Entrepreneurialism Information

The Business Owner's Spouse

So your self-employed, or at least doing something on the side of the 9-5 to make some extra cash. You find pride in your entrepreneurial ways. You are creating something from nothing. You feel good about it, and you should.

The Key Ingredient Most Start-ups Lack

No, it's certainly not enthusiasm. There's usually more than enough of that to go around. And it's certainly not a lack of ideas. Would-be business owners can pop those out faster than fireworks exploding on the 4th of July.

Middle Class Is Disappearing... So You Must Become Rich

Robert Kiyosaki and Donald J. Trump have written and released a new book, "Why We Want You To Be Rich: Two Men--One Message."

DISNEY DIFFERENCE: How One Man Rose Above Bankruptcy & Failure to Building a Multi-Billion $ Empire

Try to imagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, optimism and childlike fantasy. Walt Disney pioneered the fields of animation, and transformed the entertainment world. He did more to touch the hearts, minds, and emotions of millions of Americans than any other person in the past century.

How To Xplode Your Earnings

In your business to really create wealth, you need to work at something that you really have a passion for. You need to be an independant thinker and have the drive to thrive in the business world.

What's A Successful Entrepreneur

Do you dream of quitting your day job? Do you feel an urge to succeed in business with just a good idea and a lot of hard work?

How Clear Are Your Goals?

It was a foggy mid-October day as I made my way into the office to commence my work day. I was stuck in our normal morning commute and not able to see the buildings in Calgary's downtown core.

Entrepreneurs Pay Themselves What They are Worth

When you are the owner of your own business, one of the most difficult decisions you will make is how to pay yourself and how much to pay yourself. First, there is the issue of adequate cash.

Your Guide to Choosing the Best Folding Tables and Chairs

When you regularly utilize folding tables and chairs in a public setting - such as in a hotel banquet room, a school, a church, or a community center - they're likely to be subjected to extreme usage.

Turning Your Hobby into a Business - Want to Make It a Successful Business?

Ok you've got a hobby that is well received by your family and peers. You've spotted a "window of opportunity" or "hole in the market". How do you overcome all the obstacles and turn your hobbies and ideas into a successful business? Well here's a list of questions to ask yourself.

Starting a New Business - Your Business Framework - What Scaffolding Do You Need?

When starting a business of what ever kind, large or small, there is a always a require framework or scaffolding that you have to set up. Not only does this make your business much more effective, but it also saves you from a lot of embarrassing and costly problems. Here is your framework:

Entrepreneurs Know the Difference Between Marketing and Sales

Many people don't understand the difference between marketing and sales -- even worse many don't understand the relationship between the two. The Sales Department can't really succeed without a well-focused and well-executed marketing strategy.

Entrepreneurs Know there are Opportunities within Opportunities

Successful entrepreneurs know that once they have a business they have access to an unlimited number of additional opportunities. Every customer, every supplier, every employee -- everyone they meet is both a bird-dog to opportunities and an opportunity just waiting to be nurtured.

Entrepreneurs Know Fixed Costs Will Eat Them Alive

Fixed costs; those costs which are attributable to commitments for equipment, buildings, employment contracts, notes payable, and other items of this type require payment regardless of sales or profits, or the availability of cash to make the payments.

Why Your Clients Will Pay More

It's a fact. Clients will always pay you more than you realize. How do I know? Because price is not the be-all-and-end-all of why your clients hire you. It's usually third, even fourth on their list of important reasons why they'll choose your service over someone else's.

Do Business Owners Rely on Professionals Too Much? (DO They Have Any Choice?)

I just had a conversation with a very successful real estate developer who told me two stories about lawyers; they are both worth passing on. In the first he mentioned that he had just received a bill from an attorney for sending a letter to a tenant who had not paid their last month's rent.

What Money Means to a Successful College Dropout?

I remember way back around a year ago, about exactly a year ago, I was talking with my workers that pack envelopes. those times, I was making many checks per bi-month. There were checks that were SO high that was somewhat the peak of my business, that we worked every other day just packing envelopes about 6-7 hours a day.

Do "Competitors" BOTH Win When They Compete?

Well just last Monday, we had a guest speaker in my entrepreneurship class (only class I'm taking in Ateneo). Well he talked about some mumbo jumbo of his business at first, then at the end, we played this game.

Think WIN-WIN and Stay Positive!

Well last night yes I know I wasn't able to make my "daily" blog. I would say that I was somewhat in a bad mood emotionally with one of my friends. I wont talk much about the argument, nor will I reveal any names.

ABC Of Business Is It's Mirror Image!

Man is a silent listener of nature and his surroundings. He learns to live from his listening. He is taught by his predecessors in some aspects where he could not pay his personal attention. He gains knowledge from teachers and prescribed books initially.

