Entrepreneurialism Information

Be Careful Who You Listen To

There are certain times in your life that you will have the right tools, the right coach, and the right environment, but you don't know what to do.You still can't see how to proceed. You may be confused, fearful, or unaware of the next step.

How to Start a Business by Networking

Starting a business requires a lot of skills, resources, and information you don't have. But if you do it right, you can have access to the information.

The Shy Business Owner

Can you really own your own business if you're shy?

Why Distance Counseling Works

Isn't it true that when admission officers evaluate student applications they really don't know the student? Other than the interview that some colleges offer, acceptance decisions are based on a written document, the application.

The Ultimate Wealth Creation Strategy

There are a number of views on what exactly wealth is, but it usually is the ability to allocate resources to yourself and the ability to save time and resources of your choice. This can be a bit confusing so I would suggest that you just know that wealth is the concentration of resources, including time.

The Human Genome Project Is One Of The World's Great Scientific Achievements

Mapping the human genome had been a goal that modern bio-scientists yearned to conquer for decades. Human genome, basically a map of each humans cell make-up, if properly researched and documented, could provide the answer to myriad mysteries, including: why we age, genetic markers, causes and cures for diseases and many more questions previously thought unobtainable.

So, You Want To Make A Living Without A Job

We all dream of making a living without having to go to a job everyday, right? You know, not having to go to work everyday so you can spend more time with our family, fishing, or on the golf course. Whatever you spend your free time doing always seems more enjoyable and fulfilling than going to a job. Why the heck is that?

How-To Rework Your Wheel of Fortune

During the last several years working with solo professionals, I have found that about 95% of my clients are not charging enough.

So - You Want To Have Your Own Business

I have an idea of what you've been doing. I know, you may be thinking to yourself, 'who the heck does this idiot think he is you tell me what I've been doing?' Well, if you're reading an article titled ' So, You Want To Have Your Own Business' you must be contemplating the idea of starting your own business.

Entrepreneurs - Is It A Window Of Opportunity Or A Brick Wall?

You have had one of those Eureka moments and come up with a great business idea. You are sure that you have spotted an opportunity that no one else has. You've found that window of opportunity - or are you going to run up against a brick wall.

Build Your Business Around Your Strengths

Building a business is like constructing a house. You want to build your home on a solid foundation and then make it your own by personalizing it with your strengths, maybe interior design, painting or decorating, and outsource the areas that are your weaknesses, perhaps plumbing, roofing or electrical wiring.

The Dangers of Having A Something for Nothing Mindset

How many times has someone tried to get something from you for nothing or at a cost that strikes you like a blow to the gut?

The World's Future Prosperity Depends On The Creation And Evolution Of Digital Multipreneurs

What I am about to share with you is my personal vision of what I am convinced is a workable strategy that can be used to move (especially developing) societies across the world FASTER on the path towards sustainable socio-economic and political development.

Sound is a Sound Reason for Business Success! How to Get Rich in Any Business?

I know you do some relaxation exercise or reading some magazines in your drawing room leisurely. You hear a number of sounds that come from the street outside. Some are attractive while some distract attention! You like it or not, you need to hear all these noises.

Are You Ready for an Online Business?

One thing you have to say about the Internet: It's where creativity and ambition can truly turn anyone into a millionaire.

Got a Great Business Idea? You May Have More Resources than You Think

Do you have a great idea for a business but don't know where to start? You may be surrounded by help and not know it!

The Top Three Attributes of Successful People

Do you ever notice that there are those who seem to be good at just about everything that they do? Do you also notice that no matter how hard others seem to try they continually fall short? Do you know why that is? Let me give you three good reasons why some people prosper while others become shackled by frustration.

Can PO Funding Take Your Business To The Next Level?

If you ask the owner of a successful re-seller or importer company to identify their biggest challenge, their common answer will be: lack of working capital. Working capital is the lifeblood of all resellers and importers, enabling them to pay suppliers and allowing them to grow their businesses. Many times, their ability to grow is directly linked to their access to working capital.

Entrepreneur! Know Your REAL Friends - Accepting Help Indiscriminately Could Get You Exploited!

Lesson On The Use Of Deception In Business Strategy(From A Movie - And An Ancient Book)

