Manifesting Your Abundance

I believe in myself, therefore, I have all that my heart desires.

Rejection and failure are simply perceptions. Our limiting perceptions keep us from creating what we desire in life. When you believe in yourself, you know who you are, what you want, and where you are going. You are open to the possibilities and ways of getting that which you desire. When you believe in yourself, it is impossible to attract experiences of failure. Although we are taught to prepare for rejection and failure, you can prepare yourself to never have to experience or perceive life that way again. The concept of failure is a limiting perception that reinforces negativity: life is too hard, you are unworthy and nothing positive is going to happen for you. No one can reject a person who is complete and perfect because when that person (you) feels complete and perfect everybody wins, succeeds, and benefits from that energy.

Although visualizing, affirming and taking action are essential factors in manifesting your desires and abundance, creating your desires begins at the very core of your being. You must identify and heal the root causes and sources of your pain and negative perceptions so that your perceptions of yourself, life, success and God are aligned with the natural laws and rhythm of the Universe. This is the first and most important step to manifesting your abundance.

Going to the very core of your issues can be a challenging and scary thing. You may feel fear and reluctance revisiting the past. However, the past has already happened, and it can't happen again. We keep it alive with our obsessive thoughts. When we experience something negative or positive that has a high emotional charge, neural-pathways that record and store that information are created in the brain. The experience becomes a cell memory. When someone or some event triggers that cell memory, we are literally tapping into the neural pathways in the brain and feel like we have just relived the trauma. However, this is just an illusion because the trauma has already happened and is in the past.

You may be wondering 'What in the world does this have to do with manifesting my abundance?' It has everything thing to do with it. Abundance is not just having a lot of money. Money is actually a result of abundance. Abundance comes from the inside. Abundance comes in positive and negative forms. We choose what we focus on. If you complain all the time and think negative thoughts then you will surely experience an abundance of negativity. If you give thanks for what you have and focus on the positive regardless of the appearance of the situation, you will then receive an abundance of positive experiences that will lead you on a gentler and happier path.

So the way you were raised has everything to do with where you are right now. Most of your choices based on your past and your perceptions have everything to do with where you are going.

What we experience around us is merely a reflection of what is going on inside of us. What thoughts do you think? What do you believe about money? What do you believe about life? What do you believe about love? What do you believe about yourself? Your thoughts reveal the deeper meaning of what is going on in your life. Your thoughts are what limit you. Nothing else and no one else can limit you. You are the one in charge of your life. You are the only one who can take action. You are the only one who can think for you. You are the only one who can create what you want. Desiring something is great but there must be action in order to create it. You are the only one who can do it. There are no short cuts but there are ways to create a graceful and simple journey for you. You can always choose again. Always.

If you want something in your life, you must first truly desire it with every ounce of your being. If you don't feel it 100% you may not be ready. You must be ready to face yourself and be completely honest with yourself. Once you desire it then you must look at all the reasons you feel you can't or won't get it. This is your first clue as to what beliefs need to be healed so that you can create what you desire. When you discover this, you can get help from people who will support you and hold you accountable, and you are ready to heal it so that it doesn't happen again. As you go through this process, you will find clues, insight, and the "right" people along the way. This is God helping you. Accept it. The process is simple when you truly desire something, are ready to have it, and do what it takes to get it. That is why if you are not sure or are doing it for reasons other than self-fulfilment you won't put everything you have into it and you'll struggle to get what you want.

When you clear up the past, you clear your perceptions and the way you create your present and future circumstances. The choice is yours. Either you desire something or you don't. It is that simple. You must start on the inside first. When you can be the person you want to be, you can do and have whatever you desire. When you focus on having something first, it will never last because you are going against the laws of the Universe and creating struggle because you remain the same. You will continue to process and live life through the same perceptions creating the same patterns and circumstances.

Manifesting your abundance is a simple law just like everything else. We are the ones who have complicated the issue. We are also the ones in control of abundance in our lives. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Do whatever you must to clear up the past, get support, and watch how your life naturally begins to unfold.

Marilyn Rodriguez is a Master Level Rapid Eye Practitioner, Conscious Life Coach and an Ordained Minister. She has helped many clients overcome, release and heal their past and achieve their goals. She currently resides in Huntsville, AL. For a FREE conditional consult email Marilyn at or call her directly at 256-797-1500.

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