More Resources

Focus is the Key to a Successful Startup
The definition of a startup means you have very few resources to employ and little time to get them to do something valuable. The clock is always ticking, and the money (if you even have any) is running out by the day.
How A Woman Became A Successful Bill Collector In A Mans Industry And How You Can Too!
I have worked in the credit industry for over 17 years now. When I first started out, I only knew a very few women in the industry.
Adding a Service After You Buy a Business
When you buy a business, you should have a plan. Why have you chosen that particular business? Why that particular time to buy a business? What can you bring to the business? Some of the most successful business stories are of people who buy a business with the intention of bringing their specialized set of skills to it, and using them to grow the business.
Securing Second and Third-round Venture Capital Financing
Widget sales are booming - the competition is scrambling, demand is up, and the books are finally treading water. Your core management team has big ideas for the future of Widget Inc.
CHINESE TAKE-OUT: Oriental Business Principles Demystified For Online Enterprises
"The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools."- ConfuciusChinese people are well-renowned for their industriousness and extraordinary minds for business.
Selecting a Venture
The basic rule is simple: "Find a market need and fill it!" The process of finding the need, and the method chosen to fill it are where the difficulties arise.Based on our opportunity scan, does the market need a product or service that is not currently being provided? Is there a needed product or service currently being provided in a less than satisfactory way? Is some particular market being underserved due to capacity shortages or location gaps? Can we serve any of these needs with some competitive advantage?Remember that a business idea is not a business opportunity until it is evaluated objectively and judged to be feasible.
Prescription for the Future and Technological Revolutions
The world sure has changed in the last two-decades hasn't it? When I started out in business, there were no cell phones, fax machines, computers, etc. And I am not that old, having just retired at age 40.
Differentiation Strategies for Franchise Companies
With the growing number of franchise offerings recently it is difficult for the smallest franchise companies to compete. They generally do not have the advertising budgets to pick and choose which markets the franchise prospects will be calling from.
History of Enterprise Car Rentals
So few really understand the drives and motivations of entrepreneurs. Many write about them, some lecture and teach about what they are, how they operate and what they have achieved; yet so few really understand them.
The Myth of Undercapitalization - Six Ways Entrepreneurs Achieve Success in Spite of Start-Up Money
This year more than 17 million people will become entrepreneurs, according to the National Association of Self Employed (NASE). By the end of the year, 8 million of them will return to the corporate world because their entrepreneurial effort did not succeed.
Find Out If You WILL Be Successful As a Franchisee?
Will I be successful as a franchisee?One of the soundest pieces of advice to take when considering becoming a franchisee is to 'Assess Yourself'. Assess whether you can accept direction.
Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles to Discovering Your Gifts
What are the unique gifts that differentiate you from other solo entrepreneurs? The path to discovering your gifts may take a lifetime, but you can use the exploration process to begin to use your gifts NOW! Unfortunately, for many different reasons people get sidetracked or never even get started taking the actions that would help them discover their uniqueness. Here are some suggested strategies to help move forward and stay on the path of discovering your gifts.
The Entrepreneurs Dilemma
In business, you plan to protect your inventory, your unique ideas and approach, and your money. It's easy to replenish inventory, come up with new ideas and make more money.
Financial Issues in Business Startup
A primary inhibitor of business start-up is that few people have the financial cushion to give up a job for the uncertain income of a start-up venture. In a recent survey, about 30% of new business founders identified inadequate funding as their biggest hurdle, and a similar amount said lenders were too conservative.
Six Steps to Guarantee Your Business Success
Many of us slave away for years for one uninspiring company after another and dream of the day when we can sack the boss and go it alone.If you're contemplating starting your own business then I'm here cheering you on from the sidelines because the best decision I ever made was to walk away from my well paid but oh so frustratingly boring job and start my own business from scratch.
Traits of The Successful Entrepreneur
Want to know why certain people succeed and others don't. Well successful people have certain traits? Do you have them? Business has changed a great deal over the years.
Does It Really Take Money To Make Money (Online or Offline)? A Reality-Check of 2 Case Studies
The short and simple answer to this question is NO!Now, before you start screaming that I am crazy, out of my mind, have lost my marbles and all the other things that generally get tossed around when someone has the nerve to state something like that, let me clear a few things up.It does not take a monetary investment to get your business off the ground (aside from the everyday items you already have around your house).
Competitive Edge
In his book, The Road Ahead, Bill Gates of Microsoft writes of "friction-free capitalism" made possible by developments in communications, chief among them the Internet and its World Wide Web. In this context, "friction" is everything that keeps markets from functioning as the "perfect competition" of economics textbooks.
Independent Auto Detail Shop VS Biz Op or Franchise
Owning a detail shop can be an exciting and rewarding business indeed. Many times an owner of an independent Detailing Shop will wish to add those items he/she believes their customers want.
Create Your Entrepreneur Dream Team
I hear it all the time. "What should I do about .

More Entrepreneurialism Information:

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The Magic of Float
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Ex-Yankee Pitcher Pitches Barter As Powerful Business Tool
Mission Viejo, CA - June 14, 2005 - Bob Meyer, a former major league pitcher in the 1960s who signed four-consecutive major league contracts with the New York Yankees, is now the most visible spokesman for the worldwide commercial barter industry.Meyer is the publisher of BarterNews, which he founded 25 years ago.
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The Dirty Dozen
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Determine Your Niche & Be Successful
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Why Most CEOs & Entrepreneurs Fail?
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Expand Your Resourcefullness!
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Can You Make Money Without Money?
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Double Down on Marketing
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From Employee to Entrepreneur: Taking the Plunge
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Used-Book Case Study
Dwight Payne and Gary Heap reside in Santa Barbara, CA, where they attend college and pursue their mutual hobby of science-fiction book collecting. They pooled their book collection of over 4,000 volumes, and sci-fi magazines going back over twenty-five years.
The Entrepreneurs Dilemma
In business, you plan to protect your inventory, your unique ideas and approach, and your money. It's easy to replenish inventory, come up with new ideas and make more money.
Starting Your Business: It All Boils Down To Making Money and Saving Money
Bootstrapping in the context of business start-ups refers to the use of creative financing approaches such as leveraging personal savings, credit-card debt, loans from friends and family, bartering, and other means to launch a business. Some business founders use bootstrapping because they have no other choice.
How To Find Hot Online Business Ideas
Would you like to find the key that unlocks thedoor to a gold-mine of online response, sales and results for your business?It seems obvious that you would be able to see what the experts do differently when locating market opportunities, finding out what people want and quickly turning that into an online business generatingtruckloads of cash. The reality is YOU CAN'T!While the secret is massive in it's impact, it is so subtle - so subtle that you are sure to miss it if you don't know what to look for.
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