How To Step Into The Flow Of Abundance

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. ~ Luke 6:38

All of us have needs and wants. The funny thing is that they arise no matter how hard you try to be self-sufficient. Life has a way of throwing you a curve ball when you least expect it.

While you may ask, you may not always receive-even if you really need it and the other person has the power to give it to you without much personal loss.

However, there are two simple ways to receive what you want in life when you need it.

One way is to ask within, "ask and ye shall receive." What you want will simply show up in your life.

The other way is to give freely and generously when you can.

Once you become a giver than your receiving is on autopilot. When you need something, it will show up in your life.

Here is an amusing anecdote. A friend of mine once gave shelter to a stray cat. Years later, he had room-mate problems and needed to find a place to stay. A friend gave him shelter in her home until he could sort out his affairs.

When you give, you set in motion the process of receiving. And when you give with love, simply because your heart is open, the receiving comes back multiplied, pressed over, and overflowing.

As another friend once said to me, "You can't out give the universe."

Sometimes, it may seem that neither of these ways of receiving work.

When this happens, the solution is to go within and remove the resistance. Simply sit down and ask, "Wherein am I resisting abundance?"

Hold the question in consciousness and an answer will appear. At some point, you chose the belief that you are not open to receiving. Once the thought emerges, make a new decision. "I now choose to receive. I am open to receiving."

Once you have cleared the subconscious block, you have also cleared the way for your abundance to come to you.

The universe is always giving. It is, in fact, an abundant universe.

If you are not receiving, it is either because you are not aware of the two cosmic laws I have outlined or because you have a subconscious error that needs to be corrected.

In summary, then: Ask within and be open to receiving. Give generously and be open to receiving. And, if you're not receiving, go within and remove those limiting thoughts that cause you to be living in lack.

The flow of life is based on giving and receiving, step into the flow by keeping your consciousness open to both ends.

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Saleem Rana got his Masters degree in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass thisarticle on to your friends, or use it in your ezine ornewsletter. It's a shareware article.

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