Entrepreneurialism Information

Entrepreneurs Ask: As a Novice Entrepreneur, How Can I Feel Less Overwhelmed?

Great question! Overwhelm is very common even among the most veteran entrepreneurs, so take solace in the fact that you are not alone. With the ever-increasing numbers of new entrepreneurial endeavors, and therefore new entrepreneurs, there are many who are experiencing the very same feelings as you.

The Danger Of Hate

As you have shown an interest in starting a business of your own it would be safe to assume that you want to changeyour life. You want more money - more control over yourlife - more respect.

Do You Have What It Takes?

I think it's fair to say that not everyone is cut out to be a successful business owner, now some of you maybe disputing this statement but hear me out.I'm not saying that if you put a person in the perfect business environment that they won't succeed but how often does the perfect business environment appear?Based on my own study and observations, as well as, the common themes that come through articles on my Minds Alike Blog Site (www.

Before the Business Plan

Purveyors of conventional wisdom would have you believe that the very first thing you ought to do when setting up a new business is to create a business plan.It doesn't matter whether you are selling odds and ends on eBay from your living room or something larger and more complex,Business plans are excellent and necessary.

How Good Is Your Big Idea

Q: I want to start my own business. I have tons of business ideas that all sound great to me, but my husband is not so sure.

Veteran Entrepreneurs Are Growing In Ranks

When I'm not running my own business, writing articles about business, speaking to groups and organizations about business, or consulting with companies who want my advice about the running of their business, I teach a weekly class on the subject of (care to guess?) starting and running a business.To quote my frequently-mentioned and wise-beyond-her-years teenage daughter, Chelsea, "Dad, you really need to get a life.

Opportunity Does Not Knock

Q: I'm graduating this year with a degree in business and would like to start my own business rather than get a corporate job. I have a few business ideas, but none of them really gets me excited.

Entrepreneurs Just Get Better With Age

Q: I'm thinking about starting a business after I retire next month. I'll be 65.

If It Was Easy Everybody Would Do It

Q: I started my business about a year ago and everything is going fine. We're growing and making a profit, but the stress of running the business is really starting to get to me.

Self-Esteem and the Entrepreneur

Isn't it funny how people think that being self-employed is so cool? They think that you get to take lots of vacation time and spend all of the profits. What they don't realize is that you put in outrageous amounts of blood, sweat, and tears to get there.

The Entrepreneurial Difference

Who would ever have imagined that going door-to-door in my neighborhood selling figs from a bright orange shopping cart would have been my entrepreneurial beginnings? I surely did not. But, now that I look back and also look around me at other business owners, I see clearly that so many of the traits common to entrepreneurs are present at a very early age.

Securing Second and Third-round Venture Capital Financing

Widget sales are booming - the competition is scrambling, demand is up, and the books are finally treading water. Your core management team has big ideas for the future of Widget Inc.

Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur?

Q: I am interested in starting my own business. I have a business degree and lots of experience in my chosen field, but I don't know if I have the necessary skills to really make it on my own.

Achievements Outweigh Education and Experience

Q: When it comes to succeeding in business, which do you think is more important: education or experience?-- Regina M.A: Regina, have you seen the television show, Fear Factor? If you haven't seen it you've probably heard about it.

What Qualities Do Franchisors Need?

When I got into business I wanted to build a company, which helped people and provide a product and service that people loved and were willing to pay for; one I would not have to sell or convince anyone of. Something that people truly wanted to extend and enhance their pursuit of happiness.

Expand Your Resourcefullness!

The success and failure for the entrepreneur is largely dictated by the ability to gain access to resources, both personal as well as those of others.So the big question is then 'how does one become more resourceful?' Like many of the skills of the entrepreneur, resourcefulness requires constant cultivation.

Cut to the Quick - What is an Entrepreneur? The Inside Story

Enjoying the title of entrepreneur is a hollow feeling.If you have ever been out of work and joined a multi level marketing outfit, or joined the ranks of "commission only" sales reps you are considered to be an entrepreneur.

Corporate Espionage in Franchising

Franchising Trade Journals do not do well, because today with all the industry regulations only about 1800 active franchise actually exist in the US. Down sharply over the past five years.

Which Niche To Conquer?

I'm sure that you've heard about how many start up companies fail when they first begin, and the reason that most (if not all) of their failures is because they don't create a good fountain to build on.If we start right, it is easy to go right all the time.

An Entrepreneur and a Life To Be Remembered

I was reminded of my own mortality today. I guess you can say I had a near death experience, though the death I experienced was not my own.

