Adult Acne Treatment: How to Stop the Breakouts

Acne is generally thought to be a condition faced by teenagers, adolescents, and young adults. But what about those who experience acne well into adulthood? While acne treatment is most commonly sought during the younger years, it is not true that acne automatically stops for all people after a certain age. With hormones, genetics, stress, poor dietary habits, etc, acne breakouts continue into the 30s, 40s, 50s for many people. Since acne originates from a number of different factors, it can be troublesome to find an adult acne treatment that really works. At times it can feel frustrating, dismaying, and even depressing--it seems like the breakouts will never stop. Finding the right approach means starting with the leading cause of pimples.

What Causes Adult Acne?

While food has not been medically linked to acne, many speculate that pimples could spring up due to consumption of dairy, sugars, and carbohydrates. Stress and lack of sleep are also thought to be acne contributors, while hormonal fluctuations, vitamin A deficiency, and genetics are proven causes of acne.

And at the root of all these things, there is one common denominator--sebum production. This leading cause of breakouts is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. It can cause pores to become clogged all by itself, or it can draw in bacteria to fester and cause infection, which leads to the redness and inflammation associated with acne.

So whether it's a pregnancy, a hypersensitivity to androgens, the food you're eating, or the lack of vitamin A you're getting, all roads lead to an overabundance of sebum. Controlling this oily secretion is the first step in finding the right adult acne treatment.

Options for Adult Acne Treatment

Putting your best face forward is not just a notion of vanity. An attractive, well-put-together appearance affects the emotional, interpersonal, social, and professional life of every adult. A poll in Newsweek revealed that hiring managers have even admitted to employing slightly less qualified candidates because they were more attractive. And according to Dr. Jonette Keri, an MD-PhD dermatologist quoted on WebMD, "nearly 30% of women and 20% of men ages 20 to 60 (and beyond) are troubled by breakouts." This can put a serious damper on your confidence and your growth in the workplace, as well as other areas of your life.

Treating adult acne is not easy; especially since most of the acne products on the market are geared toward teenage breakouts. These products are designed to ward off the oily t-zone that many young people deal with. However, skin typically dries out and grows thinner as we age, even if sebum production is the culprit. Harsh products only make adult skin drier and potentially exacerbate the problem. This means that adults have to find a gentle, yet effective balance that reduces sebum, fights bacteria, and maintains skin hydration. Dr. Keri asserts that finding a successful treatment will likely require some trial and error.

Here are some recommended adult acne treatments:

• Cetaphil, a mild cleanser
• Products containing retinol, which clears pores and fights wrinkles simultaneously
• Salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide used as a spot treatment
• An antibiotic such as tetracycline (prescription only)
• Light therapy
Laser technology
• Woman can try oral contraceptives

About the Author

Author: Alanna Brown, content writer for FineTouch Dermatology

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