestion is to look for other ways to attract somebody that can produce consistent results without relying on some product.

Robert Torrey is one of the instructors for Fidentia. Fidentia is latin for confidence. Fidentia teaches men to be confident with women. They do with different products and a few newsletter. Their best product is a live workshop conducted in various nightclubs teaching men to pick up women.

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