How to create a good flyer that bring good results

Author: elizzy Graphics

Creating a flyer is a common task for businesses, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. An advertising flyer's primary purpose is to advertise an event, idea, product, or service. A well designed and thought out flyer provides information that convinces the viewer to attend an event or buy a company's product or services.

Use a lot of images and big images, to tell the story of your product/company. By using your own photos your design would look even more customized. With the right and the best photos and images, you can be sure to make an eye appealing flyer that will convert in to sales and profits effortlessly.

Print them well.
Some business owners would resort to printing their flyer templates on their own in the hope that they will be able to save a lot of money. You have to remember that even though printing on your own will save you money, the printed materials are less likely to look professional.

Less is more!
Avoid losing key pieces of information in a cluttered, over-designed layout. When designing headings and bullets, limit yourself to one or two fonts—and don't be afraid to leave white space!

Different Sizes
While most people assume a flyer is a sheet of standard paper that measures 8.5 by 11 inches, the truth is flyers can come in all shapes and sizes. Full color flyers can be made into poster sizes, which work great for businesses attracting motorists as they drive by. You can also get unique shapes and designs of flyers, which can help your business stand out as unique and make your flyer memorable in the minds of the customers.

Target Your Audience. Your flyer should have a message that will show the benefit or the
result of using your product or service. A flyer should create a clear call to action. It should invite customers to place an order, attend an event or call for a consultation, etc.

Come up with a snappy headline. This is your first and only shot at capturing the reader's attention. Sum up your product in a few, but powerful, words.

Focus on the benefits of your product or service
Be sure to keep your text short and to the point. Some of the most powerful words to use are: free, save, love, new, results, and guarantee.

About the Author

I'm a young upcoming Graphic/Web designer, situated in the
Bellville area. I specialize in affordable business cards, flyers and basic

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