More Resources

Franchise Business and Franchise Businesses
Franchise business is being part of a successfully proven business that has a name or trademark that is well known and profitable. Franchise businesses are strategically tried and marketable with options to expand by offering products and services that appeal to the consumer.
History of Enterprise Car Rentals
So few really understand the drives and motivations of entrepreneurs. Many write about them, some lecture and teach about what they are, how they operate and what they have achieved; yet so few really understand them.
Message to Prospective Franchisees for Franchisors
Many franchise companies fail to send the proper message to their prospective franchisees. This is partly due to the over regulation and intensity of litigation in the industry.
Lets Not Forget About The Little Guy
Every business has to start somewhere. What truly makes this country great is the freedom of enterprenuership that every one of its citizens have.
10 Tips for Would-be Entrepreneurs
Every evening as the sun sets beyond the mangroves that line the shore along the western bank of Lake Myakka, Florida, herds of wild deer and wild black pigs come down to the water's edge to drink and slake their thirst.I have seen them up close and it is a beautiful, peaceful and inspiring sight!Every evening as the sun sets beyond the mangroves that line the shore a horde of hungry alligators wait just below the surface and watch for their prey.
Can You Make Money Without Money?
When I ask why you don't start your own business, I always hear, "I don't have money to start a business."This is a common excuse people give for not starting their own business.
The Ideal Length of Your Business Plan
How long should a business plan be? A business plan needs to be whatever length is required to excite the investor, prove that management truly understands the market, and detail the execution strategy. From surveys of investor needs, Growthink has found that 15 to 25 pages of text is the optimum length in which to accomplish this.
Methods of Generating New Ideas for Entrepreneurs
Summary: Even with a wide variety of sources available, coming up with an idea as the basis for a new venture can still be a difficult problem. The entrepreneur can use several methods to help generate and test new ideas including focus groups, brainstorming and problem inventory analysis.
Create Your Entrepreneur Dream Team
I hear it all the time. "What should I do about .
Differentiation Strategies for Franchise Companies
With the growing number of franchise offerings recently it is difficult for the smallest franchise companies to compete. They generally do not have the advertising budgets to pick and choose which markets the franchise prospects will be calling from.
Focus is the Key to a Successful Startup
The definition of a startup means you have very few resources to employ and little time to get them to do something valuable. The clock is always ticking, and the money (if you even have any) is running out by the day.
Defining a R&D Framework for Entrepreneurship and Innovation on Information Product Generation
IntroductionKnowledge is the key resource that forms the institutional basis of the post-industrial economy and society. It should be empasized that it is institutions of higher education that give tangible expression to this argument by acting as catalysts for knowledge and research-driven economic growth as well as well-being enhancement.
Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Profitability
1) Go back to basics.Take a couple of steps back and address the fundamental facts or principles of your business.
Could a Non-Profit Structure Be Right for Your Business?
If you have a business idea, or an idea for a servicefor your community, there's one decision you must makeearly on: are you going to structure your project as afor-profit business, or as a non-profit corporation?Now, it may be that you already have a clear idea aboutthis. Some business ideas are clearly "for profit".
The Desire For Money, Do You Have Business Sense?
For those of us who grew up with parents who worked for businesses rather than owned them, the world of business can be quite a mystery. Even more so if we've dared to try to start one of our own.
Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles to Discovering Your Gifts
What are the unique gifts that differentiate you from other solo entrepreneurs? The path to discovering your gifts may take a lifetime, but you can use the exploration process to begin to use your gifts NOW! Unfortunately, for many different reasons people get sidetracked or never even get started taking the actions that would help them discover their uniqueness. Here are some suggested strategies to help move forward and stay on the path of discovering your gifts.
Vendor Relations
Communication is the key to vendor relations. In your small business, you will be in need of many products and services.
Work vs Play: Which is the Better Way to Make Big Money?
If you want to make big money, you have to play not to work."What do you mean by that?" You ask.
How Entrepreneurs Make Money Selling Global Brands On and Off-line
Did you know that thousands of companies from all over the world are looking for enthusiastic individuals to represent their products overseas? That person can be you. From Chinese toys to Brazilian bikinis people are making money reselling all kinds of products for a profit.
From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money Selling Info Products
The term "Infopreneur" is a relatively new industry buzz word that is making waves because it opens doors for entrepreneurs to generate new streams of income. Simply put, an infopreneur sells information.

More Entrepreneurialism Information:

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