Taking Charge of Your Inner Movie

I first heard about this when I read The New Psycho-cybernetics by Dr Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy. I enjoyed it because it expanded on the importance of Intrapersonal Communication.

This is about communication with your self and about taking charge of your life instead of just letting life happen to you.

Many goal and attraction courses talk about being clear about what you want. Yet many of them don't go into how to get clear with yourself about what your desires are. A great exercise in being clear and attracting your desires comes from using the theater of your mind.

At a time you are unlikely to be interrupted, just sit back, close your eyes and start to picture what you desire.Let's say it is a house by a lake. See yourself driving up to the house. What does the entrance look like, how big is the yard, how many trees are around, what does the lake look like? How do you feel when you see this and know that it is all yours?Then see yourself getting out of your car and walking up to the front door.

Watch your hand unlock the door and turn the doorknob. What is the first sight you see? Hear your footsteps. Are you on carpet or a hardwood floor? Go through each room with clarity and using all of your senses. For example, if you are in the kitchen, what do you smell, is it fresh fruit, or coffee? Maybe it is the scent of flowers carried in by the breeze. Reach out and touch the counters and cupboards. Taste some of the food or coffee. What do you hear? Look around. The more vivid and details the more you will attract this into your lives.

You see, when you take the time to see your goal actually happening in your mind, it helps you to clarify what you do and don't want to happen. When something comes up that you don't like, you can rewind, start again or adjust any way you like and then proceed. This is a much easier then changing it in the outer world once it has manifested.

Visualization is another form of communication and it's in a way that your brain can relate to. For example, think about what you did on the weekend. Then notice how you thought about it. Was it in words or did you see pictures in your mind. This is how the brain stores information, in pictures and in a holographic manner. (but that is another story).

We are recording and storing images all the time and the storage in your mind cannot distinguish from what is real, made up or remembered. Now this might seem like a flaw and explains why some people seem to have faulty memories and why different people remember the events differently.

However, there is one great and wonderful feature associated with this. Your brain attracts to you, that which it knows, understanding, has a feeling of familiarity with and decides is on your important list. Therefore, if you can visualize in detail and with feeling, exactly how you desire your life to be, you are much more likely to attract it. Your mind sees it as something that you belong to with and or around.

We visualize all the time, but are we playing yesterdays horrors or tomorrows desires. The choice is yours.

Another thing that can help you is to have gratitude with the visualizations. Once you have pictured clearly what you want, show gratitude for already having received it. This can be hard for some people and yet it is what successful and spiritual people have discovered. Showing gratitude before you have received it, increases the likelihood of it becoming a reality.

So what are you waiting for? Do what the successful people do and start visualizing your future today.

All the Best!
Maria Boomhower
The Master Communicator

To sign up for a free report on "The 7 Secrets to Communication Mastery"
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P.S. If you like what you're reading, you'll love the book,
"Perceptions, How to discover what you are really seeing and how it affects your belief system."

It's an interactive manual that takes you through the steps to help you overcome
challenges in communicating and connecting with others.
Perceptions-Understanding What you are Really Seeing.

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More Attraction Information:

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