Mental, Emotional and Physical Prosperity

To create true, lasting prosperity, almost any guru can tell you that you must align your physical, mental and emotional states and actions. This all sounds very logical, but when it comes right down to it, most of us are not quite certain how to proceed. We know we mentally worry about money and all the other "nitty-gritty" of life, but we don't know how to stop worrying. We know that we are not emotionally well-equipped to handle the financial ups and downs of life, but we don't have a clue how to change the situation. Mostly, we just know how to work harder and faster.

In attempt to become more prosperous, most of us have taken on more jobs or worked longer hours. But is that the best way to go about things? The results we've gotten would indicate that the answer is "no." So how can we achieve and attain lasting prosperity? We must evolve in every area of life - mental, emotional and physical. Here are three steps to get you started:

  • MENTAL: Write down what you want. Most of us are so busy looking at what we don't want - extra bills, car repairs, unanticipated fees - that we don't even remember what we want. Take a little time for yourself and figure out what you want, and then write it down. If you don't write it down, it doesn't count. Writing your desires on paper commits them to the physical world and makes them more real. Post your desires where you can see them - all the time!

  • EMOTIONAL: The way we feel about our lives has a huge impact on our prosperity. Getting our emotions in line with our desires can be the key difference between total success and utter failure. Practice feeling good. Practice maximizing your moments of feeling good. Practice remembering good times to bring forth good feelings. Emotions, like everything else, take practice. One spiritual teacher tells us that 17 seconds of feeling good is equivalent to 2,000 hours of physical effort! That's a powerful 17 seconds!

  • PHYSICAL: Rather than working harder, think about how you can leverage the resources that are already in your environment to create prosperity. For instance, if you have a product or service to sell, rather than going to the trouble of putting up your own website and investing a lot of money in overhead, you might see if you can go into partnership with people who already have websites. Archimedes once said, "Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I will move the earth." If you don't want to wear yourself out, focus on leverage.

    Remember that true and lasting prosperity is about alignment on your mental, emotional and physical states. Attend to all three and prosperity will be yours. Most of all, though, have fun with the process. If you have no peace and no joy, you will have no prosperity!

    About The Author

    Stephanie Yeh is deeply committed to the study and experience of prosperity and to helping other people achieve and experience prosperity. With the help of a strong 15-year network marketing business, Stephanie and her partner have helped many people achieve their prosperity goals. Her current project, the Journeyman Wealth Program, is aimed at helping 15 people a year fully achieve their dreams. Stephanie's Prosperity Abounds website works on the basic principle that "You are the creator of your own reality!". Get more details on her website at

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