Are You Using The Right Moisturiser For Your Acne?
By Lousie Forrest
Regardless of your skin type you need to be ensuring that you are applying a moisturiser to your skin. And to the disbelief of many people this also applies if you have very oily skin. The human body produces natural oils that are designed to help protect the surface of the skin and to keep it supple. Now if the glands are just producing too much oil then a person will have very oily skin and this can be seen by the appearance of a shiny face.
One thing that you need to be aware of is that excess washing of the skin is actually a reason why people have oily skin. Every time you wash your skin you are removing the natural oils that the skin needs, and so the body then compensates by producing more oil. Washing the face should be done once in the morning and once prior to going to sleep. You should only wash more than this if your face is actually dirty, and this should not be confused with the skin actually being oily.
One of the concerns when it comes to having oily skin is that a person will develop acne. Whilst this is common it does not always happen, especially if the oily skin is kept under control and managed from the start.
But if acne does develop than you need to be taking immediate action in order to keep the acne to a level that is not going to make it become very severe. One thing that should not be believed is that you can only control acne with prescription based treatments. There is no truth in this as there are many alternative treatments that are available and these clearly do not need a prescription and they are less likely to cause any damage to the skin.
As well as the alternative treatments that are available for the treatment of acne & spots you can also treat your acne quite successfully at home, using many every day household ingredients. And by adopting this method you can actually be saving yourself a great deal of money on acne products. Whilst many of the products for acne are not that expensive, the amount can soon add up, should you be needing to be using certain products on a constant basis.
One technique that you can perform is to have a facial steam that will help to open your pores, and to apply any treatment to the lesions on your skin. This will help to kill off the bacteria more effectively as the pores are now open, but there could be a tingling sensation that you may experience.
Also when it comes to selecting acne products, do not use price as a guide or even brand name. Some of the best products that are not well known can be found on the Internet and these can be just as good if not better than many famous name products that are available for treating acne.
One of the cruel things about acne is that it can and does happen at any time. It is not reserved for teenagers only and can also affect adults too. But if kept under control and treated in the right manner, acne can be gone from your skin without too much trouble.
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