Muscle Building Information

Muscle and Fitness -- The First Key To Achieving Your Goals

Lets discuss what I term as Muscle and Fitness -- The First Key.In a previous article, I went through the 'Three Keys To Success' in any muscle and fitness regime that you use.

Maximum Muscle Development with Chaos Training

Chaos is the scientific study of orderly disorder. It offers a way of seeing order and pattern where formerly only the random, the erratic, and the unpredictable (viz.

Ace Abs Without Crunches, Cradles, Or Sit-ups!

I know what many of you are thinking reading the title of this article. I also thought the same once.

How to Gain Weight and Build More Muscle!

For many thin guys around the world, gaining weight without using illegal steroids has been a challenge. For thousands of lean young men, the dream is to gain weight, but no matter how much they eat they remain thin.

Before and After Photos in Fitness Magazines

Some supplement companies will go to any lengths to prove their products' effectiveness. But sometimes the evidence isn't quite what it's cracked up to be.

What Is Strength Training?

Traditional strength training consists of performing one to three (or more) sets of exercises on a specific, isolated muscle group. One rep, or repetition, equals one complete movement of the exercise from start to finish.

Are You Over Training in the Gym?

Every set was taken to positive failure, with three or more forced reps on top of that and if that wasn't enough I would throw in a few negative reps to top it off. This type of training would leave me totally exhausted and render me sore for days after every session.

Muscle and Fitness -- The Second Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Lets discuss Muscle and Fitness -- The Second Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals. But just before that, I'd like to remind you about what the previous article discussed.

Re-ignite Your Chest Training Progress

Effective Chest Training, Like Everything Else, Begins With The Proper MindsetAn attitude of always wanting more, never being satisfied, is a key element in becoming successful in whatever you do. There's always a higher level of development to achieve-if you're constantly searching for it.

Scientific Principles For Effective Muscle Gain

It's an unfortunate reality that throughout the years there has been a growth of strength training techniques that have no scientific proof to back them up. Have a look at the facts presented in this outline of muscle gain principles and make up your own mind.

Strength Training Strategies that Actually Work

Over the years there has been a surge of different strength training techniques that have come onto the market and just faded away. Here we discuss the training strategies to gain the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest time possible that have stood up to the test of time.

Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts: Part 5

Welcome to article number five in our 5-part series "Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts". In this article we are going to cover some basic, yet powerful training principles that are often overlooked and are responsible for nearly all bodybuilding injuries?If you missed any of the previous articles, you can view them using the links below.

Muscle And Fitness -- The Third and Final Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Before delving into Muscle And Fitness - The Second Key, the final and most important key to success in your muscle and fitness routine, I'd like to remind you about what the previous article discussed.In a previous article, you were given a number of steps to follow.

The Seven Pillars Of Success

VisionEnvisioning the end-result is enough to put the wheels in motion.Possessing a vision of what you wish to accomplish, and the way you would like to present yourself to the world of bodybuilding is one of the first steps required to ensure a high level of success.

Planting And Nurturing Your Contacts And Resources

The success level of your bodybuilding endeavors is highly determined by the contacts and resources that you posses and have access to, as well as these that you can offer to the world of bodybuilding.Success is achieved through desire dedication, effort, simplicity, and consistency.

More Resources

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