Are You Ready for an Online Business?

By Mike Fletcher

One thing you have to say about the Internet: It's where creativity and ambition can truly turn anyone into a millionaire.

You’ve no doubt heard the stories and maybe even seen some of the advertising e-mail and Web sites offering so-called wealth building systems. Certainly, a lot of the hard sell is just hype. But a surprisingly high percentage of those claims are true. For Online Internet marketers are continuing to rake in fortunes and there's always room for one more.

Maybe that could be you.

That said, if you are considering a change in careers and looking for information on how to start an Internet business, you need to know that despite what the hyper-excited online sales pitches say, there is no get-rich-quick system.

Let me phrase that differently: If you want to make it in Internet marketing, you are going to have to work as hard or harder at it than anything you've ever done before. And you are going to have to be patient. It takes months to even start a trickle of income, a year or more before you see your efforts really start to pay off.

Let me be really blunt here. You are going to have to work hard at this. There truly is no such thing as a free lunch.

No matter how good the system and how automatic the programming and software help, if you donpt put in the time and effort, you’re going to be disappointed.

Still want to get into Internet sales and marketing?


Here are three tips on how to start a successful Internet business:

1) Research, research, research. Learn all you can. Read all the sales pitches and look at all the tutorial videos that you will find through sites like and other Internet marketing resource sites. And read the forums, too, on those sites, where real users will give you an unvarnished dose of reality. You need a solid education on how Internet business is done, both from the technology end and the business and marketing ends.

2) Don't buy every offer that comes your way. And believe me, once your name is on the lists of those interested in Internet marketing, you'll be deluged with come-ons and touts almost daily. All are breathlessly written and filled with glorious testimonials. You'll soon see the pattern and recognize the key phrases. Most are seldom what they claim to be. Don't buy any software or any plan until you know exactly what's required of you, how many other people are using the same system and whether it fits your time and schedule.

3) Understand that this will require time. For moderate success, it's going to take two to three hours a day, five days a week, to start building traction. Besides the work of setting up sites, you will need to market them. people don't automatically flock to your site once it goes live.

Still interested? Good! Now, knowing a little bit of what's required, you have even a better chance of success.

See you online!

The author publishes the Website Your Info Connection for Internet Success (, a resource site for Internet marketers, online entrepreneurs and Web-based businesses

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