Best Acne Remedies: At home
Author: Geoffrey Moni
Several remedies for acne have been looked into, and variety is readily available in the public domain. Among the highly contested remedies within the best, we have benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl compound is a chemical cleanser that will clearly remove that acne from your face. The peroxide part of the compound helps in eliminating and killing bacteria. Always keep in mind that acne results from germs. So in an event where germs are removed from the equation, one is already free from dangers of acne. Benzoyl peroxide compound is a good treatment in acne. Apply it on the spots and let it do its work.
One will be happy with the outcome. Another best acne remedy to look into is a compound known as sodium dehydroacetate. Every one worries when it comes to that oily component in the name of sebum. During puberty when adulthood sets in for many teenagers, sebaceous glands are stirred ready to manufacture sebum. During this phase, oil is produced in excess and results into over accumulation in the skin. Availability of extra oil in your skin brings about a problem. Swellings will start popping up thus resulting in to acne. Skin irritations comes about when the oil in the skin reacts with free particles on the same skin thus causing discomforts in one's body.
At this point, sodium dehydroacetate comes in handy. Sodium acts on the sebum. It helps in reducing oils generated in the pores. Reduced number of oils in the skin results into minimal body reactions with moving objects. In the end, acne is countered from developing as its principal cause has been removed. In the end, one will escape from contracting acne. In addition to sodium, vitamin B rich compounds are also good for your acne as they also play the same role as sodium dehydroacetate. It also helps in reducing the number of sebum production.
In winding up, watch your diet. Settle on a good diet. Eat fresh foods, as opposed to processed foods. Remove unnecessary caffeine from your diet and instead take to green tea that will help your blood stream. Leave out those chips, chocolate and sugars. Sugar will increase your blood pressure thereby resulting into more outbreaks than one thought. Diet is particularly important. Apart from all the other remedies that have been mentioned when one fails to observe his or her diet, it is possible that those other remedies may not work as effective as they ought to because of the unwanted foods in the body.
Therefore, in short, look out on what one eats and again we repeat, mind your meals. See a consultant on this to help one further. We cannot over emphasize this remedy for one knows the consequences once you ignore instructions. While talking out your diet, do not forget to drink your water. Water is an extremely nice and among the best acne remedies. Drink several glasses of water within a day and one will help your body a superb deal. Help your body stay regulated and cleaned from impurities. That way, acne will stay at bay.
About the Author
I am a freelance writer, blogger and Internet marketer. I enjoy writing about health and natural alternative remedies in our health care system. I have interest in meditation,reflexology, reiki and their values for improved health, wellness and a more fulfilled life.