More Resources

Is Running a Business for You?
Not everyone is cut out to run a business. Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.
Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Profitability
1) Go back to basics.Take a couple of steps back and address the fundamental facts or principles of your business.
An Entrepreneurs Challenge
Living in the twilight zone has its advantages. In the early days of starting my business, I found the limitations of living in a rural area to be restrictive.
Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Secret to Discovering Your Purpose in Life!©
Hello Creative Entrepreneurs!In the second course on Creativity & Entrepreneurship we begin with a guided meditation that I created entitled: Dream Keeper-Gift Giver©. You ask: what in the world does this mean? Well, it's a very profound secret I discovered about myself fifteen years ago.
Franchises - Emotional Fulfillment - The Challenge
Does A Franchise Meet Your Needs?Do you look forward to Friday afternoon or Monday morning? Perhaps that's the true litmus test of happiness. If you're thinking about the fact that there's only one day to go before the weekend, when you just got back from lunch on Wednesday, it may be time for a change.
Street Smarts Vs Book Smarts, What Does It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur
The latest series in "The Apprentice" features 2 distinct groupof candidates. One group, who are only high school graduates aretermed as "Street Smarts" by Donald Trump whereas, the othergroup are all college educated with some having MBAs and advanceddegrees.
Double Down on Marketing
If you want to compete in the world of high growth startups, you better know how to play the marketing game. Marketing has become a big stakes game where companies are betting fortunes on the success of their products.
Business Start Up Tips From Some Hearty Entrepreneurs
When's the last time someone asked you: "What's new?"If you're starting or growing a business, an e-business, or a web site, the answer is: "Everything!" - especially on the inside.Face it, launching a new enterprise - or taking it to the next level - can sometimes feel scary and overwhelming.
The Business and Life You Want to Build
In the early days of my first consulting business, I knew I needed some sort of plan to give me the greatest chance at success. I took many a wrong step, yet in the end I managed to put a solid business together.
Leadership Attributes for Business Success
Business success is essentially the result of successful leadership. Contrary to the popular myth, leaders are not just born.
The Danger Of Hate
As you have shown an interest in starting a business of your own it would be safe to assume that you want to changeyour life. You want more money - more control over yourlife - more respect.
The Six "F" Words Every Entrepreneur Should Know
Start your own business, and soon enough, you find yourself in a situation where there are many things you want to say, all of them unprintable.It happens to every entrepreneur - a moment of extreme challenge that causes you to wonder why you started the (expletive) business in the first place.
Goals and New Venture Creation
More and more corporate workers are leaving their jobs to start new ventures. When taking this leap, it is important that the goals of these entrepreneurs are solid, as these goals may ultimately determine the success of the new venture.
Solo Mojo for Solo Entrepreneurs --- Where's Your Juice?
I recently read a magazine article about Andrew, a 42-year old businessman. He gave up a demanding law practice in the Northeast, moved South to launch a new furniture and interior-design store, and wrote his first fiction novel in the midst of that transition.
How To Grow Your Micro-Business
If you want to grow your micro-business (defined as a business with fewer than five employees), you mightconsider some of the findings of a survey by Statistics Canada.1.
Three Cs - What Startups Need to Get a Business Loan, Part 1
You want to get a good, solid overview of what it takes to acquire that business loan you need, especially if you are a startup. The essential element of what the lenders out there require of you can be wrapped up in the acronym, C.
Dream It, Create It, Become It! Design a Dream Board
Have you ever heard of "Dream Boards" or "Treasure Maps"? A Dream Board is a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life. Some of my clients also use this concept to visualize their businesses! It's their first business plan.
The Term Sheet's Role in Raising Venture Capital
Entrepreneurs and companies who are seeking venture capital often negotiate with one or more venture capital firms on a number of important issues. These issues include the amount of capital to be raised, the investment terms, etc.
The Cockroach Test
Let me ask you a question? Imagine I would offer you $10 for eating 10 living cockroaches. Would you do it? Now listen, I raise the ante and offer you $100.
5 TIPS for Home-Based Business Entrepreneurs
Have you ever heard that only a small part (5%) of 'all' Home-Based Business entrepreneurs achieve success?Do an online research on your favorite Search Engineand you will understand what I mean.In this article I'm going to show you the KEY to Home-Based Business entrepreneurs success; you'll find out what makes an entrepreneur succesful in the home-based business field.

More Entrepreneurialism Information:

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The Entrepreneurs Dilemma
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3 Essential Elements of Operating a Successful Business
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Do You Want to Just Survive or Thrive? (Part 1)
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Learn how to Compress Time
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Identifying the Right Venture Capital Firm Partner
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Motivation and Commitment
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Your Company Needs A Mission Statement; Make It Count
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Entrepreneurship: Insight and Closer Look At The Entrepreneur
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Work On, Not In Your Business
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Before the Business Plan
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Mobile Car Washing Long Term Opportunities in the Market
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An Entrepreneur Is
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Great Tips Of Choosing An Office
You have decided to strike it out on your own and set up a business consultancy. Chances are you want to look at getting your own office premises.
Entrepreneurs: Benefits vs. Features-Know the Difference!
Entrepreneurs know their business. They know their product, their service.
Designing a Comprehensive Franchise Company Computer System
One of the most important management tools a franchised company needs is a great computer system. The system must integrate with all the franchised outlets and also be able to interface with the Corporate HQ computer system.
Which Niche To Conquer?
I'm sure that you've heard about how many start up companies fail when they first begin, and the reason that most (if not all) of their failures is because they don't create a good fountain to build on.If we start right, it is easy to go right all the time.