The Seven Pillars Of Success


Envisioning the end-result is enough to put the wheels in motion.

Possessing a vision of what you wish to accomplish, and the way you would like to present yourself to the world of bodybuilding is one of the first steps required to ensure a high level of success. By being aware of what it is you wish to achieve and the reasons along why this is important to you will enable you to posses a higher level of understanding, which will lead you to see the opportunities that exist to make your vision successful.

Chosen Empowering Personal Identity

You are whom you choose to be.

Attaining a high level of success is often reflected by the chosen personal identity that through that you choose to present yourself to the world of bodybuilding. It's wise to reasons that defining an identity, which is empowering will become your catalyst and allow you to achieve your desired level of success.

What You Can Offer To The World Of Bodybuilding

In order to receive, often one should be the first to take the step of giving.

In order to achieve your desired success in the world of bodybuilding, it's crucial to be aware of your unique knowledge, talents, and specialty that can serve others with great benefits. Identifying those elements will create a spiral of creation for new products and services that you will be able to contribute to the world of bodybuilding.

Being Your Best

No one ever regretted giving his best.

Making the decision to be the best at the specialty and dedicated vision that you choose to achieve can allow you to reach and have the ability to touch the lives of many with a positive impact.

If we literally did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. - Albert Einstein

Giving your best will also allow you to become aware of your true abilities, that in result will boost your confidence and abilities to rise to a higher level of success.


Faith and Action go hand in hand.

Faith is a crucial element in any type of success.Developing faith in your abilities is achieved through self-belief.Applying that belief with result-producing action enables a person to attain a confirmation that what he beliefs are indeed possible.

Having A Marketing Strategy

Each possesses unique knowledge that can cater to the needs of others.

Becoming aware of what you can offer the to the world of bodybuilding is the first step to becoming a member of the bodybuilding world and a contributor. Yet developing a marketing strategy is vital in order have a means through which you desire to offer your products and services.

Multiple Streams Of Income

Invest your eggs over few baskets. Should one fail, you can always rely on the others.

Facilitating the positive environment that promotes the growth of your goals requires an important resource, which is financial stability. It's important to realize at the very beginning that possessing several sources of income can ensure the ability to facilitate positive environment for the growth of your goals. Taking the time to create a multiple streams of income strategy will ensure a greater level of success in your bodybuilding endeavors.

Mike Vainshtein, a bodybuilder and motivational speaker shares his power mental and motivational strategies to allow you to achieve your goals and dreams, and lead the life that you desire.

Mike Vainshtein is currently offering personal one-on-one consultation to allow you to create your own marketing plan and earn from your passion for bodybuilding.

You can also contact Mike at

And visit his website

More Resources

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