How to Use Magnetic Marketing to Massively Multiply the Results of Your Advertising

By: Carina MacInnes

It works without fail, every time. It can work with everything you are selling or promoting. It works on the principle of giving before receiving, and of offering more in value than you are getting in cash. Your prospect must perceive an increase for themselves in order to want to interact with you. Magnetic marketing is the technique that does this. Then this same technique is used to convert a prospect to a sale or business partner.

What is magnetic marketing? It is a process of attracting leads to you by offering them something of value first. Using ezine classified advertising and solo ads for an example, don't try to close the deal all at once by attempting to drive your prospect to your website. Instead, start by giving the targeted prospect an offer they can't refuse.

Using my own business ad copy as an example, here is an ad I ran before I had put the magnetic marketing technique together for this business that is an example of NON magnetic marketing:

Catch the Buzz - Discover Revolutionary Health and Wealth!
As seen on TV Superfood is now yours to use and make $$ with
Low cost! No personal sponsoring to make money! No minimum!
Weekly Pay, 100% Matching Bonus, 2x7 matrix, Incredible Team
Visit and learn more right now:

Admittedly, the ad copy is not my best, written off the cuff right when I had started with this new company. However this kind of advertising can and does work, don't get me wrong! The thing is, it is only a trickle of results compared to the massive results you can get by incorporating magnetic marketing into your business model.

The main problem with this and so many other ads is: they all really want the prospect to get excited and 'click here' without offering anything in return to really motivate them.

For about $50 my ad ran and is right now still running to about 6 million ezine subscribers - with an audience that is mostly small business and internet related. I got and am still getting that trickle of results.

Now how about transforming it into a magnetic marketing campaign?

Take that same $50 and micro-target your audience. Since my company pays quite well with retail sales I could find health-related ezines. Then you can either purchase classified ads or solos. Even with a small subscriber base of two or three thousand, you will get a lot of leads and sales. Your new magnetic marketing will now have ad copy reading something more like this:

Did you know Free Radicals Accelerate Aging and Cause Cancer?
Discover everything you NEED to know about the massive damage
they cause, & the most essential antioxidants needed to fight them.
Learn little known secrets of health, anti-aging and disease
prevention in this free e-course:

(If you like, you can subscribe, the email address and series are real).

What makes this ad now magnetic is that instead of trying to 'make the sale' of even driving your prospect to your website right away, your prospect now has the drive to contact you. In doing this, they become your lead.

They want to receive valuable information on a topic that interests them. They are plugged into your autoresponder and at the bottom of each valuable article in the series you send them, you drive them to your website. They now see you as a valuable provider of information and are more inclined to visit your website and do business with you.

Magnetic marketing works in any type of business or niche category. Give it a try. Put together some relevant content and make a valuable series for your prospects to subscribe to. Your business provides the solution to someone's problem. Create a series of informative articles, reports, or ebooks that provides in depth information on the problem and solution.

Create an ad that addresses that problem, and propels the prospect to obtain the vital information you will give them for free that is the solution to their problem. Apply this to your marketing campaigns - by offering something of value to your prospects your magnetic marketing will massively multiply your advertising responses, leads and sales.

Author Bio
Carina MacInnes is a writer and small business owner. She offers a customized model of magnetic marketing for her partners to copy. Her unique product has the most powerful natural Brazilian antioxidants and nutrients for anti-aging and revitalized health. For info on how to make money using and distributing this product, click here:

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