Use This Quick Muscle Building Program for Fast Results

Quick muscle building is the goal of every underweight guy who hits the gym and embarks on a weight training program for the first time. After all, who wants to wait years for the results?

There are weight training routines designed specifically for muscle building that will have you gaining pounds of muscle mass in a short period of time.

I'm talking 5, 10, 15, even 20 pounds or more in the matter of weeks or a few short months.

And let me tell you, even 10 pounds of pure muscle will transform a physique from a before into an after.

Be forewarned: If you are interested in quick muscle building, it will take hard work, determination and discipline, but the rewards are well worth it. Still with me? Then let's go!

In order to build muscle mass fast, you need to focus on the big, basic movements like squats, deadlifts, rows, dips, etc. You must put a lot of hard work into these exercises and increase your training poundages or you just won't grow.

Now, this is common knowledge to a lot of people ,but it's also where they run into problems because they get the other important factors wrong when tackling a muscle building program with these exercises. They do too many sets and they don't workout with enough intensity.

So, you also have to shorten your workouts. No more two hour marathon programs that have you in the gym five days a week. Your body needs time to grow so the muscle building can take place. If you are training all the time, your body never has a chance to rest, recover, and build more muscle.

You can't neglect the role nutrition plays in building muscle mass. Far too many bodybuilders focus completely on their weight training programs and spend a lot of money on supplements. But they don't take care of their nutrition plan. They don't eat often enough, they don't eat the right things, they don't take in enough protein, and they don't eat nearly enough quality calories for building muscle muscle mass.

You can't go hungry. If you're not full, eat! If you are underweight and trying to add muscle mass quickly, you are going to need a lot more calories than what you are currently taking in. For this program, it's not just quality that counts, but quantity as well.

Use Protein Powders - There is no excuse to skimp in this area. You need plenty of protein. Nowadays, most protein powders taste great and many are pretty inexpensive when compared to food. Mix your protein powder in whole milk or even half and half. Why? Quick muscle building! Whole milk and half and half have fat. You need fat to build muscle. It raises your testosterone, among other things. And you also get concentrated calories. Remember, you need quantity as much as quality.

Get Plenty of Sleep Staying out late, partying, or just getting four to five hours a sleep a night isn't going to cut it. You have to make some sacrifices to build quality muscle mass.

Use an Effective Weight Training Program

Here's a program that, when used properly, will work! You'll weight train three days per week for quick muscle building.

Day 1

Squat - Use a weight you normally use for 10 - 12 reps. Do twenty reps. Next week, add at least 5 pounds to the bar.

Day 2


Day 3

Dips (if you don't have a place to do weighted dips, substitute the decline bench press, but do dips if you can). After a couple of warm up sets, do four sets to failure. On the last set, keep doing partial reps after you can't do another whole rep. If you can do 15 reps, add weight.

Day 4


Day 5

Deadlifts - Perform a couple of warm up sets and then do 4 heavy sets of 10, 8, 6, and 4 reps.

Day 6


Day 7


For quick muscle building, you need to add weight to your exercises as often as possible. When you're not working out, try to limit, if not eliminate for a short time, a lot of strenous activities, such as participation in athletics.

And don't forget to eat!

Give this quick muscle building program an honest try and you'll be pleased with the results.

Gregg Gillies

Gregg Gillies is the founder of His articles have appeared in Ironman Magazine and he is a regular contributor to Body Talk Magazine. He has written two books, available at his site. He has also written a free report, Fast Mass, available at Fast Mass!

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