So - You Want To Have Your Own Business

By Trevor Kugler

I have an idea of what you've been doing. I know, you may be thinking to yourself, 'who the heck does this idiot think he is you tell me what I've been doing?' Well, if you're reading an article titled ' So, You Want To Have Your Own Business' you must be contemplating the idea of starting your own business. That or you came up with what you think is the greatest idea since those rubber band things you place over your nose to help you breathe, and you want to take your idea to the masses and become wealthy. It's got to be something along these lines or you wouldn't be reading an article about your own business.

Well, having the idea and getting it to market are two entirely different things. Believe me, just establishing a business based on your wonderful ideas is only about five percent of the battle. The other ninety five percent is what most people don't like to talk about. You know the actual work that has to be done. And, in my opinion, that work is unlike most anything that you’ve ever done before.

Much of the work that needs to be done by a person starting their own business is mental rather than physical. This little tidbit of information can be quite a difficult concept for most people, seeing as how it's the opposite of everything that they've been taught. More than likely, you've been taught your entire life that if you 'work hard' you'll get rewarded. And this is true, but in the average persons life said work is physical, not necessarily mental. As soon as a person tries to make it with their own business, the work becomes more mental than physical. In order to make your own business work you must get out of your comfort zone. You're going to have to do things, such as making calls to prospects, when a little voice in your head will be saying to you, 'Oh, screw it, no one really wants what your selling anyway.' You're going to have to ignore that voice and make the calls anyway. And that my friend is completely mental.

So if you have the ability to get out of your own way and ignore that stupid voice that doesn't want you to succeed, you've got a shot. But don't think it's easy, because it's not especially when you're just starting out in the business world. Just remember, that little voice wants you to stay exactly the same as you've always been. But there is hope, because one of the rules of the universe is that you don't have to. Just like a plant, you can grow.

Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of and founder of Trevor has more than 15 years of business experience and currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country - Montana. - start actually making money online today! - products and information to save you time and help you catch more fish.

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